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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I totally lost it at the "Santa's sweat-stained butt" part.
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ When I was in the SCA at a 12th Night banquet, a bunch of us got a casting cards from someone filming a fantasy movie for HBO. Very low budget, as the reason they asked us was we already had costumes. Had to go for a costume audition, then spent one very hot, uncomfortable summer day in a large warehouse somewhere in Burbank, mostly sitting around sweating in four layers of Elizabethan clothing. But, the caterers were good, so we ate well. And they paid in cash. Never heard of the film, so figure it ended up buried in a storage unit somewhere. < I like old and new movies. My favorite old movie is Laurence of Arabia. V Pass the question on.
  3. As the crew reefed canvas and the Rakehell glided into Havana harbor, the first thing I noticed, since I'd been looking for her, was the Relentless. And there she was, rocking gently at anchor just across the bay. I turned to Jacky. "I guess you were right. The Relentless is here. From this point on, other than to protect my ship and crew, I'll turn authority over to you. Quite frankly, being in this harbor at all makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." I met his gaze with my own. "Truely, Luv, I hope you know what you're doing."
  4. The Bickersons - Which describes my Dad and his wife.
  5. I only posted on one, because the name the spammer was using sounded like a STD, which I thought was quite fitting, considering what they were spamming for. Mostly I just ignore them, but the tag lines are pretty funny. Also, I think "they" are the only ones who spell worse than I do.
  6. I agree, Patrick. When I got Silkies, she hadn't had time to do any of her own drawings, so I wasn't sure just what theme to do. She did include some nice heavy black paper that I liked, so I did my work on that. Also some pretty aqua paper that I used. It wasn't until I got P.E.W.'s book that I could see more than one artists work, and that's when I got realy excited. For me the whole point of the project was to be able to enjoy all the different styles of art, and to let each book kinda "talk" to you, and tell you what you might add. The other point was.... Dang...have fun!!! BTW, P.E.W. - Don't feel overwhelmed by the number of books heading your way. Since you'll end up with Boot's, Patrick's, and now mine. Take at least two/three weeks to get the first one done and mailed to Silkie. That will give her something to work on while you finish the other two. I don't mind waiting until things get totally back on track, because I don't want Silkie to have to rush through the first book she's received. It's her turn to finally have some fun!
  7. leaving a sparkly trail...
  8. I'm there! And, I want to meet that bartender. Toward the end, that last guy on the left holding the sign was wearing an eye patch. Pirate!
  9. I'm sorry the project became a hassle for you, Lady B. However, I think it unfair to insinuate that you were forced out, which is not the case. Everyone agreed to the rules from the beginning. You were even asked to reconfirm before we started, which you did. I think we all gave you ample time to finish each book. We even changed the format from two weeks, to a month inbetween mailing, to help you catch up. Of the six people involved in this project, you were the only one to have a problem with the timing. I offered you the opportunity to bail out several weeks ago, and you assured me you could get the books done. I again offered you the opportunity to drop out just this evening, with no hard feelings, knowing you were busy with other issues. You were NEVER forced to do so. Patrick, please mail your books directly to P.E.W. from now on.
  10. Gee, er..gosh, problems? Really? I've embroidered on tons of stuff and never had a problem with it running or staining. I have a cotton work shirt that I embroidered all over way back in the late 70's, and there are no stains, or desintegrating threads, and I can't count the number of times I've just tossed it in the washing machine with the rest of the colored clothes. I've embroidered on T-shirts, sweatshirts, pillows, costumes, SCA saddle pads, etc. and never had a problem - even with Blackwork on white cotton. Maybe it's the type of thread you're using?
  11. To Summer! Cheap Sunglasses by ZZ Top Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet
  12. Mailed P.E.W.'s book to Boots yesterday. At his point, I'm dead-in-the-water, since neither P.E.W nor Silkie have books to work on and pass along. ****Lady B, please tell me you've mailed some of those books you're sitting on! You've had a month to work on them and there are now three people waiting.**** BTW, I took Silkies suggestion, and have taken pictures of the covers of each book I've received, and also pictures of each page I did in those books. That way I'll have a record of my artwork for all books. Great idea, Silkie!
  13. Ah, but you were welcomed back with open arms, and have now been offered free drinks.
  14. Now you need to post a picture of your shoe!
  15. Welcome, Map Maker. Charts always come in handy, but I think the whole tunnel thing is a red herring. It's really a labyrinth. You can't even leave breadcrumbs, 'cause of the rats. Follow it at your peril. Now, since it's the newcomers lot to buy, I'll have me usual, a glass of French bubbly with a shot of Tattoo. Gramercy, and welcome.
  16. We were only one day out of Havana, and everyone was getting a bit nervous. These were Spanish waters, and usually avoided by anyone not in aliance with Spain. Currently, the Rakehell flew no flag of identification, but eventually we'd have to declaire our country of origin, and that's when things might get sticky. Africa worked the crew hard to keep their minds off what was coming. Eveyone, even Nate, got the ship trim and neat again, and the Rakehell flew across the sea like a bird, her sienna sails bellied against the stark blue sky. We saw only one other ship, far in the distance, but could not make out her colors. She sailed on, as did we. One more night, and then we achored in Havana. I wondered if we'd find the Relentless there still, or had she avoided that harbor? One more night would tell all.
  17. Thanks for the update, LadyB. Also, hope your nose is feeling better! Been there, done that. Ow!!! I have P.E.W.'s book done and ready to mail, so I think I'm going to go ahead and mail it to you, Boots. A bit early, but we are scheduled to have carpeting put down in the computer/craft room, and we will need to pull eveything out of that room. I may be off line for a day or two, and the place will be a mess, so I don't want to risk losing P.E.W.s book in the chaos. So, P.E.W.'s book will go out to Boots on Wednesday. The rest of you have another week to finish up what you're working on. R
  18. I'd laugh too, but it sounds more like a cat horking up a hairball, since my nose and mouth are full of feathers.
  19. You could also add - The woman in the ladies room changing a baby's poopy diaper, while four other kids, none over the age of five, scream and whine at her to hurry up. That'll put you off your food - which in some cases, may be a life saver.
  20. Yeah, but that leaves out bread pudding with rum sauce day, gingerbread with orange sauce day, hot fudge sundae day, and...and...white chocolate chip cookies with French vanilla ice cream day.
  21. Once I had locked the charts away, I went up on deck, to find Africa. Before he could give orders to Nate, I pulled the big black man aside. "Keep an eye on our newcomer. He may be just what he says, a former cox'ns mate, but I have a few doubts. Work him. Hard. Let's see what he's made of." Africa glanced over my head to Nate. "He don look like much. I more worried 'bout dat Silkie." "Then here." I removed the little bag of corpse powder he'd given me. "Maybe this will help." He took it and seemed much relieved. "I okay now. I work dat man like you say. But he still pretty puny from bein' so long in da water." "I didn't say kill him, I said work him. Men who are pushed tend to revert to their true selves. I want to know who this Nate is, and what he's capable of." Africa grinned. "I be very good at workin' him, den." "I know you will." Then I left to help out with some of the new rigging.
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