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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. The scary part is, someone will actually pay money for it!
  2. I was listening to Red Cat as I marched toward the docks, but I wasn't deciding anything until I saw just where the Relentless was or wasn't. A big gap at the docks indicated where she had been, so I looked out toward the bay. There she sat, snug and tight. So, not sailed without us after all. I turned to Silkie, then pointed to the ship out in the bay. "She's anchored out there. So, you can hire a bum boat to take you to her." Then I spoke to Cat and Jane,"Cat, if you need to speak to Roberts, then go with Silkie in the bum-boat. I'm not taking the Rakehell anywhere until the supplies are loaded. So, that means we probably won't leave until tomorrow. Jane, you're welcome to sleep on board if you like, and Cat, when you come back in the bum boat, you can come on board the Rakehell as well. Soon as she's provendered, then we leave on the first good tide. Just pray the wind doesn't die on us." I headed down the docks to where the Rakehell was moored. The fact the Relentless was still in the bay didn't calm my anger. It just proved to me again that Jacky didn't trust someone. Who or what had him so worried?
  3. Ioan grabbed her wrist before she could withdraw her hand. "Don't take liberties, missy. I've orders to watch you, and watch you I will. You won't be goin' anywhere where I don't have line of sight and a clear path...to block if I have to, 'cause I know you'd like to do a bolt and be done with me." He released her arm, and smiled. "So, resign yourself to my company until we get back to Captain Striker's fine ship." Then he gestured for her to lead on into the ruined inn.
  4. After the red haze of fury had thinned a bit, my brain started working. "Now wait just a blasted minute! Think, you lot. He's got no supplies, no water, and one ship. Yeah, he's got Roberts with him, and his crew, but a few men sloggin' around on the Tortugas aren't going to find much. And he's got no one to watch his back. AND, he knows damned well that if he DID hare off without us, he'd be good as dead the minute he showed his betrayin' head again back at the Pub." I took a deep breath. "So, before we all act like bees whose hive has just been struck, let's go down to the dock and see if he's truly gone, or just pulled the Relentless further out in the bay. If he's there, then Silkie can hire a bum-boat to take her out to Commodor Tar's ship. If the Relentless is gone to sea, well then...if he's gone, then the Spanish are going to be the least of his problems. But, the truth of it is, the Rakehell can't go chasing after him with no supplies and no water stores." I knocked down the last of my rum and headed for the door, mumbling under my breath, "You better be in the bay, Jacky boy, or there's going to be hell to pay."
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends on my mood, but my natural tendancy is loner - with longings to fit in. < Well, Chole, a floor probably isn't musch more comfortable than a wooden bunk. Insulite - it's a good thing! V How do you react if someone in the Costume Police calls you out on something you're wearing?
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I wouldn't explain anything UNLESS someone asked. Yeah, I'm no real purist. If it looks good, and doesn't scream POLYESTER, I'd probably use it. < Thanks, Captain. I will think of you and your crew while sleeping on a hard wooden bunk in a lodge heated by only a central woodburning fireplace. But, I can't wait to dip my toe into pyracy for the first time! And Lorien is a sweetheart to invite me. There will be music, games, movies, and lots of food and RUM...how much better could it get? V How far are you willing to drive/fly to go to an event you long to attend?
  7. With my blood racing, our lips parted. All I could manage, before we had to leave the silken sactuary, was a breathless, "Send word to me soon." Then, against all feelings and tides of nature, we stepped apart, and left Sebastian's lavish hideaway for the common room below.
  8. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Probably e-mail, 'cause I'm not a big phone person. US Cellular laughs at my monthly minutes - barely 1/16 of my allowed. But, once on the phone, I can talk for hours. < Spent a good part of the day cutting out a shirt and skirt pattern for the pyrate weekend coming up with the Portlandia gang. Kinda liked crabbing around on the floor, cutting things out. Haven't done it for years. V Do you like the actually sewing of something, or prefer the chosing of an outfit, the designing and material choices, etc. — but hate the sewing part? ( That would be me.) Or do you like the whole process?
  9. I gave him a grateful smile. "No, I am quite capable of returning to my ship without harm. Besides, who would you send, Christophe?" And so he would know for certain how much I had enoyed this night, I added, "You have made me forget, for a few hours, what life I have chosen for myself. But dark streets and moving in secrecy are my world, as much as the deck of a ship. I will be fine. Go, do your business, and do not worry on my account, for I believe you have many other things to occupy you mind at present." I rose from my chair, touched his bruised jaw, and gave him a smile. "Try not to damage yourself any further, if possible. Now come, let us go downstairs, and then we will part ways...for now."
  10. At Silkie's approach, my annoyance with Jacky increased. If he had some objection to Silkie joining the adventure, then he should have told her himself, and not dumped it on Red Cat. Humph, I thought, another one of his little tests. I took a swallow of rum, then gave Red Cat a wink. Turning to Silkie, I smiled and said, "There's been a bit of debate over whether you should come on this trip or stand down until the next one. Red Cat's been told to ask you to stay behind. But," I grinned wider, "if you insist on coming with us, which is fine by me, you'll have to sail on the Relentless, as I've no room on 'my little schooner'. You'll be taking orders from Commodore Tar, until we return to the Pub. So, it's your choice. Stay, or sail on the Relentless."
