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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Royaliste Image 96: Blag Flag flying,....Yo,ho..a pirate's life for me! This one is for the Witch.
  2. the Witch got into me 'ead....feel free to add if'n ye wish,lass....missed ye....tore 'you' up....
  3. Royaliste Image 79:.Truely amazing, Tallships battling past the Skyline in San Francisco...HURRAH! I see a Revenue Cutter, a lumbering merchantman, and...Pirates!
  4. Royaliste Image 89:..Out-manuevering the Californian.. Royaliste Image 91:..to fire a broadside on the Hawaiian Chieftain...
  5. Royaliste Image 76:The Royaliste coming up on the Californian Royaliste Image 78:..And past the Cityfront....
  6. Royaliste Image 09: The Royaliste at sea, hunting the prize,Californian Royaliste Image 73: Tallships battle away under the Golden Gate Bridge, from seaside
  7. Royaliste Image 06: The Royaliste outside the Gate,upwind at Pt. Diablo
  8. Then I'm guessin' that two carronades, dressed as me 'toddlers' 'll never make it on the plane.......
  9. :) Might hafta hang that'n on the bulkhead, gettin' a mite hard to see meself!
  10. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,Weaver,RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  11. ....I told Russell Crowe he could go ahead and play me in the next one,strange,..he hasn't returned my call...must be the holiday.....
  12. RR, tryin ta post pictures...@#&%$^%# freakin' Pyrate, an'%#@..computers..@*&%!
  13. :) After todays battles, cant we go back to shootin' at it???
  14. Crow, naw, we only haul for new bottom paint and repairs, a couple of days, and sail all winter, except when raining..will most likely drop my tops'l and main course yards to the dock, and sail fore and aft rigged, 1812 style, 'cepting nice days or pirate events, then four hours later, they're on again....
  15. Hurrah!! What a 'bang' up day on the Bay...my personal best in five years..Fine weather, and three Tallships battling away from outside the Gate, all the way to San Francisco City front...Awesome,I tell ye! I sent some pictures to 'Quill, and mebbe she'll get 'em up... A round for the crews of the Californian, Hawaiian Chieftain, and the Royaliste, for a truely fine experience....under the Black Flag..
  16. :) Wow!.now tell me you have it from memory.....
  17. :) RR, This 'ole Girl's had RR's on 'er arse since ye were a powder monkee, there be plenty more 'o piracy down the sea lanes, so wonder not...and, 'Sail Ho!'..
  18. :) forgot ye were a newbie an' all, lass...Me humble appologies(bows, slow match still lit)...
  19. :) Although I love the Lady and her crew, skipping the Royaliste in her own back yard, and proclaiming a visit to the Lady on the Royaliste thread aint exactly proper respect due a sailng vessel...rather an insult ..and she aint even a real pirate ship, state sponsored and all.....Why, come to think of it, she's the Kings Navy!..loading portside batteries.... :)
  20. :) Suddenly, the photographers are flockin' like gulls...news at ten.Three Tallships makin' smoke under the Bridge, and down the waterfront, DUH!
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