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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) Still waitin' for your group and ship, mate..one sided , are we???
  2. :) Thank ye, I needed it. So, try to find the book(mine came with me from Canada,so it's possible), and ask away when you're stumped...Fair Winds and a Following Sea.
  3. Ahoy! I'm a bit weary from weathering a storm today on a tallship, but, been there done that. First big problem is that the course you plot isn't possible. The Carribean must be sailed in a clockwise direction, even today with a modern sailboat..Never counter-clockwise in a square rigged ship. So, You've gotta do all the little eastern islands, then accross the top of South America, Venezuela to Columbia, to Panama. ya folla? The other way beats you to shreds without bad weather to splinters in a few hundred miles. I keep recommending A young Seamans Sheet Anchor, by Darcy Lever. Has exactly what you want to know in the aft portion of the book. How to handle a ship of the line in heavy weather. I'll answer any personal questions later, I'm shot ,Lass, The Captain of the Tallship Royaliste..
  4. Welcome aboard, glad ye'r here. Bein' a mite partial to midwesterners, try a message to Darkmalkin on this forum, she be east of the Big O, and can mebbee hook ye up..
  5. Hey, you wanna sell me a chocolate ship for onboard? or will it got to....fast?
  6. ...and, 'aven't seen 'er today...could be up the Delta, where I should be, sunnin' and such, instead 'o ridin' out gales in harbor..
  7. :) Well, mate, I don't believe Ozigirls had a f*ucking day at sea in a square-rigger, but it's your trip, be believin' wot ye may ....READ THE BOOK..be wise all there is to a tall ship, take it from a Tallship's Captain, mate
  8. By Neptunes' Trident, I've come to realize that I never weighed in on this topic 'oficially', so, I will be coming to Ojai, possibly wif' the Royaliste's first mate,Raul, as he's got a truck, but, either way, I'll be bringin' two or three 'o me deck guns to set up a shore battery for a bit 'o reverie! So, when your vests and y'er bodice wind up 'round your boots, 'twas me starboard battery's thunder..You betcha!
  9. :) Thank ye, Raven. She's even finer when I'm sailin' 'er,matey
  10. No, she's upstream at present, although not relevant, as she is a steel, twin keeled, built for amusement, charter vessel. Doesn't even fly her mizzen. Comes your way for the tourists come rainy season here, her purpose, afterall, ferrying tourists. ...a great crew, tho, don't misread me, fine neighbors. Whe are both Tops'l ketches..two of only three.....
  11. :) I sail on the Tallship Royaliste, homeport Halifax, currently in San Francisco Bay. I support all Western U.S. pirate guilds, primarily Tales of the Seven Seas, NorCal. Enough about me, how's about yerself? Ship, guild, port?
  12. Searching for the right maker as we speak...... ..that'd be 'public domain', happens to music, lyrics, etc..
  13. Welcome aboard, mate. Enjoy your stay, 'ave a cold one
  14. 33? I've got over 5,000 on the back page..keep tryin, mate.. ....past ye'r bedtime,eh, wot?...mummy tuck the little pirate in?......
  15. Might just be time for you to be moving on Ed, you have your groupies, go please them and leave these rather pleasant people alone Angus??? you there, Mate??
  16. well, Alexandria, ye wasted another day in ye'r search....new deck paint today....
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