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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. 'Notices Jonesy strollin' out from under the wall, wonders if'n 'e's one 'o them kitties wot learns ta use the 'ead, an laffs some more!!! ....(careful wif' that dirk, lass!!..the dentists are a real bitch in this century!)
  2. :) ..An' then there'd a been a long stringer 'o lawyers a' tellin' ev-rrrryone 'bout the ba-zillion dollar clean-up necessary by the Haz-Mat crew to restore the street to it's original condition, pre-rain, pre-parade, and post-logic!!!
  3. Damn near steps in bag of lime outside the privy, laffin' so hard from readin' this drivel..( Hella funny, Penny!!)..drinks a whole case 'o crappy beer, jus' ta' hafta come back in 'ere quickly so's I kin' read more!
  4. Looks at the Quartermaster, giving a nod to Jack, " It all works for me, mates!!!...The forward cabin is now also satellite equipped, so..Kick off them boots, and we'll have a great time!...Only supposed to rain a quarter inch or so, no big deal..... Should I loosen up Lady Liberte', or not?"..begins looking for the brass, WWII bomb factory crescent wrench, as it leaves no marks or gouges...
  5. I just missed both your calls..Smiths C.P.E.S. is available most eberywhere in the area, although Waste Marine is competitive on this product...keep tryin' me, Weather's movin' in, and I'm topside...I'll try you soon...'G'
  6. Sealer went on first, sealing the wood...Poly paint is what you'll need to stick to the flubberglass, but, enamel will too...dont buy paint from Waste Marine, they are waaay over-priced..the 'Orange store' or Orchards, eh?
  7. Shakes head, I said "call me!"..Shoulda used C.P.E.S. first, then, no running, and no rot, ever, 'boat' folks donna ever paint raw wood!.....*sighs*,..oh, well..... *Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer
  8. A touch hole 'n linstock man, meself, eh?..no need for frills aboard this ship....but, there are safety concerns for those less than familiar
  9. Notices Hellava goin' in to an adjacent stall, turns quickly around, enters the stall behind her, and it's 'on' again!"
  10. 'Reads the steady growing wall graffitti, remindin' me 'o work, see's an old number, '867-5309', Buries cutlass deeply in the panel, says, "Hmm, now ye kin 'ang up yer sidearms first!"...Flushes, and leaves, piece of paper stuck to boots...
  11. "The updated photos RRRR great!..Any word from Jack 'n Nyre 'bout this weekend?..Wanna pull the Lady Liberte' off the beak board, but, not without confirmation, eh?"....looks at figurehead, forgetting how beautiful She is......
  12. And, although I can be a bit 'wild' when it comes to gunpowder, make sure your pricker is brass, or any NON-FERROUS metal, as, a spark from your steel pricker can ruin your day by sparkin', settin' off the charge, an' makin' a mess of your hand or face before you even know wot' happened! (Pan??)...touch holes, yay, but...pans??... a cord pull on a caplock for later periods (25 Yankee Frogskins apiece, from Dixie)......
  13. :) Repeat after me, "First the powder, then the Ball..!" :) ... ...Or, spend a day here, an' savor the aroma 'o fresh burnt powder!.... "Just pullin' ye're wooden leg, Mate!!"
  14. GRRRREAT pictures!!!..Looks like ye all were 'avin' one hella good time!!..Aye!..
  15. The port captain, a Chilean naval officer, advised me to ship hands to fight Indians in the strait(of Magellan) farther west...I found only one man willing to embark, and he on condition that I should ship another "mon with a doog." But as no one else was willing to come along, and as I drew the line at dogs, I said no more about the matter, but simply loaded my guns. At this point in my dilemma Captain Pedro Samblich...gave me a bag of carpet-tacks, worth more than all the fighting men and dogs of Tierra del Fuego. I protested that I had no use for carpet-tacks on board. Samblich smiled at m want of experience, and maintained stoutly that I would have use for them. "You must use them with discretion," he said; " That is to say, don't step on them yourself." With this remote hint about the use of tacks I got all right, and saw the way to maintain clear decks at night without the care of watching. -Joshua Slocum
  16. 'Looks back up at the Siren, and replies'...."Hmm, methinks ye'll be waitin' quite a pice, Lass..No pirates in this 'n, jus' raw sea drama!!" 'Looks o'er to the Master/Commander thread opposite...>>.......
  17. Meee too!!! 'Twas quite tuff, as my 'eraser' is white, 'n I couldn't see it o'er me white 'lil arse, so, it took me about ten tries to get even close!!!.....Still laffin'!
  18. The velcro one was most excellent, Coastie! Sooner or later, the spurious in a man's character will become apparent at sea. -William McFee
  19. :) Ah,me waistcoat an' me whites are ready to go..Still think they'll have a problem wif a cutlass......
  20. "Rollinonthefuggindecklaffinmefrigginarseoff!!!.. ."Donna' Call 'er 'the Poison Quill' fer nuthin', eh?......Demmit!, Spilled me rum!!...Hardee,Har, Har, Har!!!"....
  21. Your motors were runnin, too, mate!..the Chieftains always runnin'(no, all square riggers back up that quick!!.).Wanna race?? any time,mate!..Master Mariners Annual Regatta for Wooden sailing vessels on Memorial Day!.( http://www.MasterMariners.org ).Bring it on!..If you actually owned the vessel, I'd happily race you for your pink slip!(still need the firewood, aye! )..Oh, yea, you just..'hang around' on the 'State' rig! anytime, the Bay's always got some wind, why run away south for the winter???..Chicken????...Aye!!..As for recent history, we sailed all day that Saturday, circumnavigated Angel Island and back, mate..and had a good one, you?..oh, yes, you went back to your slip... Captain's Log..14 trips to the Carribean on her hull, the first in 1971...Canadian Charter rig, British Registry 1970-2002, continous
  22. "ME neighbors be quite used to it" ..'Your' neighbors, well, dunno!!!"
  23. "RRRRRRRRR...!!!!...More grrrreat photos'!!....Man, it jus' keeps gettin' better!!..(YEa, tips 'up', at war, tips 'down', at rest)..*Same with eagles on swords an' buckles....towards guns,at war, towards laurel leaves, at peace..Military crap, eh???"...and, one more time.."Whose pants are these??..Black, a passle 'o button's in the pocket, mebbee Redd's'....
  24. Chuckles loudly.."Ded Fred's still a' hangin' in the riggin'!!...freakin' the tourista's out 'e is!!!..."...Continues laffin'...
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