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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. ...Sweating and huffing.....Well, them cannons are off'n the ship an' to the ramp, waitin' on high tide to go the rest 'o the way...Somebody shoot me wif' one if'n I do this stunt again!!!....And Jeff, well, 'ow can a bloke compete wif' a guy wot everythings 'stiff' on.......
  2. Aw, 'eck..me too.....for anyone interested, I'll have a limited number of Royaliste painting reprints for sale at Ojai...Stop by the gun battery, or ask around.....Thankin' ye...
  3. Aw,shit, shaking head....Damn, Weaver!!!!...cunilinguini!!!!!.......
  4. :) Leave it in the stock bottle, remove the label, and add your own, saying 'aimin' oil.....
  5. 'Ere's one on me,girl...Say hi to them midgets for me.......
  6. :) Call them little dots 'umlauts'......RRR, der deutsche pyraten bitte...
  7. Hmmm...Colonial wars stuff,dug or undug, mostly naval, buttons, beltbuckles,swords,knives dirks,axes. All things brass,bronze or nautical. Orcids, guitars,old tools,...jeesh, it's a cluttered up ship.........
  8. Aw, 'eck, I'm hopin' some scurvy dog ties you up and flogs ye proper, ye gnarley.c.....deleted....nt!...'Appy Birfday!!....
  9. :) Now, if'n it were a little Annamaria doll, well .......................
  10. Aye, lass, we'll be seein' ye there..we'll be the dastardly pirates wif' the really loud cannons, and our general pyratical nature...RRR.........
  11. :) Actually, the Bay here runs the gammet from smooth to rough, warm to nipply, all in the 'microclimates'....central Bay being the roughest, depending on tide and currents. From now till spring, the winds will subside from the usual summer pattern..Stalls?..We prefer to eliminate the middleman, just hit the lee rail, and let 'er go....nothing to do with reales,tho......
  12. ....Aye, but channels and bars and bays can all make for ruff water....the internal gyro can make most all of us hit the rail and pray to Neptune.....really gotta watch the dentures.....ye'd best come up and sail 'afore the weather leaves............ :)
  13. Well, seems to me that ye need to be bringin' that motley bunch 'o scallywags 'o yours up north and sail a bit..........
  14. :) Hey, don't fret,mate...I've a 175 horse Merc 'dingy' besides this 'ere Square-rigger..........
  15. :) Methinks Lucky's comment was a reference to a recent 'press gang' during a birthday pirate raid...a 'contract' Shanghai'ing, so to speak......in a really small space...
  16. (catchin' Penny 'afore she falls overboard)...Hardee,har,har,......still laffin' me arse off!!!.....
  17. Methinks the donuts are the trail this little 'ole Hansel will follow anywhere!
  18. :) A right fine bundle 'o booty, Quill...A fine Quartermaster ye be!!.....
  19. :) 'O course, but, they wuz 'Tehetehe'ing away,,good sailors too..ye never know....I wuz just their 'port in a storm'......
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