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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. The 'bunch' doesn't host any maritime events, nor care much for brethren of the sea, so as a fulltime sailor, I've little use for them.
  2. Hmm, we've restarted a long dead thread from the 'Pop' archives regarding this Master-Commander thread, but.....Actually, it's a hybrid of two books in the series, not all twenty. 'Master-Commander' book one, and 'Far Side of the World', about halfway thru the career of 'Lucky Jack'. So, later in the series, Jack and the 'Suprise' become privateers. I state this because several posters have made comments that it's not about 'pirates'. I put forth that since you don't read much, you didn't realise that it was the beginning of a series that is also about 'pirates'... ..on a related note, there are still a few disgruntled 'crewmen' (I say that lightly because they haven't sailed with me, therefore their ability is regarded as heresay by me) that believe they can 'return' the 'Rose' to her former status. They send out newsletters for support, but 'tis an effort comparable to 'peein' up a rope'.......The H.M.S. Rose (Suprise) will never again be fit for sea duty as a sail training and goodwill vessel. Too many alterations due to filming. And a note to those who consider her the 'Suprise'......You can paint any old thing you weant on the transom, but thar be an ancient, recognised regimen to follow to rename a ship, and until then, she's still the Rose. ROYALISTE The Bay Area's Offical Tallship
  3. Ahoy Bess!!!..Be sure and give 'em RR regards, as we'll be busy 'Make a wishin' RR selves on the 24th...........Ain't it grand????....Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho!..(etc)
  4. I'm hopin' for one about the 'Franklin Privateers', or the 'Spitfire'......
  5. The triolor is the Napoleonic French flag. Prior it was the 'semy-de-lys' of Louis.......White with gold fluer-de-lys spread across.
  6. We really like the guy in the beakhead takin' a 'constitutional' in the snow and ice of the Southern Ocean...........
  7. The DVD is magnificent.........It be one us pirates particularly enjoy in harbour aboard ship on a nice evening. The 'Royaliste' throws in Her own share 'o creaks and groans, makin' the surround sound even better!
  8. Since it really isn't a matter of 'taste', but the simple fact that the nation is on a wave of producing very credible motion pictures depicting 'period' Great Age of Sail, including our friends at Disney, besides Fox, then just wot the particular 'Bloody Bloomin' 'eck' are you doing on this website??...After all, it is primarily about pirates, sailors, and ships. ....Nice pic, you should watch it at least 30 times, judging by your level of experience.
  9. The 'Queen Anne' is dandy, just takes 'baby' flints......and no ramrod...
  10. Just figured I'd breathe a little air back into this 'ere one. The gunpowder shipment has arrived, and if'n ye not be a 'T.O.S.S.' member, ye kin donate thru the Privateer website powder-support page ...We've checked out the spot for fittin' the 'ole square-rigger in, have a little donated small craft support to make sure we don't get 'aground' on anythin', and the restaraunt plannin' continues.........The ship's sailin' quite dandy after the haulout and refit, so the water adventure should be rollicking good fun for the little buccaneer!!!.......Pirates invadin' and plunderin' Pier 39, Hmmm, got kind 'o a ring to it, eh wot?? Then off to sea, for one just like this...............
  11. Hmmm, I'm just a wee bit 'perplexed' 'ereabouts.......There seems to be some 'incongruities in said poll so...... ....If'n ye sail, ye bathe waaaay more 'n 'saturday nite', lest ye sail on a flippin' slough instead 'o the Blue Briney......... .....I too 'aven't seen a decent description of a 'pirate'....... .....I don't quite 'get' waisted...like hugging, or wot??..or did we mean 'wasted'? ........Personally, I find 'Jack Sparrow' a bit 'superfluous' ........Assuming you meant 'reenactor', well 'yes', and 'yes'.... ....other than takin' a brief respite from sewing hatch covers, I am wonderin' why I took this poll........ ...and, with a nasty history behind me, I aven't a clue how to 'gully' you, but I'll have ye skinned and quartered 'afore ye kin act 'suprised', so ........the forgotten 'pigeonhole', 'ALL OF THE ABOVE' .......Now, where's me rum, and get back ta work, ye scurvey dogs!!!!!!!
  12. First, I resell weapons, so if you need a blunderbuss, holler. As far as the 'cannon sites' question, almost no one will sell you a primitive weapon with any guarantee other than to resemble the product. Yes, it's all about liabilities, mate. There are video's of my cannon's and sidearms being fired, but you will only hear me claim they are for replica use, not firing..........Black powder is volatile, and you control the quantity and safety of use. That's some hard territory for someone else to be 'responsible' for :)
  13. Proper product displays tremendously affect donations, me friend!..Post shitty photo's, well.......many of the ventures never see water, also.......Then again, people like those in L.A. build the 'Johnson' twin brigs, well built WITH decent photo's....After all, we all know websites are cheaper that a hot date.........
