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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Welcome, mate. The few times my feet want dry land, I'm on your western state line, Big Stone Lake. Not there often, tho. Enjoy the site, try the links, and Fair Winds
  2. RR, She's a hard virus to shake, mates. HHere's the fix, from the Royaliste, watchin' ye'r backside http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen...moval.tool.html Good luck mates, you'll need it.
  3. Here's one for the wenches, whilst I be cleaning cannon barrels. Tampion-Swab/Plug for muzzle of cannon, letter 'i' dropped when you girls adapted it.
  4. Tallship Royaliste prints from originals available thru me website....
  5. :) I'll put one 'o mine in the middle of your back....
  6. Historically accurate for both Royal Navy and pirates alike tended to be either nothin' for ye'r britches, or marlinspike seamanship with leftover cordage....Officers, well, that's a whole thread in itself, wealthy,or not, ......
  7. Nite lass, me squares luv it offwind
  8. Yessir! And spit out a bit 'o ash with the best 'o 'em Keep 'im away from yer sails!
  9. :) Mebbee abarrel RR two fer me ship!
  10. RR, that's a good lass! Copyright by me helmsman, Erik Jendresen
  11. And would these be your jewels I'm sportin'? Lights carronade..
  12. Ye wannabe a pyrate! STEAL the car, stash some dubloons,and...
  13. :) hopin' some scallywag'll post it, otherwise, I'll email ya one
  14. Somewhere in the mix, tho, they cheated several crew in my harbor. Long hrs, overtime, and after a week, 500 bucks! Scuttlebutt travels fast in the scuppers
  15. :) Good one, Lass! Eric's drafted a new flag for the old girl, I'll email it
  16. and a flintkock'll start a fire and fire a cannon
  17. Well, three pirates drove 1700 miles each way to sail her this weekend, what's yer holdup??
  18. Here's a couple, and then I gotta put away sails. Barque- Square-rigged ship with 3 masts, and usually a riding sail on the mizzen. Brigantine(Brig)- Square-rigged ship with two masts, rear one taller. Schooner- Fore and aft rigged sails with two masts, both equal or rear larger. Ketch- Two masts, foreward larger, rear mast ahead of rudder post. Yawl- two masts foreward larger, rearward behind rudder post. Cutter- one mast, two or three foresails. Sloop-one mast, one foresail. Crew- Captain, the boss. First mate, next in charge Bosun- calls Sail and change orders on deck. Lines out crew. Not many more officers on a privateer. Zillions more on a Royal Navy rig.
  19. then you really need to be specific as to your expertise. Things like full and by, loose cannon, son of a gun, chock a block, I mean, whattya wanna know exactly??? An Able Bodied Seaman. P.S. No mockery was intended. Seaman's lingo as spoken daily. As a sea captain I'll cut and run, leavin' this to some scholarly bastard to put up the halliard.....
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