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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. No offense, Silkie, really, and this applies to everyone posting here. This is a place for general petty annoyances, not for personal statements. I want to keep everything here light, fun and completely aboveboard. I hope you understand.
  2. I'm now back to an updated version of my original horse skull. Basically meaning, "Your worst nightmare just came true."
  3. Run him up the mast like a jolly roger... Put him in a pickle barrel till he's sober.... Toss him in the bilge with the rats and roaches....
  4. I think this would come under the category of reaction. And is reaction thought or emotion?
  5. I've kinda felt the same way. Firefly has the same vibe as Steampunk—cross genres/history. Mixing different cultures together. I mean Badger could be a Steampunk character, for sure. Actually, I was watching a few episodes last night, and noticed a one of the Mudders in Jaynesville had a headpiece with a single lens goggle type thing on it. But it might have been a lamp, like miners use underground. Couldn't tell. I just sooooo love Firefly. I wish they had made more episodes.
  6. http://www.dividedbytruth.org/BD/kilts.htm Just add that ter th' listA' stuff I'm going ter hell for I guess...... Interesting article, considering it was written by a guy name Robert Stewart...which is about as Scot as it gets. So, I assume he thinks Scotland's traditional native dress is an abomination? Weird........and a little bit.....sad. (Hope this doesn't discourage you from wearing your Steam Punk kilt, Patrick. I still want a chance to take you up on that offer to check for the super undies....or lack thereof! )
  7. Petty Annoyance.... People who hijack threads to talk about something I don't understand! That rates right up there with people who snap gum, or carry on loud conversations in the library.
  8. I just received Pew's book from Pyrateleather today. Who has my book?
  9. Yes, I am aware that you can't really not think about anything. That's why I always love it in movies where they are trying to hypnotize someone, and the first thing they say is "Empty your mind." Like that's actually possible. So, to throw another quandary into the mix, what does it mean when you dream you are dreaming? Ooo, which brings me to another petty annoyance. Don't you hate it when you get awakened right in the middle of a good dream?
  10. 1) That which does the thinking. 2) Try it. Which brings us to the question: what is thought? Are we talking about a force that manifests as change in the world, or constant chattering in one's head, or something else entirely? Which is to say Elvish has left the building? 1) That which does the thinking. Then, that which does the thinking, buys the one who is doing the not-thinking a drink. Yeah, that'll about do it. I have a favorite author whose main character can speak Scott, French, Spanish, Arabic and Latin. It can get very frustrating. I can sometimes suss out the French and the Spanish, but after that, I'm lost. People who drive 55 mph in the FAST lane!
  11. I guess my glasses are worse than I thought. I use the good stuff, but it's the instant, 'cause I'm too lazy to cook the old type. Ya gotta love the microwave!
  12. Oh, geez, Michael, I just noticed the little box of oatmeal you added to your avatar pic. I really need new glasses! LOL
  13. Ransom

    Sword Canes!

    I'm not sure of the history of them, but I really did like the one that Lucious Malfoy carried in the Harry Potter movies.
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Probably eating, although I don't do much of either. < I'm doing wardrobe and household editing. Some of this stuff I've had for 20+ years. I'm just...bored with it. V Any Spring rituals? You know, like Spring cleaning, or Spring garden planting?
  15. LOL Yeah, I know which forum you are talking about. I put it down to the fact that a lot of them are very young, still in high school or college. A lot of them also sound very insecure (we all can't be as comfortable in our own skin as you are, Patrick :angry: ). Also, that particular forum stresses politeness, so I wonder if they are doing all the "May I" and "What do you think?" as a way to fit into forum expectations? I'm glad I am past the point in my life where I worry about what other people think of how I dress or what I do to play. Most of the people I know locally, with a few exceptions, think I'm crazy, or refusing to admit how old I am and am acting like a kid. Well, what's wrong with that? That's why I love going to places like Nor Cal or Ojai—so I can hang out with people who like to be as crazy as me. The really, really kewl thing about Steampunk, is that there are no rules. How could there be, in a world that never really existed? Heck, you make up your own world, like Patrick has done around the Columbia's Revenge. You can do anything from Cowboy Steam (Think Wild, Wild West), to Victorian Jules Verne, to more of a fantasy or military steam. Whatever floats your boat. ....Okay, lecture mode switched off....carry on......
  16. I have read many books by Antonia Frazier, including the Weaker Vessel. She also has a book which is a compilation of love letters between famous couples, down through the ages, which is a very interesting read.
  17. If "what you think, you become" what are you when you're not thinking, and what are the people who never think about anything...except maybe when the next bowl of chips and dip is on the table? Sorry, I just read an explanation of the Schrodinger's Cat theory, and I'm still tying to wrap my brain around that. :angry: To continue.... Authors who use foreign language quotes in their books, but don't ever tell you what it means, so you may have lost a key inuendo (?), or clue about that character or the plot, or missed a snappy retort if the quote is used during an argument between two characters. Yeah, later I eventually look up what it means, but I don't want to stop in the middle of what I am reading to do that.
  18. That's a Freudian-based concept that has been largely been disproved in typical cases. In extreme situations where people bottle all of their negative emotions up and take no action to fix the problems they are encountering, psychological issues result. In normal cases, this is not generally the case from what I have read. However, the original concept did lead to some amusing psychological remedies like scream therapy. My belief is that complaining is only valid when you take action to fix the problem that you are complaining about. Otherwise it just focuses your attention on the negative aspects of life. "Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them." –W. Clement Stone "The mind is everything. What you think, you become." Translated from the original Sanskrit My dear Mission. You are treating this thread as if it were something serious. It's not. It is just a fun, silly place to point out some of the everyday stupidities in life. Lighten up a little.
  19. Nah, venting is just getting it off your chest so you can move on. If you hold stuff in, that's when you end up needing a psycologist. People in parking lots who hold up traffic while waiting for someone to pull out of a parking space ten feet from entrance to a store or building (I'm not talking about handicap parking), because they don't want to walk the extra ten yards, where there are dozens of empty spaces.
  20. Hummm, that's a bummer about the SF con. However, the Seattle one looks to be pretty exciting. Maybe that's a possibility if the other one gets canceled?
  21. Just a reminder that this is NOT a rant/whine thread. Nor is it meant to promote non-positive vibes. It was meant more as a fun way to post the little annoyances that bug everyone ( And obviously, I'm not the only one who has them). To that end, let's keep it short and simple, okay. There are other threads where you can post your major gripes. So, here's one: People who spit their gum out in drinking fountains. Bleah!
  22. Actually, this is more than a petty annoyance to me, this is a MAJOR gross out.... Men who spit on the sidewalk, grass, whatever. Especially when they take five minutes to work up a really slimy lugie, and then hawk it. Makes my stomach heave.
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