  14. Actually mate, if'n it were a puuurrrrfect world, we're tryin' to raise interest and sponsors to do 2005 from Lake Champlain in June, to all of the Fla. pirate activities in the fall, doing either one or both ways on her keel. Tain't the weather keepin' us from travelin' :) ..and now with the Pier 39 interest developing, who knows???........We've a short film RR two on RR horizon's, but we're pirates, so one thing we aren't...........predictable!!...................Hmmm, lemmee re-think that. We be very predictable; get near us with your main and your colors up, receive a 'predictable' broadside!!!.....
  15. You know, I've emailed and called them, for a couple of things, and gotten no reply as of late. But, fear not, we'll do fine. I'll cue my sawbones in on it today, and if he's available, he'll want to use a few pirates on his yacht, and he'd love the usual 'chase'. Here's a ponderance tho.....Don't suppose that Blake reads this 'pub', do ye??..otherwise, the gig's up!!!!!!!
  16. Interestin' site, mate..But methinks they need to build a quality site with decent photo's and graphics 'afore they start with the timber!...Jeesh!..Half the pirates I know 'ave better-done websites....A shame, really...But I'll keep a weather eye peeled, seein' as how I sail a French laid keel me own damn self............
  17. Hmmmm, methinks if'n they asked their kindred in the Russian mob, they'd have plenty 'o cash for the project. Great to hear tho, seriously.
  18. I 'aven't a problem at all with 'age', it's drivel. Does drivel have to be 'nasty' to be offensive??..No, says I!...Informing 'younger' pirates is my freakin' occupation and hobby; which I hold dearly and love, it's the non-piratical, useless babbling over crud that has nothing to do with piracy, as I stated. So, without deviating over 'age', I stand quite pat on the 'meaningless to piracy' posts. It's my assumption that this is why the management has a specific column for 'beyond piracy'. My inference, for those whom it flew over their heads, is that the 'useless crap' sounds like the children (you are, you know) have been 'drinking too much'.............Lighten up, read your history, and post something that could concieveably seem'interesting'. And yes, I could just 'wait for 'em to go away' like they generally do, but Bloody bloomin' 'eck, why not try an' educate 'em??
  19. Just me .02 cents worth, but methinks South Bend be over-priced for wot they make, as 'stickin' to me guns', my carronades are every bit as 'period' as the South Bend versions on my neighbor and favorite target, the Hawaiian Chieftain,and just as loud. Nobody will hardly put their balls where there mouths are and state anything about their accuracy. We know from practical experience that we have less than two feet of windage at 1,000 yards or better in a rollin' sea. Now I'd love to have a ton of bronze guns, besides my swivel, but it really wouldn't be accurate, as most guns on both sides of the ocean averaged 'Iron' barrels. For sure here in the colonies, iron barrels were the rule, and bronze the exception. Naval bronze was a spendy commodity, and be it fasteners, rig parts, or cannon barrels, cost was an issue.
  20. Ironically, the most sought after title for several hundred years was simply 'able-bodied seaman'.................still is out 'ere on the sealanes, alla you 'captains'!!
  21. Click on my website, go to the links page, and click on the ASTA logo (large white sails)...they have all rigs and descriptions.. better yet, 'ere!ships then click on ships and events, and then 'ship rigs'
  22. On the other hand, I consider that I generally am one showing an avid interest in living history, reenacting, or sailing, or whatever pigeon-hole that works for you. I also enjoy the ability to be able to 'overlap' historical accuracy with pure, unadulterated fun-type pirate activities to entertain both young and young at heart. This approach, in my way of thinking opens up doors that eventually lead to a love of ships and history. Just a portal, really...........So, one day I'll let ye stick ye're hands in the tarred marline, and the next, why, 'walk the plank', and a hearty 'Yo-Ho!, matey!!
  23. Hmmmm***Smoke rises between ears****..........Who's 'guardin' the guards???
  24. Ahoy 'Quill!..I'll put this 'ere seein' as how email's RR faulty. Erik is onboard for this; either with the Hindeloopen, or the new photo boat. He's aquired a stern-drive day cruiser that will be a much finer way to shoot than the dink. So, we should be thinkin' 'o a camera person for him...Then we are guaranteed good photo's for the family from off deck...
  25. Ahoy Joe!...Dunno much on ye're distribution, but down the line, maybe we'll sell a bunch for ye off the ship...Lotsa folks askin' where they kin get it, I'm referrin' 'em to your site, and ??
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