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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Takes the glass and presses it against my feverish forehead. "Thanks, Cat. I needed that." Gives Doc a wink, "Deary, I think you're going to need a sign-up sheet!"
  2. ...with glowing red eyes...
  3. Sipping tea and waiting for the horse shoer to show up.
  4. I had to admit, in the early dawn darkness, and with the crew dressed as some of the ugliest women I could imagine, the whole scene reminded me of a macabre play. The four of us, mostly silent but for Red Cat's mumbling, took up the oars and rowed toward the strange island. I just hoped we didn't have to drag Robert's, kicking and screaming, from this supposed Eden. If he fought too much, I wasn't adverse to knocking him on his thick head with the hilt of my cutlass, and dragging his limp form back to the jolly boat. I grinned to myself and thought, "I bet Red Cat would love the honor of that little task."
  5. Name the time. Do you think we could have some champagne refreshment waiting on the shore? (It tastes really good after cavorting in the water)
  6. Weell, I don't believe I've met her either, but you know I'd take a dip in a warm sea with you, luv, anytime. What do you think of...say...midnight in the moonlight?
  7. Hammocks for two, cabin boys, rough hands, falling asleep before or after, Nutella tasting...**fans hand in front of face in best Southern Belle style**...my, my, my, it sure is gettin alwful warm out here on the porch...er, deck.
  8. Maybe it takes a lady pirate to bring out the bad in a good boy! Think she could bring out the good in a bad one?
  9. When the plumber looks around your house and says, "What's with all the pirate stuff?" Then you tell him, and he writes down the web address of the Pub, and leaves saying "Wow, that's so kewl. I LOVE pirate stuff!" Mission accomplished!
  10. A little good, a little bad, what more could a lady pirate want?
  11. Good William, although I am not a frequent diner at Kates, I would love to attend your fete. Should I bring anything?
  12. Lubber or not, do you think it would make any differnce to me? On land or sea, you're still a darlin'!
  13. After scowling at him over calling me captain, I replied. "Right, let's get this escapade over with. It will be the four of us - you, me, Red Cat and Silkie. My crew stay on board."
  14. I'm going to extend the mailing date to give Silkie some time to catch up. So, all books make the second jump on JULY 5th. We'll see how fast the book get around on this next leg, and if the postal service is going to be a snag, we might have to make the jumps once a month, instead of 1st and the 15th. Other than Silkie, no one has posted anything lately. I'm getting a little nervous! Is everyone still in the game and doing fine?
  15. I overheard Red Cat's mumbled complaint, and smiled. "Not all that daft, since they have managed to take two of our men prisoners, even if Jacky did manage to escape. I would suspect that right about now, Robert's is waking up to think he's actually died and gone to heaven." I fingered the little bag of corpse powder, then spoke again to Africa. "Like I said, don't let ANY boat come close to the Rakehell, even if whomever is in it are waving a white hankie and bawling their head off. Keep them away from the ship. If they choose to ignore your warnings, sink them!" Africa nodded, then barked at Tunny to prepare the larboard swivel guns, fore and aft.
  16. Well said, sir. Very well said. Couldn't agree more. Right now I'm listening to the "Chook, chook, chook, chit,chit,chit,chit,chit, chook, chook..." of a rainbird sprinkler. Ah, the sound of summer.
  17. Okay, guys, this is NOT going to work if you don't mail the books on time. The next round is due to start on the 1st, but since that is a Saturday, I'll bump it to Monday the 3rd. Captain P.E.W - what's the hold up? You've put Silkie two weeks behind, and will slow up everyone. If you've mailed it, and it's the postal service, then we'll figure something out, but you CAN'T mail these regular post or book rate, because it can take weeks to arrive. PM me if anyone has had problems getting books on time.
  18. Okay, I thought Sterling, et al, were only one day ahead. He went off to gaol, I went off to some scurvy inn, Sebastain & Aurore split up. All on the same day/evening. Lady Violet got to the Royal Grace just before the explosion, which I took to be at night? Or late evening of that same day? If that's the case, then she and Spindlethorpe are only about 8 hours behind Sterling, not "a few days." For me, I guess the main question is, when did the explosion take place - day, evening, or night? And how many hours/days have passed since then? My posts can be edited to fit whatever time frame that turns out to be.
  19. Well, it might be, if your "chaw" bag was silk or velvet, and you carried your own personal, chased-silver spittoon.
  20. Arhhhhh, never mention that song "It's a small worl—**NOT listening, NOT listening**after all, it's a,,,**NO! NO! make it go away** Runs away from Patrick with hands over my ears.
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Homemade chicken and noodles - with noodles also made from scratch. My grandma taught me how. Her first directions were, "First you kill a chicken..." I buy my chicken from the store! < Years ago I got together with my mom, and we went through all her collection of family receipies, I transcribed them into the computer, then we printed out a cookbook for each of us and all my sisters. The title is the quote from my Grandmother, "First you kill a chicken." In the back is a brief geneology chart showing who the receipies came from and what side of the family. V Interested in geneology/family history or do you figure "in the big picture" who is going to care?
  22. Tied balloon swords and anchor! (Okay, it's catchy, easy to dance to if you're under 12, so I rate it a...65)
  23. Goose had retreated back to the galley, and I had taken the razor away from Africa. Now the big black man and myself discussed plans for keeping the ship safe while the rescue party went ashore. "I don like this island. Dos women be witches, an steal a man's soul. Even corpse powder," He pulled from within his shirt a small leather bag that hung on a cord around his neck, "be not strong enough to protect dis man from all dem. Work on one, maybe. But not on whole tribe." "No, I don't think corpse powder is going to help anyone this time. What I want you to do is stand armed guard over the ship as soon as we leave. Don't let anyone or anything get within blow dart range. That's what they're using. You have my permission to fire on any boat that gets too close. Use the swivel guns. The native boats are small, so don't waste powder or ball by firing the eight-pounders." Africa nodded, then removed the cord from around his neck and draped it over mine, so the bag of corpse powder hung over my chest. "You take dis. You need it more dan me."
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