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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. ......the Pyrate'll be considerin' it, siren.....there's a heart under this shell somewhere..now where'd I put that?...
  2. :) Yep! Me papers be in 'order,tattooed, certified Rogue Pyrate, lass, but ye be knowin' that already, I'm thinkin'....
  3. 'eck, we be pirates...optional, to be sure..
  4. :) Welcome aboard, sawbones...We been needin' one,mate. SAilin' that way meself, when the weather window opens next year..
  5. Grab a sweep, put yer backs into it, and row, me hearties!!
  6. Aw, heck, Hey Sage...Methinks she was a mole or a tory....the wenches 'o the Brethren usually swing a cutlass within minutes or an hour, this one's stayed silent for a mite....Navy spy? Hardly a wench for a thousand miles 'don know the Royalistes' 'ere..an hour and a half away from a bone-a-fried Pyrate Ship, and she 'asn't 'eard??? Ye'd 'ave ta be livin' under a bloody rock.. Startin' ta smell like bilge.... .....and, we got a mole runnin thru the forum conspirin' ta mutiny, so's they could be in cahoots,..drawing cutlass...
  7. Ahoy?? which one o' the wenches ye be?? Weaver or the Jelly? Says jelly, sounds like Weaver?? Whassup?...removing arrow from rather black heart...
  8. Blody 'eck!! Iz this a Royal Navy trick, of 'ave the Sea Gods been favorin' me ship, Sage??....Alexandria....If'n the King's Navy didn't pay ye to hunt me head, click on the website, click on the email, or click on the number on the 'travels overland' page....setting tops'l braces, next move's yours, lass... .....and..as usual,...leaving the dock Sat. morn...best call.....
  9. :) ...his ass ain't gettin' within a yardarms length 'o Weaver's whips! HE ain't gonna wind up nobody's sea bitch!
  10. :) My last post on this topic as I've ships worrk to perform....We all know who we are or wish we were, I just hope ye can smell the difference betwixt the King's Navy....and your Brethren ..........Sails off.....
  11. BIG LITE BULB goes off in 'aft cabin'...Ahh, I see, now I know why they don't have 'em near water....in artillery range of the Royaliste!!
  12. Alla this stuff makes me nostrils wide! I have no renfaire experience,never felt the need(me masts get nervous that close to live trees), but ....prostitutes not period???..RR, peel the friggin' planks off me topsides,will ye!! Wot do they think keeps us Seadogs sailin? Seems the last scallywags wot resembled Nazis on my dock dropped the authenticity angle when I told 'em to grab me sweeps(20 feet long), and row this 30 ton Pyrate Queen outta the harbor! So, line 'em up along the period coastline, and the shelling will commence authentically, with live rounds. We're missin' something here,mates...WE are the pirates,we know it and they know it. We need to unite under one Jolly Roger in this respect...Why, they don't even have ships, if they do, tell me, and it's all over but the smoke clearing....Start a 'vounteer guild', like the crew of the Lady Washington,'volunteer', only ye can't even make application unless you're a pyrate...just a thought, I'll go back to cleanin' the deck guns.........
  13. :) Bloody 'eck! 'Tis been a while since this seadog's been fooled! We'll be lookin' for the pictures, to be sure.
  14. :) Actually, all of this type of knowledge is explained in Darcy Levers' 'A Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor', from the keel to Clubhauling......and everything about the ground tayckles
  15. Well, Ayye understand,mate, as there's a mess 'o witches attacking me ship a t present. Waring is a means of manovering a large square rig. Modern sailboats with Marconi rigging 'jibe', talllships 'ware'. This allows enough sail to bring you over the bower, raising the howse, then the anchor, 'fishing it' with a hook and taykle, the 'catting' it with the taykle in the catheads. Depending on the reason for weighing anchor, the ship 's plan would dictate the next sail plan, but probably never hove to, exactly the opposite, making sail, with the hopes of reaching 'full and by', onward to victory...I dunno much about merchant seamen, you hafta ask someone else. I deal with Man 'o War, eightsquare an' proper!....and now, well, it's a Pyrate's life for me.... ..pardon alla the typos..been at sea shorhanded fer days,around the clock.....p.p.s..Hell, you got the dictionary, I never sailed by one. You may be right as rain, I'm jest a friggin Rogue Sea Captain 24/7 ona Tallship at Sea,presently the North Pacific, what do I know?..
  16. :) Ye'd best be stoppin' by me ship, if ye'r swimmin' north, Jellyfish(reaching for fishnet)..
  17. Aye see, says the Pyrate...ye's been 'caught' 'afore, have ye?..fetches,softer,bigger coil....
  18. 'Ere's a couple for a start, but anchoring a square-rigged ship changed with conditions, not leaving 'simple' answers to ye'r questions. Yes, the 'best bower'(main anchor) was buried in the seabed(hopefully, as draggin' anchor sucks). the ship had to ware to her anchor to make enough slack from the strain of the ship to be able to even turn the capstan.....Hawser and anchor cable are not synonomous,'hawser laid' refers to the way the cordage was manufactured, 'anchor cable' was a given length, depending on vessel... roadstead don't work 'ere, it be an anchorage, no wheels on these puppies..and haven't a clue as to ye'r reference to 'forums', my source in this is me deck, believe wot ye want....RPC(Rogue Pyrate Captain)
  19. RR, Jellyfish, bring it on, it's 'the Age of Pyracy', not the 'age limit 'o pyracy'.....but be warned..some wounds don't heal well wif' gunpowder in 'em..ask the sirens,and if'n that's o.k., then ye best be signin' the articles. ...and Bess,lass...how'd ye get untied that quickly???
  20. Damn, Weaver...gimmee a break, I'm laughing so hard I can't helm me Ship, Hardee-har!!
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