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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) Truth be known, Flint, the maintainance on both my wooden vessels is far easier than the work on me flubbeerglass one. Sure, there be a 'lot 'o work on a wooden vessel, but brushes and rollers for varnish and paint are more honest than rubbin out and buffin'. Good for the soul, too.A million songs go thu ye'r 'ead when you're workin' on a wooden ship....
  2. I'd be warnin' the crew, if'n I were you, cuz me new cannons need a fresh target...sail ho! Starb'd battery,prepare ta fire.... we be likin' takin' them Revenue Cutters, bein's we're pyrates ..
  3. Damn, Weaver, ye finally got me wif' that one, Hardee,har,har....
  4. Hehehe,pretty good, wenches, but, well,....powder room???powder magazine, mebbee, no 'rooms' on ships,sorry....
  5. Well, we could tie ya to the bow an' take one as the new figurehead! Only pullin' yer leg....the wooden one...
  6. Hardy-har,har! Good one. I see by ye'r avatar you're a Hornblower fan,shipshape.
  7. 'ave a fine discourse, but for readin' material, the next thread down has alla the books ye kin read for a while
  8. Ahoy there! As my Tallship website is alla the time under construction, I'm compiling stuff for me links page. If you've got a 'good' link you'd like to put up(mind you, you're associatin' wif' a Rogue Ship) gimmee them links, or I'll be sendin' out the press gang....
  9. Master/Commander is a part of a large volume of Naval history fiction eclipsing the adventures of Capt. 'Lucky Jack' Aubrey. Royal Navy, straight up, cold, in a glass.....
  10. :) Me pleasure, wench...now where'd I leave that rope again........
  11. I'd love to hear ye sing, siren. Just don't be thinkin' 'o lurin' me ship on the rocks.....
  12. Bloody 'eck, that'd be me ship, kinda shrunk down, at anchor on the Bay, at dawn before preparin' ta make way.....don't even think of crossin' the deck, lest ye be a pyrate........
  13. :) A bloody welcome to ye, Billie. Grab a pint an' join us in the scuppers...
  14. :) If'n ye want a full scale replica, me 'other' vessel's for sale, black as night, she is....
  15. 'Ere's the skinney. First, run the fix aye listed...THEN install the patch, otherwise, the tricky little worm wiggles in an outta yer firewall. First the fix, THEN the patch to guard you on the 16th
  16. :) Ahoy, Bess! Aye been thinkin' of ye. Load the patch,girl, Captain's orders!
  17. No respect fer animated ships, The Lady, The Rose(me old sparrin mate),the Grand Turk, meself. Real ships,real pyrates....Hard to board a fantasy, the deck isn't very 'solid' RRR
  18. So, be ye made of claymation,Morgan, or is ye'r avatar not you?
  19. :) clubhaulin' the Black Pearl.....
  20. as a generization, slashing daggers have one sharp edge. piercing daggers may or may not have sharp edges, but very pointed.
  21. :) simplified: Tampon- womens hygiene product. Origin of name-Tampion, tool on gundeck for cannon muzzles.
  22. Welcome aboard mate. Me ship's done many a reenactment with the St. Lawrence II. Just pirates here, tho. Nuttin' wrong wif' dat, izzaire?
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