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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. "Or, 'eck!!..Find a dock, any dock......."
  2. :) Fer sure!..Depends on next season, and several possible alignments, just waitin' it out.....With a weather eye to the horizon
  3. "YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHOOOOO!!!!....*Hangs ten from the tip 'o the jibboom, slides back to the bits, jumps, and heads for the cabin after adding four more docklines to the seawall*..... "Ahh, 30 tons 'o surfboard, nuttin' like it!!.....(looks around for kewl sunglasses, ne'ermind the rain)...
  4. "Naw, if'n it works out, I'd like to be on the Central Coast about the time of Ojai in late Sept...And the Toshiba Tallships Fest..I declined this year, due to surgery issues..O.K. by next year, hopefully!"....
  5. "Screw it!!!...Winter really sucks in the northern extremes on a square-rigger!!..Alla the commercial boys, (Chieftain, L.W., etc) went south in late fall, next year this 'ole Pyrate Ship's gonna do the same!!..Sea Battles down the coast, hang in So.Cal. for a bit, then Mexico till spring!!..Best be bookin' a leg early if'n ye be interested!!..This'll serve as me one and only New Year's Resolution, by Neptune's Trident!!"... :) "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"
  6. Well, besides pills, today ye'd be needin' a few straps and lashings!!..It's as ruff as I've seen, with high tides and the storm outta the South....The whole Ship's a rockin' today!..Too bad I returned the camera, woulda been a good 'do you get seasick?' video!!!....RRRRR!!..Aye jus' luv it!!!!. *The storm took the bowline outta the tire on the seawall, so, off in the dink I went!!..Jeesh!!..Wotta ride!..At one point , I'd be higher than the taffrails on the poop-deck, then lower than the double RR's!!...Really wild at Pelican's End today!!...
  7. Pulls dirk, (yep, the spellin' s correct! )..tries to carve on the storm swells.. "PIRATES ROCK AND RULE!!!"..... returns dirk to top 'o the 'beaver blend', an' steps back aboard on the roll.....
  8. Hopefully we'll get out to the fireworks, but we be at the mercy of the weather..If'n it don't cooperate, they be visible from the poop-deck, and if the tides up, from the dock also...We'll jus' hope for the best.!....Rum stores are good, brews a a bit minimal, but 'tis only Monday!..WOW!!!..BIG WIND just now! ...Heelin' waaaaaay o'er!!!>>>>>> "Five feet 'o lift in the stern makes for tuff Java 'n rum drinkin'!"
  9. Some inkslingers here in the states are using some Japanese 'mineral' inks, they are heavier, and some people reject one color or another, but they flat assed dont fade..Ypu might check into it...
  10. I had all of my back done cheaply in the South Pacific, but, the colors and quality are no comparison to my sleeve work
  11. "All in the 'Aye' 'o the beholder!!!...Ever so often, I see's Geena swingin' in me ratlines, firin' arrows from a long bow('aven't figgured out 'ow she's holdin' on, but, 'eck, 'tis a dream, eh?)...A fine pirette in my book!..(an' I'd much ruther wake up to her in my bunk as opposed to 'Orlando')
  12. Then you'll like this, Pirata..My right sleeve is 19 hours at 200-300 an hour.........Starting plans for the left sleeve..Going to try and shoot for a grand or so.........Really good artists get a high price; but in reflection, the comes around goes around..Most inkslingers I know have to pay upwards of 500.00 an hour to get theirs done!.....
  13. *Gives Crow a nod*..."Thankin' ye, maytee!..We'll be firin' a broadside or two, an' the City does a bang up fireworks display!!!"....(Checks magazine for charges) ---"Oh, yeah!!..Methinks we be startin' early!!!..Harbourmaster's still outta town, 'twas a fine afternoon yesterday, wif' a mate's youngsters aboard, so it was only right to fire a three gun broadside along wif' 'locks for a finale to sunset!!!...RRRRRRR!!! (Man, are my neighbors gettin' gunshy!)
  14. :) "Aw, 'eck, we'll be gettin' ahold 'o ye one 'o these times, mate!......Gunpowder be in e'eryone's blood, eh?"
  15. (Nods).."Aye, Lass..Alla the time thinkin' 'o ye, too , yer gun's still a roarin', as of late!..*Just today, in the harbour!!*
  16. Well, 'tis that time, and the weathers lookin' good.....Pyrates only, no 'lil bucaneers........
  17. "RRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!....Lookin' like the weather may co-operate for New Years Eve, Quite a motley crew so far......Hmmmm.." :)
  18. "Hmmm, methinks the expression 'Wearin' me woolies' pretty much says it all, mate!"..........
  19. I've built quite a few in 1:12 scale, stripping 3/4 " pine into planks, then usuing availble big boat plans, Make my deadeyes and shrouds, it all workd well..
  20. Well, there be a chimney on both 'o me vessels, but they be a mite small for that 'ole buggar, so, he usually slides inta the harbor in a 'Bounty' style longboat, reindeer on the oars, Rudolph a standin' inna bow, barkin' orders.....Tossin' seabags on the sterns as they pass......
  21. :) Aye'd rather look at it as 'increasing the information resource'....Now, where's the rum???..........
  22. "Just got another 'new' one for the rack!..British cutlass, stamped and rack-numbered, briquet style..1838...pretty kewl!...(No sharpened edge, but factory sharpened tip....."
  23. 'Tis a tad early, but we'll be at sea as the weather permits, so, I would really like at this time to thank all of you fellow Rogues for one Hellava year, an' the hopes fer many more like 'em!!!...Crewmates, give ye'reselves a pat on the back, supporters, a thank you from all of us...If ye be in the neighborhood, stop on by, the rum's on the counter, and the spirits are everywhere!......A toast from the Tallship to all of you at this holiday time!..After all, She is a Pyrate Ship!!! ... ..HOOORAAAH!...
  24. :) Aye, I've been huntin' an oilskin-type outer coat..Might just fill the bill!...
  25. A follow-up episode is also running; 'Myths of Nelson's Navy'..Not too bad...Interesting facts on the total amounts of prize monies following the Battle of the Nile....
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