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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Sorry, Patrick. Didn't mean to spoil the fantasy.
  2. Live by both, die by neither. (And, no offense, Captain, but I'll pass on the rope as well.)
  3. OMG, it really may work! A new Pub tradition - Baconfest Day! Huzzah, William! **Heading off to run through my cookbooks, looking for something really unique to add bacon to.
  4. **Face turns beet red** Oh, gosh, er,...yikes! Is that one of those "It's a guy thing?" Does it mean what I think it means - like maybe guys against girls? I'm so confused - and embarrassed! ( I was just hopin' to see a little more of Patrick. Oh well...uhh, could I have anothe piece of toast please. **Takes toast and tries to make self invisible."
  5. But it's hard to eat toast when you have a silly grin on yer face..... Just th' though O' a "Shirts vs. Skin" Toast Ball Game does that ye know....... "Hey Jenny... go out fer a long pass........" Deal, we'll wear the shirts, you wear the skin. Trouble is, there would be no winner. All that would be left would be crumbs. A terrible waste of cinnamon toast. Besides, if it had lots of butter on it you couldn't....er, okay, that might be fun.
  6. Wha...like a brother? I'll take that to mean a "Brother in Bacon." Really, it could work! Post it in Raids like any other event. PUB-WIDE BACONFEST - SIGN IN AT KATES!
  7. Jacky had a gleam in his eye as I asked the question. We rarely had any time to ourselves, so quick looks and wry comments were the most we could share. "Let's wait until we get to Havana and see what's what. We may not have much time for a leasurly dinner." I cocked a brow, touched his cheek, and smiled. "But, it would be lovely if we could."
  8. Naw, 'twer all in fun. No need to get riled up. Here, **holds out the platter to Red Cat** have some more toast.
  9. Why, thanks, luv. Don't mind if I do. Takes a big bite, one with lots of raisins.
  10. Hey, William, have you ever though about having a Pub-wide Bacon Day? Since we can't all attend Baconfest, we could symbolically all eat bacon on the same day. Try to invent new ways to serve it, then share our experiments here at Kate's? Maybe we could convert some of the...heretics.
  11. Gives Silkie a wink. "Nice catch!"
  12. Doesn't like bacon! That, that's...that's unnatural, that is! **shudders at the very thought**
  13. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Weed and water the garden ( the never-ending story of summer ) Maybe go out to dinner Saturday night to try a new steak place in town. < My husband and I have finally admitted that we are not re-habbers. I will paint, patch holes in the wall, sand, etc. But bigger stuff, like laying tile, carpet, dry-wall or plumbing we leave to the experts. Otherwise it ends up looking a bit...okay, I admit it...cheesy. Husband is good at mending fence, driving a tractor, and caring for livestock, but please, don't put a paintbrush in his hand. He will paint EVERYTHING - the walls, the door, the hardware on the door, the doorknob...well, you get the picture. V Are you a beige wall type of decorator, or do you go for color? (Give me color or give me death!)
  14. I left Africa at the helm, and went below to check on our new guest. Tunny looked up, his face weathered by sea and wind to the texture of an old boot. He gestured to the snoring Nate. "Naught said a word a man could understand. Been out on the sea alone for many a day, I'm thinkin'. A wonder he survived." "Yes, a lucky lad. Has he taken food or more water yet?" "Mostly water, but I did manage ta get him ta eat a bit of fruit." I nodded. "Well, keep a watch on him until he's more himself. When you think he's ready, send word to me. Nate and I need to sit and talk for awhile." Tunny's face crinkled into a frown. "You don't think he's a danger, do you ma'am?" The sleeping figure seemed innocent enough, but you never knew. The loss of the Eliza of London might have been at his hand. "Just tell me when he wakes and can talk." "Aye, ma'am. I'll do that."
  15. That's correct. It seems two weeks just wasn't enough time for eveyone to do the kind of job they wanted. I got your book, P.E.W., and love the way you bound the book with hemp twine! Very kewl.
  16. With a raised brow, I watched Roberts haul the newcomer below decks. Then I turned to Jacky. "Funny how that leg of his doesn't seem to be bothering him too much now. Why in blazes did we have to half carry him down the beach?" The crew, looking like a bunch of fish-wives, got the Rakehell under way again. I was very glad to be leaving that island, but a little worried about what we might run into in Havana.
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Well, we had a rightous thunder storm last night. Lightning, wind, rain. Very kewl. Today it will probably be goin back up to the 100s. < Been painting a bathroom. I just love being trapped in a small, 85 degree room smelling like paint, with sweat dripping down my back - NOT! V Home improvement type, or hire out?
  18. The pair of you look grand, Rumba!
  19. Happens every time. When I'm up at this ungodly hour, no one else is.
  20. Whore, surrah! I resent that. I am a collector of varied cloth goods, a noble and fine art! **Quietly closes door to sewing room where bins, cupboards and closet are full of material lugged around for 20 + years** I would never concider myself a fabric whore...er, unless I get a 50% off coupon from JoAnn's, but, but, that doesn't count...does it?
  21. Okay, Red Handed Jill, you better join Syren and me at the table! Actually, my last two horses - one is full Arab, the other is Arab/Quarter cross. A beauty, if I don't say so meself.
  22. Trying to suppress a smile at Nate's enthusiasm, I answered, "Well done, sir, but...we're not quite so formal on this vessel. Ma'am will do fine. So, tell me, how did you come to be floating in the sea, and where is the Eliza of London?"
  23. Ooh, Syren, we need to find a good place park, grab a fine drink, and chat. We have too much in common! I LOVE thunder storms. The most awesome one I ever watched, was from the rim of the Grand Canyon. The storm was down in the canyon, and we looking down on the lightning. Very kewl! My husband and I like to go to the coast if a storm is predicted, and hang out on the boat. (Safely moored, of course), and ride out the winds and rain, thunder and lightning. It's grand!
  24. HOT - No, not the good kind! It was 105 here yesterday, going to be close to the same again today. I live in a house with no AC. Last night is rained a bit, so now we get muggy on top of hot. I need to move to the coast.
  25. **Raises hand** YES, Halloween! The bestest of holidays. Weel, you guys and your big horses are fine, but I'll stick with me Arabs. Quick, graceful, run all day, and too smart for their own good!
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