  11. The conversation had been light, but so pleasurable. It reminding her of days long since passed, where, with gentile company, she could spend an evening in mere talk. The knock on the door startled her, and she could see Sebastian was annoyed, and had not expected visiters. When Christophe entered, Sebastian's mannor subtely changed, but she could tell he did not want to leave the short, stolen bit of peace this room offered. When he knelt before her, she met his gaze with understanding, and a hint of regret that the evening was over. "Go, tend to your business," she said. "It is late. I will return to the Rakehell and visit Professor Trilby on the morrow." And although she hated to bring up business after such an interlude, it was necessary. "We must meet again, Sebastian, to arrange for the rest of your cargo to be unloaded. Send a message to the ship, appraising me of a place and time convenient to you." She wanted very much to kiss him, and take some of the sudden sadness from his eyes, but dared not do so with Christophe watching their every move. But, without thought, she reached up and brushed a lock of hair from his brow. "Send the message soon, if you can."
  12. When I heard the door to the Pub open and shut, I looked over my shoulder to see who had come in after me. Had it been Jacky, he might have had a tankard thrown at his head. But I saw it was Red Cat, so went back to my rum. I wasn't in the mood for company, even the Cat's. But she came up and sat on the stool next to me, ordered another round for us and Silkie, then asked that the rounds keep coming. I gave her a look. "So, what hair-brained thing did Jacky ask you to put up with, as you look as fired up as I am? If I'd known he was going to play the "can you take orders?" game, by threatening to have Jane sleep in his cabin, I'd have sailed the Rakehell out of here in a heartbeat. If the blasted man can't trust me by now, then what's the point?" It suddenly dawned on me that I was raving. With another oath, I shut my gob, and went back to drinking.
  13. Book title: Seven Early Warning Signs of Scurvy With supplimental chapter, "The History of Lime and Lemons
  14. If it was really cold, they'd only need a bobby sock.
  15. I felt my hackles rise as Jacky assigned ships and berths. So, Jane would share his cabin, eh. Fine. Big ol' brig, with hammock space gallore, but she has to bunk with him? Did he think I was stupid? I'd had about enough of this for one night. "Well, seeing as how all the...crew assignments have been decided, I think I'll head back into the Pub for a nightcap." I turned to Jacky. "But I'll let you, Commodore, tell Silkie you've decided to let her come with us, and which ship she's to sail on." With an oath, I turned and opened the door to the Pub, then slammed it closed behind me. Feeling like I wanted to strangle someone, I ordered a shot of rum, knocked it back in one gulp, then ordered another.
  16. Her effort to get rid of him made Ioan smile. Nice try, missy, but he had orders, and for the moment, those orders he would obey. But her manner changed when she saw the ruined ship. It didn't take a conjurer to see that its destruction upset her more than she was willing to show. Personally, he couldn't see why its loss was so bothersome, since it seemed a poor vessel in already bad repair. If her captain had been stupid enough to stay in port, well then, he reaped the reward of such stupidity. Then Ioan remembered how Jane had looked when they'd first met—dressed as a common sailor. He gave the ill-fated ship one final backward glance. So, that's how Jane arrived in Port Royal. Stowed away, most like, but...she did know her way around a ship. Then it struck him, and he laughed out loud. They'd thought she was a man, Lord luv um. More intrigued than ever, he continued to follow the young woman through the stinking streets of Port Royal.
  17. I grinned as Jane tossed the jingling bag. Well, another problem solved. It was also apparent to me that most were more comfortable with Jacky as leader, and since it was his idea, I wouldn't object. But with two ships, you needed two captains. I gave Jacky one of my taunting grins - the ones that set his teeth on edge. "I agree, there should be one leader. However, I don't intend to hand over the Rakehell to anyone. But, seeing as how there will be two ships on this grand adventure, and it's your idea, you can call yourself Commodore, or Admiral or whatever you like. I'll take orders from you, until I think you've lost your mind, and then we'll see." I kept grinning. "Commodor Tar has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Want me to buy you a new hat? A really big one?"
  18. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Sleep and drugs - anything that will work - including chicken soup! < Really sick of the cold weather already - and it's only the end of January. V What is your favorite snack food - healthy or junk?
  19. things were startin' t'smell...
  20. Now, that coat is so awesome, I'd wear it with anything and everything. I live in jeans, so that coat, a tight pair skinny jeans, with some kick-ass boots! Killer! So, Bess, come clean, where'd you find that treasure?
  21. My prayers go out to them. Will hope the ship can be saved with a minimum of damage.
  22. Maybe we'll go to bed thinking of men in fuzzy bathrobes and socks! Maybe in three socks
  23. I figured the time for questioning and thinking was over. If I was going to offer the Rakehell and myself to this venture, then now was the time. I smiled at Jacky. "Okay,luv, you've sold me. I'll sail the Rakehell with the Relentless. As we've already figured, two ships are better than one. Our next task is supplies, and supplies take money. Anyone got a nice little stash hidden away for a rainy day?"
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