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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Suddenly, all attention was focused on the doorway. An imposeing, and extreamly handome Spaniard, despite the scar on his cheek, entered the room. Unlike the others, including us, he still wore a weapon. Beside me, I could sense Jacky's body go tense, so it was obvious he knew who this new guest was. As I tried to deal with the flood of emotions Jacky's gift had caused me, I studied the newcomer. Then his dark eyes met mine...and stayed there.
  2. Since there will be so many Pub members at Ojai, would it be possible to get a group photo shoot together? Pick a time and have everyone meet up, then have a designated photographer, who we could all pass our cameras to and they could take the photo, so we would each end up with one. Just an idea, but it would be great if we could manage it.
  3. Puts an arm around Silkie, gives her a hug, and offers her a bit o' hot tea spiked with rum. "Here ya go, Lass. Things will be better soon. In the meantime, this will perk you up a bit."
  4. Protect me with his life? Within the maelstrom my brain seethed in — of perseived betrayals, my trapped ship, and Jacky's confession of being a smuggler — two words sang out. Protect. Life. Like a tidal wave, what the gift of the emerald really meant came crashing down on me. The gift I had almost thrown over the balcony in anger and stupidity. With my hand over my breast where the gem lay hidden, I leaned back in my chair, face to the ceiling, trying to breathe through my suddenly constricted throat.
  5. Nate's condescending remark focused my attention. When I spoke to him, my voice was low and hard. "However much you might think yourself my protector, think again. I am well able to protect myself. It would also serve you well to remember just who you're talking to. We may have plucked you from the sea, Mr. Durant, but I can damn well throw you back in it if you don't remember your place."
  6. Yer going ter miss the spittin' contest an' th' 1812 Oveture ? If you perform them first thing in the morning, yup, I'll miss them. I'll hope the fuge has dissapated before I arrive in camp. Maybe I'll bring a canary in a cage, just to be safe.
  7. Tea and nuked grapenuts with half & half Buzzards cruising the HWY looking for snacks JT - Always a pleasure and lots of laughter. Patrick Hand - His posts around the Pub lately have really cracked me up.
  8. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Gosh, that's a tough one, but...The first cool, crisp mornings of Autum, after a long, hot summer. The air feels and smells different, and the sunlight is starting to mellow. < Yesterday it was 99 and HOT. Today it's overcast and cool. Go figure. V Pass the question on.
  9. I was barely aware that Red Cat and Nate had resumed their seats, and that another course was being served. With my stomach in a knot, there was no way I could eat anything. With trembling fingers I brought my goblet to my lips and sipped the expensive wine. But my mind seemed frozen and unable to function. Jacky was silent, and although his elbow was almost brushing mine, he might as well have been on the other side of the world, so far apart had we drifted in the last half hour.
  10. Wellllll... I call IT something else....... but cooooool...... ........
  11. Weeel, for me it's variety. Flats aren't my favorites, but I do wear tennies. Mostly at home I go barefoot. BUT, I DO like heels, and wear them whenever I can — killer, 4-6 inchers, and they don't bother my feet, ankles or knees...yet.
  12. Okay, I am like sooooo glad I have a motel room. And, before introducing myself, I'll be sure and check the which way the wind is blowing - weatherly wind, not yours!
  13. The emerald felt as cold in my hand as my heart felt in my chest. I stared at it, fighting tears. We are such fools, I thought. Had he trusted me, this conversation would never have happened. Had I not such a temper, it would never have gone this far. He didn't even ask me to stay, which meant he'd prefer that I go and let him do his business without my constant railery. I had a sudden desire to throw the emerald over the balcony. Let some poor peasant find it, and get some joy of it. It gave no joy to me. Practicality stayed my hand. To get back to my home port, I would need the money it would fetch. As for the cargo within the Rakehell, I would see it unloaded before leaving. I wanted no obligations to a man who did not want me. Feeling sick, I returned to the dining room and took my place at the table. Between my corset and my body, the emerald dug painfully into my flesh.
