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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. An' check the cutlass' at th door! Otherwise, alla them point-pricks from leanin' on 'em'll ruin the 'white floors'?
  2. Ditto!..As wif' most 'o me crew, they pretty mush do wot' they feel like doin', an' once in a while, it all works!! I'm thinkin' the 'equality under the Black Flag' style keeps most all 'appy!! :)
  3. GRRRRREAT pics, Coastie!!!..Love the Bloke wif' the Thompson on the foredeck, might hafta save that 'n for me first mate!...
  4. We've a rather nice 'set' 'o articles for the Royaliste, but ye'd be needin' to speak wif' me Quartrermaster, Poison Quill, for a copy....Sorry, but we've signed RRRRR articles already, Mate. :)
  5. "Hmmm, I tends to prefer the 'breechloaders wot' walk on their own two legs, (at least 'till the rum kicks in! ).... *Jest pullin' ye're wooden legs, mates!!*
  6. "Hmmm, I thunk it wuz the bowsprit!!...Nose to nose, eh?".....leaves 18th century chalk to slow down the carvin' and encourage the period 'taggers'...
  7. Aye'm still fer the mortars, but they are a friend's, an' an old crewmate, if'n she shows!!..Most likely will, tho, she's missed nary a New Year's in the last 3 or 4..."
  8. My harbormaster's not too fond 'o the last time I tried some magnesium drill shavin's!!..But they wuz waaay kewl!!"
  9. Aye, mate!!..Line uppa bunch 'o deck guns, fire 'em off together, an' melt that shit 30 feet at a time!!..Then skate on the run-off!!!.."
  10. "Hmm, 'ow's the beak, M'dear???"...*curiou, looking for swelling*...
  11. "Hmm, much better, thunk Aye wuz gonna learn a new language!!" (New invention, fireworks mortar balls in the swivel gun!!...Waaaaay kewl!!)
  12. Pulls dirk, scratches in door.... 'Stepped outside, when 'wot the 'eck?' Seagull pooped all o'er the deck. Loaded a deck gun ,aimed at the pilin', seagull's hollerin', an' kinda smilin'! Put a 3 inch screw in some meat inna cup, Now 'e's a' floatin', both feet up! (Tuff poopin' them screws, eh?) *punctuates by stickin' feather in t.p. roll*
  13. "Hmm, flyin' a WWII 82nd Airborne 48 star ensign today, meself"..
  14. A medicinal repair wif' some Malibu rum be in order, methinks!!!...Atta girl, Penny!!
  15. Pulls dagger, and carves across everything on the wall..... 'LAND SHARK RULES!!' Eh , vato?.....
  16. Actually, I was chatting with the Lady e'en 'afore the 'witch Rosie, but I'll duck just in case, Pirata!!.. :)
  17. "Hmm, once upon a Pyrate's lifetime, long ago, Jenny was curious as to writin' a bit 'o romance fiction..then she mysteriously disappeared...."
  18. Yeah but so was Henry Morgan and he was a backstabbing bastard! "Yessir!!!..Men 'afore their own time!!...Why, If'n they wuz around today, they could be Gov'nor or President!!!!"
  19. You've been quite scarce as of late, Jenny..Welcome back .....
  20. Pours a mug 'o the Cap'n, and tosses it back.."Skoal!...And, anyhooo, 'e'ere's to a sucessful road campaign!!"....
  21. "Bloody Bloomin' Flippin' 'eck wif' a bunch 'o that mullarky!!!".. ..'Begins loading all gun batteries........
  22. Is this casting person connected to Paramount?...Wondering.....
  23. * Rolls Specially marked keg from the deck, down the gangplank, and breaks out the tankards*.."Avast ye, Maytee!!...'ere's to ye, an' many more!!"
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