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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I'm not a real beer fan, but I did find one that I liked very much. It's from a small brewery in Eureka, Ca, called Lost Coast Brewery. Their Raspberry Brown Ale is killer.
  2. You know, Patrick, once you get the design finalized, then you could customize patch designs with small logos for the different positions of the crew — a gunner would have..., a quartermaster would have..., a bombadier would have... added to the basic design.
  3. You know, it's kinda kewl how much stuff you learn on the Pub. I'd never heard of Dr. Steel. I found lots of fun things on the site that Red Jessi posted. Especially some of hats — there was one with mouskito (?) netting that you could customize into something really fun. Chain Shot and I are going to ck out the local surplus store next weekend, just to see what they have. It's a small one, but pretty crowded with stuff. I think Chain Shot is going to go for the "Great White Hunter" safari look, only steamed up. He commented last night "Hummm, I wonder where I could get an elephant gun?" Help! BTW, other than Star Struck, and Wild Wild West, any Steampunk movie recommendations? Ones you might get costume ideas from. We watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last night, and it had some good ideas. I liked Mina's Victorian Vampire outfit. You could Steam that up nicely (ideas start racing through my little brain. LOL)
  4. A major, raging case of cabin fever, coupled with a sever case of Light Deprivation Syndrome! Arrrrrrgh..........I wanna see some sun! (Hey, Jamie, would a little "hair of the dog" help? )
  5. Had snow until the day after Christmas...now we have pouring rain. Snow is gone, pastures are flooded, pond is overflowing into my garden... Key West is looking REALLY good right now! Actually, any place the sun is out sounds good to me. I haven't seen it since before Halloween.
  6. Belated birthday wishes, Bo. (Danged DSL went down for two days due to bad weather here). Hope your day was grand in every way.
  7. Welcome indeed, Rumba and Eris. I would have greeted you sooner, but my DSL has been down due to bad weather here in Oregon. There is coffee, tea, and hot buttered rum, to take off the chill, and good conversation to while away the time between projects. This is a friendly place to share ideas, web sites, sources, trials and tribulations, triumphs and anything else you feel like getting off your chest (jewel chest? LOL). And yes, pictures would be appreciated...from all of you! What's in the works for 2009?
  8. I watched in amazement as someone from the Relentless lowered a line, and pulled Spoons from the water. "Why didn't Jacky just let the rotter drown?" I muttered. Africa kept his dark gaze on the retreating galleon. "Da Spanish be leavin', Ma'am. What we do now?" Before I could answer, Tunny called out from above. "Ma'am, there's another ship, not the sloop, which is standing off, but another ship. She looks a bit derelict, but she's coming in for a look at us." I shifted the glass to the starboard horizon. "Who in bloody hell is that, and what do they want? God's teeth, this little deserted bit of ocean is getting as crowded as Port Royal harbor. The damned Governor will show up next and start taxing us." I called up to Tunny. "What flag are they flying?" There was a pause as he checked on the incoming ship. Then, "Spanish, Ma'am," he called down. "It's a Spanish ship." "Oh, that's just grand," I grumbled, then looked to see if Jacky or any of his crew had notice the new arrival.
  9. Nothing yet. Guess I'll get mine after Christmas.......
  10. "Goggles? I think I have a pair of goggles," says Chain Shot. Leaves to rummage around in one of his dresser drawers. Comes back and hands me a small brown, heavy cardboard box. "How about these? I think these are from WWI. I got them from a friend, who got them at a garage sale way back when." Inside their original box are a pair of folding aviator goggles, brown leather, light tin frames, and elastic head band. He hands them to me and says, "Try them on." I do, then he says, "You know, the reddish-brown leather goes nice with your red hair." I think I may keep him! I'll post pictures of the goggles after the holidays. They really are very kewl!
  11. Taking a deep breath and getting ready to dive into two days of major house cleaning. Family Christmas day brunch at my place this year, so time to shovel out the old homestead. That and wrap gifts.
  12. Snow, rain, snow, rain.... Yesterday I went into town. Came out of a store and thought I was halucinating.....the SUN was out! For about 15 min. Then back to gloom.....rain, snow, rain, snow...... I agree, Mary. My situation isn't quite as bad as yours, but between the wood burning stove, the heater in my car, and the heaters in the stores, my sinuses feel like I'm in the Sahara. I also have what they call "dry eye", which gets even worse in the winter. I'd be blind without eyedrops. Gah! Still five more months until summer.
  13. I agree that the idea of an invisible Captain is very kewl. All you'd ever hear is some disembodied voice over the intercom/wireless. My name on the Brass Goggles forum is Mal 'e Diction (the ghost in your machine) or Mal for short. So I'll probably keep that for my Airship bombadier name — "Oh look, isn't it kewl how those cute little houses down there erupt into a ball of flame! Bombs away!" I still don't have much garb — mainly just the top hat, and the fancy coat. I need to make something more military looking. Hummm, I see a winter project coming on — along with the pirate garb I still need to make. Yikes! Hey, Patrick, wouldn't it be funny to show up at Ojai and do PC pirates one day, and Airship pirates the next? Or maybe at Nor Cal? It would be a chance for some of the Columbia's Revenge crew to meet up.
  14. Just finished up a late lunch — a bowl of Cajun red beans and rice, with diced fresh tomato on top, accompanied by a glass of merlot. Yum!
  15. Saw this on a T-shirt yesterday: "Be naughty. Save Santa the trip." Just struck me as funny.
  16. A very Happy Birthday to you, suh. May the day be grand in every way.
  17. Okay, figured it was about time we had a place to post pictures, as our Steamy side comes out to play. Here is meself, in my kinda Christmas steamy outfit. I wore this all day yesterday, while Chain Shot and I were finally able to get into town and do some shopping, and have an early dinner (Chinese). The coat is a vintage 1940s I got about ten years ago, for $30. The hat decoration changes depending on my mood or the season.
  18. Victorian, ashram, bordello! I didn't know you'd seen my merlot-red bedroom, with the deep green curtains, and antique brass fixtures. Oh, yeah. Maybe not too ashram, but very Victorian bordello. LOL
  19. I've nay desire to be the captain. What I really want to be is the lady bombadier! Can I please, pretty please?
  20. I checked with Chain Shot, and he says he doesn't have anything like that in his bone box. But if you ever need horn, antler, or skull, let him know! LOL
  21. Here is an interesting site, with lots of info and supplies. Rings and Things Oh, and Blackbead, I have heard of other beaders using the "green" as a selling advantage, as well as the "recycling" or "renewed" angle. I had thought of using the recycled angle in my own work, and may still do so. I think all are a great idea, with relevance to the environment and getting away from the "use it and toss it" mentality.
  22. I've never seen it either. Might have been able to rent it this weekend, but the weather is so bad, I doubt we'll go into town. It's a 22 mi RT if we do, and the roads are really icy, and it's supposed to keep snowing.
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