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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Aye, and , San Francisco is a heavy union town, an' wif' the cops bein' union cops, we've managed to miss a lot 'o the morning after 'blues'....Twas a national 'pastime'...
  2. ...Actuallly,mate..'twas fun in prior years before the closing of so many bases here..You could dance, drink, fight wif' sailors, ride yere motorcycles over piles 'o drunk ones..why, our old barmaid could punch out two or three at a time..and that's wot shore leave 's all about, eh?
  3. For a factual note, I stress highly to all reenactors who board my vessel that shoes needn't be period, as I'm not fond of man overboard drills due to improper footwear..Since most are non boaters, my recommendation is always tennies....and layered overgarments, that pirate stuff looks kewl, but, the sea has no taste for fashion.....
  4. Actually, there's quite a lot out there on the web, but the best are in the west, as they say....You'll not find anything resembling her now..Any of those are already on me website....things are mighty bleak up in marinaland.. friends moved, but only have 30 days in that spot..'aven't paid me own rent this month, a small fire up the way, general uneasiness in the waterfront...on the other hand, the weather's spectacular, as fall is is Sausalito...A gale rocked me sox off last night, but, now 'tis the time to sand, paint, varnish, and make ready for the winter and the party(when we can't sail, we tear the bone out 'o it.)...Ye need to see this 'ole girl live and up close..your not in Kansas, Dorothy....
  5. Barefoot or teva's on deck, Sebago schooners or Wellingtons with a wedge for my rigging chores..
  6. Ahoy lass...Lemmee see, there's a local marine photographer with some outstanding photos, listed Aug 29..paperazzih2o.com or such.. I have a full cd from sea battles, and there are many others, but, alas they are stored in me dead laptop...the CD is here, and Quill may still have many, I don't ereally kow, so many are taken that I dont track them, unfortunately.. Should you ever want to try a painting, we'll work it to where the backdrop works out.....I'm a Leo cusp, 7/21/49
  7. RRR, mates, it be fleet week again, and as usual, the libations will flow on deck watchin' the Blue Angels piratin' the skies o'oer the city..Ye locals know where to find me..party on, mates...
  8. Well, it ain't about pirates per se, but ' Cap'n Nat Herreshoff-the Wizard of Bristol' will dial you in on real ship stuff from the late 1800's to early 1900's on the worlds oceans...The Boys from Bristol built the ships to outrun the revenooers and sail from the U.S. to Africa, trade for slaves, take the slaves to the Carribean and trade for sugar, and bring to the U.S. to make the rum. Not all pretty, but the United States best ever naval archetect....built the ships that won and kept the Cup in America for a very long time.
  9. No, but http://www.woodenboat.com should have some nice stuff of Howard Chappelle, among others, on their plans and books pages.....
  10. ..Lost in the Fog?...oh well, just answerein' some of your thoughts, as any moonchild would do....Stynky's right, also....
  11. :) when in unfamiliar waters, I keep my 1 1/4 inch bore swivel gun loaded with old brass screws near my bunk...black powder, unregistered, and a wondeerful deterrent to those who would steal my dingy, or try to rob my crew.....
  12. I'll get the official fund address tomorrow..Thanks.....
  13. Aye, but we're especially concerned with 'accuracy' 'between the sheets'!....Terminology has nothin' to do wif' masts...You can put a boat on a ship, but you cant put a ship on a boat....69? Me too.........understand fully...
  14. :) No,lass..Ye'ere descriptions were excellent, just that some 'o the newbies might not understand how exciting sailing on an average day can be, much less an extremely exciting day.. and, well, they are waaayy greener than us. Actually, a very good adventure in sail training. Some people pay waaay big dubloons for just such an adventure, and we do it alla the time!....
