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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. :) Aye, ye musta been in the batch offshore with the Lynx Saturday...She was outside the Gate when we were coming in.....
  2. :) Unless you really love it, just go over it with a whole new one..Todays inks and those who sling 'em can cover anything....
  3. :) A warning to ye, scupper...Aye thunk I had a similar thing brewin' once...woke up to the two 'o them sailin' away while I wuz sleepin'....didn't even act like they knew a halyard from a mizzen sheet........
  4. :) Keeping in mind that you are entering the realm of Hazmat materials, check your local retailer for at least a half-face respirator and purple grade or higher filters. You wanna live to enjoy the stuff, right kids?..
  5. Aye originally 'eard it was a truck driver an' a monkey, but wot the 'eck!!
  6. .............all colors at half mast.......always sad at the loss of a friend............
  7. :) A dandy Idea Redd!, I'd love ta see one, but, as for meself, I'll be keepin' my still nortorious mugg off'n any new ones..........
  8. :) And nary a one that can stand up to a saltwater environment......
  9. :) Hmmm....izzat an 'X' on the top 'o ye'ere noggin'? Where'd that monkeys fist go?.......
  10. :) Methinks it's time to go down the checklist.....ah, the monkeys fist is packed...ye wenches might be lookin' into some headgear, winters comin', and we'll be needin' a change 'o the watch....
  11. :) Depends on 'er 'rum' stash, among others.............tehetehe...
  12. Jeesh!! Guess I never rose to the bait on this 'n.....Well, a bottle 'o rum, and a harlot??..first off, from wot I've been seein', just a half drunk harlot....and then,well, wake 'er up and send 'er off'n the ship like the rest!!!.....
  13. :) Aye, and a fine taste for his wenches and rum........
  14. RRRRR!!!!.....Do ye load the guns and shoot 'em, or watch 'em, or join 'em, eh wot??
  15. :)'drooling'.... Mmmm,donuts....and rum.... I be all ayes....
  16. ...and, thru WoodenBoat magazine's online store, Ian Oughtred has mucho really cool small boat plans, celt stuff, etc.....
  17. :) If'n you dont find enough in the next week or so, I've tons of links, but they are in my laptop off for repair...Gary
  18. :) 'O course the compass was a ruse, everyone knows the Lady Washington has GPS onboard!!....
  19. I dunno....might not be a place to be exposin' one's throat.........
  20. :) Aye, and ye be forgettin' about me......now, if'n ye'll put those valuables and jewelry in your pockets into this here sack............
  21. :) Just bringin' this back up as an addendum to a new similar thread........
  22. :) and for a point of information, Pete, 'tis a good idea to surf thru earlier posts on this forum, as your thread parallels a similar one 'seadog or lubber?' I posted a while back...no problem, just saves redundancy,mate..
  23. :) Aye,there, Quartermaster, 'twas merely a ploy to pull a response from a friend out of contact. But, that said, in over 2/3 of 'pyratical' romance exchanges that have transpired since I figured out how to turn this computer on there have been complete deceptions in either fact, or photos. So, methinks 'tis a bit harder to 'kick the tires' on the online romances. As far as Davey Jones goes, I just sent him a marriage of 32 years. I'm sure ships outlast women now.....
  24. Well, the Jolly Roger on my Ship is lovingly referred to as 'the Rag'. Down from the mainmast last nite for repairs before Ojai...more patches and repairs than hippie jeans....Give 'the Rag' a look, and you'll most likely revise your standards of quality....over 30 years at sea on this 'n....
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