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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Thank you Jack...I'll give that a try.
  2. Thank you Jack...I'll give that a try.
  3. Michael - Sent yah an email, but it's duplicate information now. Can't wait to try the rice and beans. Callenish - It will be good to see you, Salty and wee Hamish again.
  4. Hi folks - I bought two hats at FlaRF - One that is cocked on one side (buccaneer or privateer style), and another I plan to not cock at all. The felt is decent in thickness, though when I wore the buccaneer one at the Fest the uncocked side unfortunately started drooping (and into the bag with the other it went). After reading the pages here on stiffening, I see several methods have been used to toughen up a hat. Hairspray, a combination of art supplies and such, starch, and even beeswax were mentioned. I'm wondering what would be best to aim for that I could do in an evening or two to not only stiffen the hats, but protect them from the elements. I should add that I hope to wear my uncocked hat to Searles with either a belt or cotton scarf added to it (ala willie wobbles or mission's hats - sort of). Gotta have something to keep the sun out of my face at least part of the time.
  5. Hey Nell - Just in case yah miss the FlaRF thread, I was wondering where yah came upon your hula hoop you mentioned. Wondering if it was from a company that I could easily find or contact. Then again, I could always search for "magnetic hula hoops", eh? Kudos on the weight loss thus far Diosa. I need to up my intake of fruits 'n veggies ('n lower fat) for a few weeks so I fit comfortably into my pair of Venetians for Searles. That and more crunches using "The Bean". That sucker makes core exercises easy for me.
  6. Barely Balanced was an amazing trio to see. Thanks to Brig for introducing me to their act, and for the ride to and from (and a fun time at the Fest). You are a generous soul. It was good to see Jessi and many a member of the Bone Island Buccaneers too. Rusty Nell, you looked fabulous in your kit! And btw...where did you get that hula hoop you mentioned? Sorry to hear a cold has taken hold of yah Hurricane (and Diosa). I hope you all get better soon. I ended up with a head cold today, but am doing alright on Thera Flu. *off to check out Brig's pics...hopefully will have some of my own up in a day or two*
  7. But of course! Though I may be in a dress or suit circa 1930-something. I'm the VP of the ConGaloosh Society, alongside Michael, our infamous President . Stay tuned folks...we'll have more information coming out on the event very soon, including registration. So if you're interested in spending a few days with fellow Adventurers (and CMs) and a night at the AdvClub, keep that site (and this thread) bookmarked. By the way, can y'all see the picks in this link below? I uploaded a few AdvClub pics there recently. I have a TON I need to get onto photobucket, and around two dozen videos I need to get on youtube. http://www.flickr.com/photos/9579037@N03/
  8. I'd like one as well. :)
  9. I'm jealous of your steam punk outfit Brig. So far it looks amazing!
  10. Lol Silas...I can picture you keeping the youngins' at bay too. Bo - That's an awesome deal on poles. I bought my one pole for around $20. The spear head itself is one of the elongated versions (most are either short or long), and it has wings on it that were added to prevent the pike from going in (to your enemy, critter-aka-dinner, etc) too far. For some odd reason the style reminds me of those Nerf footballs that had the fins on them. I doubt I'd ever try to throw my pike like a football though.
  11. Hey Brig - Thanks! I'm flipping back and forth on an additional event I may need to hightail back up to Orlando for early Saturday evening. If I decide not to go for it, I will let you know by tomorrow (Thursday) at the latest via PM. P.S. - Ladies, I've gotta go combo or full on fun (outfit) for this one.
  12. Oh...I saw a few scary things outside the Fort. I just choose to block them from my mind. (lol) Ask willie about Santa.
  13. I have a pike on its way to me (hopefully in time for Searles). I noticed that most pikes don't have langets on them. Are langets primarily on spontoons for period accuracy, or can they be found on other pike-ish weaponry? IMHO, it'd seem to me that they'd be commonplace, considering their purpose as reinforcement to the pole.
  14. I like the lines that seem like trademark Joss Whedon (with lots of -y or -ied). That, and things only certain characters could get away with saying. Mal: See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart. Book: If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater. (convo with Zoe) Wash: Don't know. I'm starting to like this poetry thing. "Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower… somewhat less attractive now that she's all corpsified and gross-" Inara: Right, you're a criminal mastermind! What was the last cargo we snuck past the Alliance to transport? Mal: That was a little dif— Inara: What was the cargo? Mal: [pauses, embarrassed] They were dolls. Inara: They were little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbled! ** ** I love the look on Mal's face when she says her last line there. Jayne's "I'll be in my bunk." is another one, apparently a favorite by many. Mal: Hey! People love those!
  15. Heh, I missed that movie on the Chiller network last night (minus the Pirate). Come to think of it, Pirate versions of those creepies might've been better.
  16. Not sure I'll be able to make it right when it opens at ten, but I'll be there shortly thereafter. I've traded cell #'s with a few folks, and will aim to seek you all out when I arrive.
  17. Me too Silkie. I've a few friends that are very into steam punk. Jack - I love that pocket watch. What kind is it?
  18. I don't use the word diet either. Had to change my eating style years ago for a food intolerance, and tailored it a little more for hypoglycemia. Since mid last year, I joined my dad in eating healthier and upping the exercise. He's lost 60+ lbs, and I've lost 30+. Got 10 or so to go. I'm happy to be getting into smaller sizes, and enjoy having more energy. Good luck to those on the path to eating healthier and exercising more. You can do it. :) Blackjohn - How long have you had the affliction? My sympathies on your pain.
  19. Ahem...Mission, you know you want one. Thanks for the movie quote. (I found the "real" quote...guess I spotted two. Marcus would be proud.) By the way, the actual Conquistador raid story is different than your account. But you tell it so well, and it gave me a good laugh. And so the story sticks...at least one recollection of it.
  20. Okay, I've caught a few now. I failed to read the paragraphs in glaring red font. Good job on them eggs.
  21. From the album: Historical Reenactment pics aplenty

    Sunday - The last day at "School", and most of us sat around the kitchen campfire after breakfast, basking in the afterglow of willie wobble's yummy breakfast burritos.
  22. This will be a mishmash of pictures from events attended. Enjoy!
  23. Hewha? Egads, I did miss it. I'll reread it after dinner.
  24. Bravo on the Journal Mission. You did a fantastic job of tying pics to stories, and the layout is easy on the eyes. You mentioned easter eggs in your post, and I was just about to ask where they were, but I see Brig's hard at work editing them. Looking forward to those.
  25. I attended an event this past weekend in Jacksonville that was a fun learning experience. Links to my blog recap and pictures are below. (mods - feel free to move if necessary) http://intempesta-nox.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h158/trinsghost/JAX2009/
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