  15. Sausalito Ca., home to over seven thousand sailors, including the Royaliste and Hawaiian Chieftain, is in desparate need of a fireboat. As folks on Lake Union in Washington can attest, there's nothing pretty about marina fires. They are hard to fight, so most time things just plain burn up. A local Powerboat and Trawler broker, also a poster here, is having a huge boat show October 18 and 19, with the gate admission going 100% to the fireboat fund, and a percentage of the sales from that weekend. As a goodwill gesture, the Royaliste will be at anchor out in the bay in front of the show, with Tales of the Seven Seas, being generally piratical for the public and raising funds for the fireboat. Any interested local pirate or newbies who are interested should contact me or Quill. And any guests out there, please come and help the cause. Look over the new boats, spend a heella lot 'o dubloons and buy one!...Who knows, the party'll be onboard, and could wind up in an evening sail or somethin'....
  16. ..Aye, tis a tragedy....I grew up illustrating in the day in the shadow of Robert Crumb, and can really relate to lost treasures............
  17. Aye, as stated, a crew more 'seasoned', ready or not. For the readers, I must stress that although the day became a real sailing adventure on a square-rigged ship, at no time were there any safety issues. It was a beautiful sail, just no luxury options. As far as the timing of the tide, had it been ebbing, we'd have just continued to sail south to Half- Moon Bay, using the ebbing tide to give me another knot. The issue of evryone's safety is one of extreme prudent seamanship, and, nothing has happened to me yet. Just one of those Doubting Thomas type retorts. The crew does pull together, thats what makes a crew. I'll sail from Drakes Bay any day for the offshore solitutude and magic it supplies....Yo, ho a pirates life for me....
  18. ....Been on me belly in the engine room for too long, and, the starters toast....Off for a rebuild tomorrow...Getting chastised a bit by my peers for not taking a mate along...mostly the 'what if something had happened to you, nevermind the engine?' concept...bears a bit 'o thinkin', as it's a tough thing, staying off a lee shore in the North Pacific.....
  19. .......Windage was an unnecessary adjustment. Deck guns fire true for at least 1200 yards, most combat was considerably closer..No such thing as a burning linstock. The linstock is merely a handle to get a slow match to the touchole........
  20. :) Twas Captain Pissgums and his Pervert Pirates that set me on my way.. alla the time battlin' Bernice and the Bulldykes(my name's Bernice, but my friends call me 'Bernie")...and 'bite my crank, mate'......Wilson and I share the same orthopedic surgeon...a private cartoon in the office of the Checkered Road Deamon prematurely removing the pins in his fingers, cussin' the Doc', kinda like meself....If'n ye have a spare copy, I'd be 'avin' it.....
  21. :) As mentioned elsewhere, I'm in computer hell right now..Scupper, I got your email, but didn't know this thread existed until today..To those concerned, there have been four portraits painted of the Ship from reenactments. They are on my website. Quill and meself 'ave mucho digital photos, and a full cd from sea battles..I've had great fun just converting them to grayscale in photoshop. If you care to use my ship, I've no problem with it, just dont use a lame shot, and I'd like to see any art before printing, only for tecnical accuracy's sake( no lines or stuff wot aint really there, without approval).....FAIR WINDS....Gary..
  22. :) And, 'tis a crew a bit more 'seasoned', intended or not..Now, about luck, as I use up a fair portion of it in work and play. Yesterdays only episode of luck was timing the flood tide at the 'Gate...Beyond that, 'twas a day of brutal seamanship,nary a bit 'o luck involved,'cept mebbee the passengers luck at 'avin' a sailor on watch....another funny note; as Dakkar towed me towards my slip from the ferry landing, there was a stringer of kayakers headin' out in the dark...Dakkar hollers 'Outside...large vessel in tow'..the rental kayak leader shouts 'Outside, outside, hurry! they're towing the Hawaiian Chieftain!'...can't even get it right under sail!.....Later, I'm gonna tape up the cuts and holes in me hands.....
  23. .....Everyone's forgetting mortars on bomb ketches....smaller ships wif' big mortars to destroy the rigging fired upwards from smaller vessels. No time to deal with big ships when smaller ones are kicking your butt from all sides...
  24. :) Those folks are still talkin' 'bout it! Pirate Birthday raids are about as entertaining as it gets, as the vibe is all good, everyone loves a birthday, as opposed to a shipload of charter passengers expecting to be pampered....
  25. :) 'Twas a pleasure to meet you and yours,mate..Thinking of sailing down next year, if'n I do, ye've an invite aboard the Royaliste after the fair.....
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