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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Mad Maudlin, only two so far, wanna take a number?
  2. :) Claire, I won't go there seein' as ye be'crew'....Drucilla, fake stuff is all over ebay cheap,not plastic, usually denix(fake metal) Pineridge 7, Grengel's Cave' GParrot, etc....
  3. Guess ye didn't read alla this....read....imaginary! An awful lot 'o seawater come in these kind of 'boats' whoops, forgot I wus gonna stay outta this...
  4. :) You can get a pirate 'brand' for cheap! jest sit yer fanny on the number one gun when she's hot, the raised lettering in the casting will stamp ye wif' 'Royaliste' on yer heinie!
  5. New threads, old threads, all booty! Still a Pyrate
  6. Ahem, A linstock is the wooden rod device which holds the 'slow match' to fire ye'r cannon, Starboard bein' the one on the right..Synopsys: on hold....runnin' in place...whatever...plundered- stolen from, ravaged-well, you know....
  7. Puttin' out linstock....lowerin' starboard cannon...
  8. You get them, and I'll have to add plundered to ravaged!!
  9. First the powder, then the ball...... and them new barrels are betwixt 'ere and Idaho somewheres..This'll be the first weekend of me life I,m looked forward to some great,big holes!
  10. Well,er, then, how long ye kin keep yer foot up!
  11. Well, deckhands didn't have jack squat, so's barefoot'll do....
  12. Rosalinda, that'd be the best paycheck ye 'er gave away! But keep it, first 'boarding's free...And me ship, well, she is a beauty
  13. More how long ye can 'stand' on yer 'foot'.....
  14. What Grace said....and after that, we do weddings on board! have licensed 100 ton legit captain for ceremony!
  15. What I think you've in mind is the only way I'll ever be 'boarded'! O.K. Great Cabin- Some great cabins had small gunports hidden in the finery, in case a quick stern chaser was needed. Mine doesn't as I have swivel gun mounts aft on the poop deck. Between decks- only applies to ships larger than a frigate, like a ship of the line. That's where most crew, wives,girlfriends, lived. Gunports open outward to the sea. Children raised here became known as ' a son of a gun'. Safety nets are out of period on the bowsprit, modern times. The Royaliste has none. You are a rigger, or shark bait.Pitch and tar were used to cover most standing rigging, and along with oakum beaten into seams as caulking, sealed the seams in plank. I use flat black paint in the bulk of these locations other than seams,as no one will play pirate with you if they keep getting covered with tar. More???? or is it time to board me? p.s. Most styles of tactical warfare called for broadsides, that's why there's like 74 guns per side. But a bow or stern shot was much more fatal to the ship; easy to blow out all frames from end to end, and that much splintering between deck resulted in 2-300 casualties. Depends on whether ya wanna sink 'er, or sell 'er as a prize!
  16. Since the Royaliste has a long war reenactment history, we have six sweeps, really long 'oars', to propel the ship. Had her doin' 3 knots for the discovery channel. You can backwind your main and do both also, but nowadays, you could wreck a neighbors boat tryin'Remember the sweeps in POTC? the Lady had them,I think too You are welcome to man one of mine any time.
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