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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Well, 'tis Friday, and the last time I'll be bringing this to the top..The foghorns were magical last nite, their symphony saying that we may have some fog, but it'll burn off, yielding a glorious day, so please come on out.We need the fireboat desperately..Buy my other boat, and I'll pay the difference,.. its that important!...They've planned for a wonderful time, spreading maritime lore and magic accross the docks. We pirates will do our best to keep you smilin', and havin' a good time. Feel free to come on o'oer to the Pyrate Ship and lend in the merriment! Good times start at Ten AAA EMMM!...RR, a pirate's life for me!...Bully?.......
  2. Aye, lass! Good plie 'o loot!...and, if'n ye 'ave no use for the caulkin' mallet, sail 'er my way! (19th cent. wooden hammer thing).........
  3. Her sails are strong and yellow as the sand, Her spars are tall and supple as the pine, And, like the bounty of a generous mine, Sun-touched, her brasses flash on every hand Her sheer takes beauty from a golden band, Which, sweeping aft,is taught to twist and twine Into a scroll, and badge of quaint design Hang on her quarters. Insolent and grand she drives. Her stem rings loudly as it throws the hissing sapphire into foamy waves, While on her weather band bends the copper glows in burnished splendor. Rolling down she laves her high black sides until the scupper flows, Then pushing out her shapely bow she braves the next tall sea, and, leaping, onward goes. -Thomas Fleming Day
  4. Madeline Stowe in 'Last of the Mohiicans'..offa the top 'o me head...........or
  5. Avast!...I decided to contact the local Constabulary, and, they were indeed glad I did! Seems as there was a sea battle close to town a while back, and they werent ready for the noise.. So, now they be ready!..Gotta fire towards the bay, tho....dunno 'bout the gag.........
  6. Aye, Aye!...(starts thinking hard, smells somthin' burnin', runs 'ead under faucet)..........
  7. Ah, Mellville.... At last we hoisted the stun-sails up to the top-sail yards, and as soon as the vessel felt them she gave a sort of bound like a horse, and the breeze blowing more and more, she went plnging along, shaking off the foam from her bows like foam from a bridle-bit. Every mast and timber seemed to have a pulse in in that was beating with life and joy, and I felt a wild ezulting in my own heart, and I felt as if I would be glad to bound along so round the world.
  8. Aw Shit!..Gotta stop readin' these early in the mornin'!
  9. :) Do be keepin' ye'ere local Gendarmes informed concerning your raids, as , unannounced swords, flintlocks, etc. can put one in 'is Majesties Brig rather quickly, otherwise!!.....Aye!
  10. Have fun, be as public as you can, and be bigger 'n life!..ye'll find new Baratarians comin' outta the woodwork!..Good luck, me bucko!....
  11. aye, Coastie!..the Hamilton one's excellent!!.........
  12. Ah, Weaver, made me mornin'!.. Rollinonthefuggindecklaffinmefrigginarseoff!
  13. Ahoy, and avast ye, 'tis gettin' closer, the weather's cooperatin', its beautifulllll, and, well, October in Sausalito is grand. I hope all of you locals or nearly locals will come out to see the boats, enjoy the festivities, and enjoy a day in the boat community.....But a word 'o caution, as Aye hear there be......Pirates!...in these very waters!...........Aye!
  14. A Head Wind. A contrary wind, I know not how, puts us all out of good humour; we grow sullen, silent, and reserved, and fret at each other upon every litttle occasion. -Ben Franklin
  15. Thanks Coastie..Sterling was from this Harbour, his son, Dana Hayden is several boats over, interestin' as his dad...quite the local legend, eh?
  16. Yep...gotten worse for me since they reopened the "Avolon Ballroom"..more acid there in me youth than in alla the batteries Aye've owned since!.......Pyrapsychedelia.............
  17. Jeeesh!..Aye had..'On the Threshold of a Dream on!!!!....really wierd!!.........Aye
  18. There's a tempest in yon horned moon, and lightning in yon cloud, and hard the music, mariners, the wind is piping loud; The wind is piping loud my boys! The lightning fllashes free, while hollow oak our palace is, our heritage the sea.- Allen Cunningham
  19. Aye keep sp50 onboard, nuttin less than 35. Not many wanna look lizard-y like meself,...'eck I'm only 23!.....Alla the wenches 'ave left this Ship wif' a large case 'o bodice burn............
  20. RRRRR!!!...We're gettin' enuff ta fill a burgie halyard, for sure!!!..Some yacht club!!....Whaddabout U.V.?...........Coyote>> Naw, Aye woodn't obsess on nuttin!
  21. :) Aye, thar, matey!.....Be needin' some backup!....'Tis fall, when sailors go bonkers, chasin' the Sun!.........RR!............
  22. ....Aye, Lass! Glad it surfaced, as we be needin' some new stock (mebbee the boat show)...besides the ones already hostage in the bloomin' contraption!.....Hmmm...If'n we did that to the HC, then she'd sorta look like.....the Royaliste!.......Aye!....
  23. .....Oui!..How'dya get them things to stack up?.. never 'ave figgured it out!.......
  24. Ahoy! lass!...Aye've found ye'ere camera!!!.....Sorry to yell at ye, but me laptop keeps crashin', and Aye thought ye'd wanna know..As with all sailing vessels, things 'disappear' in an instant, the ship heels, and things folks leave about(includin' the Cap'n, 'o course!), all go crashing somewhere..In this season 'o pyratin' alone, Aye've retrieved, liquor, food, guns, money, wallets, flintlocks, panties, jackets, cameras, glasses....The list goes on!...so, if'n its missin', start lookin' thru the bilges, gravity still rules, as there's no escape from the bottom 'o the hull!...............
  25. 'There is but a plank between a sailor and eternity'-Thomas Gibbons ......
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