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Everything about nature stuns me. I can pick up a leaf and be blown away by how intricate it is. I love the sound of wind in the trees, water in a stream, rain on the roof of our house or deck of our boat. The smell of the ocean. All, and any of it. < Happy place - sitting on the back of our boat, sipping a fine Shiraz, and reading a good book. V Pass the weather question on.
  15. Slices of Asian pear spread with caramel dipping sauce & iced tea Three batchlor bucks taking a noon-time snooze in my front yard. My best friend, Karen JT and our up-coming first meeting in Ojai.
  16. I took another swallow of wine, and kept staring out toward the harbor as Jacky quickly gave his short history with the Spanish. When he was finished, I turned and met his gaze. "It's not about what you did or didn't do. It's about why you didn't tell me about it before we got here. Why was it such a bloody secret?" After another deep breath, I said, "We've fought together, and we've sailed together. I've covered your back, and you've covered mine. I thought we trusted each other. I thought I meant someth..." I turned away from him. "Nevermind. Let's just get through this dinner and get the hell out of here. I'll decide what I'm going to do once I'm back on board the Rakehell." I met his gaze again. "If my ship is not allowed to leave when I choose, if she's empounded and my crew taken as prisoners..." I couldn't finish. The anger and the hurt were almost suffocating.
  17. But I don't have a purse....... I keep me coins in me pocket...... Oh, goodie, it'll make finding that shiny soooo much more fun!
  18. I hissed into Jacky's ear. "What other little tid bits of information have you neglected to mention?" Furious over the things Jacky had kept secret all this time, I stood, picked up my wine goblet, and, forcing myself not to toss its contents into Jacky's face, instead, I turned and headed for a nearby balcony. Leaning on the balustrade, I took a dozen deep breaths to calm myself. In the distance I could see the harbor, and the Rakehell at anchor. I'd have given anything to be on her and away from this city, and away from the man who had brought us here. It was then I decided that, with or without him, I was leaving Havana as soon as this dinner was over. He could hare off to the Dry Tortugas without me or my ship. Since he hadn't trusted me, I no longer trusted him. I took a long draught from my cup, then started planning my escape.
  19. Okay, first his rum, then his purse!
  20. "Excuse me. I hav t' take a cold shower." "Whot'd I do?
  21. I dip my finger into the whipped cream and then stick it in my mouth. "Ummmmm." Then I pick up a nice juicy strawberry and dip it in the whipped cream. "Lovely treat, JT. How nice of you to bring it for Silkie's birthday celebration." Gives Silkie a wink. "He's a darlin', isn't he?"
  22. My husband, Chain Shot, is 6' 2" . He's new to pirating, and Ojai will be his first event. So, another member of the Tall Pirates Club. Uh, Mary, who or what is Yak?
  23. Jenny, that is such a beautiful thought. Thank You. I would also like to think she has found a nice warm fire with big fluffy rugs to lay on. With lots of puppies and kittens around her so she could love and protect them. I know it's a bit late, but I still wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about your little dog. Animals bring such joy into our lives, and it's always hard when they go. And yes, I'm sure she has lots of puppy and kitten friends to keep her company - many of my cats will be there to greet her and tell her she's arrived at a wonderful place. And Patrick....you're right, no one would suspect a bunch of guys dressed in pink bathrobes rabbit slippers to be bloodthirsty pirates. You could board a ship and wouldn't have to lift a cutlass. The other sailors would all fall down and die laughing. Giant pink Trojan Bunny......
  24. I jerked my head around to look into Jacky's face, and growled, "This is NOT the time to decide this may not have been a good idea! And don't think I haven't noticed that you aren't too popular with any of the Spanish captains." I leaned closer to his ear. "Just what the hell did you do, other than provide charts? And, more importlantly, how the hell do we get out of here — Commodore."
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