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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Returning to the privy, the odor is becoming so unbearable that instead 'o takin' another whiz, I search thru me seabag, remove one size regular pineapple-shaped grenado, light the wick, hold me nose, an' float it 'cross the hole...shut the stall door an' head back to the ship......
  2. "Stopped in 'ere to takes a whiz, Started laffin' whilst I read this 'biz'. Laffed so hard I let 'er dangle, wif' nary a care 'bout the yella stream's angle. Kinda went everywhere during the fall, E'en scribed 'double 'RR's upon the wall. So now me boot's on top 'o this keg, Whilst I tries to dry me own pantleg!!" "Good one 'bout the 'dirk', 'Quill!"
  3. Ahoy Jack!!..Hmm, I'll be a' wantin' to touch 'er up, but not till after alla the messin' around is done, and I'm re-doin' the paint..I'll be here manana... Gluein' and sawin', an' paintin' in the dry spells"...
  4. Arrrgh!..It be out, an' it be right awesome!...goin' again, methinks!....Aye!!
  5. "RR!..Ye gotta good eye, thar, lass!!!".... (The initals RRRRRn't bad, either!)
  6. "Aye!...Me too, an', it looks like 'e's even wearin' a patch on one eye! :)
  7. Here's to ye, Maytee!...Many more, methinks!!!!.
  8. Avast ye!!!!....Weather permitting (in other words,no rain)...The day after Thanksgiving will find Hellava, Poison Quill, Saber, Raul and yours truely out for a sail to try and git even wif' the 'ole bird, upcheckin' 'im into the Bay!!!....Any local 'Tales of the Seven Sea's' folks are more than welcome, but, the days are short, so, leavin the dock is 'leavin' the dock', eh? Low tide, 0832, slack for an hour or so, need to leave before the flood kicks the stern around....Should be teRRRRRific! A post script.. Might have to utilise the day after for some ship's chores.. will keep posted.
  9. "Oh, yeah, ye're supposed to take the steamers outta the shells, eh?
  10. :) "I'll just skip it an' go back to drinkin'..Ain't seen an apeture yet that weren't trouble"..... Pours, Then drinks...
  11. Two pieces 'o oiled canvas, or thin leather, wrapped in serving marlin, and soaked in 'boat sauce'* has worked for centuries...just a thought, and not many dubloons....... *Mixture of linseed oil, turp's, a little Japan drier, etc.
  12. Comes back in to the privy, steps in something, but, not much caring, he replies.."Eck, no!!....The Bloody reindeer's RRRR on the flippin' Stinkpotters boats!.. (sailor jargon for powerboat)...Aye jus' plan on swivel-gunnin' 'em offa the decks!!! Finishes up, a dribble or two 'ere an' there, an' rubs 'em away wif' me boot....leavin'
  13. :) Aye, lad!...And judgin' by 'is waist, 'e could use a couple 'o squares hisself, too!! ...Glad to see ye back around!!
  14. "Hmmm, might just be in the waters thereabouts, but it'll be over a year from now......I've sailed the area in other vessels, 'tis fun, but gawdawful shallow nearby..."..*looks o'er the rail, seein' alla the grass.*....
  15. I personally observed quite a few bayonet attacks from both us and the V.C. at rather ugly times when I was doing erection of material handling systems in 'Nam, usually when one or the other was quite overrun..My own brother-in-law, now deceased Major, U.S.M.C. was repeatedly bayoneted AFTER being quite heavily machine-gunned during the Tet offensive....Go figure........didn't know this was a topic.....
  16. Nods ta Coastie, on me way back in...Fixin' to hang 'Ded Fred' up inna crow's nest, a' lookin' fer more 'o 'is Majesties finest, be needin' a good lookout, methinks.....Starts wirin' 'Fred' wif' 'is own weapons, so's next time it be 'even steven'.....
  17. "They're welcome ta fly by, they'd jus' best stay outta elevation 'o the gundeck!".....Fires swivel at reindeer silhouette.."Hmm, not too bad!"
  18. Walks in the stall, wonderin' whether the same logic applies at Xmas, when the whole dang harbor hangs reindeers all over the boats, and stands on decks, carrolling... mulls over the potential for so many targets, starts nite-time gunnery drills in anticipation of the 'Xmas boat parade'! :)
  19. 'ere's' to ye, ya lousy Flippin', scale-tailed rodent, you!!!...'ere's some rum, summa the movies ye make seem as tho ye be drunk already!!...RRRRR!!!"
  20. " She was an interesting little cutter..." -Ben Franklin, on describing the 'BLACK PRINCE', 75 prizes taken in under one year off the coasts of England and Ireland
  21. DUHH!!...The obvious, I tie 'em all, for every reason; riggers as me day job, 18th century vessel for a home, several sailing rigs, and 'o course plenty 'o marlinspike seamanship to embellish the above...On a 'name game', when ye all tie the 'Mast hitch', used to erect masts and provide three guy points, also providing the first working guy in the process, gimmee a call...you hit the big time!!!! :)
  22. ...Stumbles in the privy, feelin' around inna dark, lights candle,and as asual, laffs arse off at Weaver's sense 'o humor, ruinin' me aim, consequently puts out fire intensified by the rum (e'en bad rum burns!), mutters somethin' 'bout the gendarmes jus' makin' me remove 'Ded Fred', buttons up and goes back to swabbin' the cannon....
  23. ...After Pyrate Ship is raided by the Sausalito Police Dept. for complaints about the Halloween pirate 'Ded Fred' hangin' from the mizzen gaff, the Pyrate returns to the privy to pinch off a 'reply' to the gendarmes......pulls out dirk, an' in customary 'homey' fashion, crudely scrawls..."Fuck the Cops!" ,(eh, vato?)..sticks used paper underneath for effect, lights the remainder of the roll on fire, an' goes back to the Ship....
  24. "Awwwww, Geeee!!!! (Save the shavin's fer waddin'!!)
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