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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Ooo, sorry sweetie, but I think they (if you'll excuse the expression)... already have Barbossa *covered*
  2. (Flash to a picture of *Babe* standing by the farmhouse gate...) La! La! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
  3. Well, I have to say that's not quite true.. He's a lovely guy and very sincere however I doubt he'd even be involved in anything of this nature since he did not write the movie. Why this fellow seems to want Depp's attention is a puzzle.
  4. I was asked the other day about Barbossa's first name. For the life of me I never remembered hearing one so.... I called the writers office and, according to Terry: "The name Barbossa was a nickname that the Pirate gave to himself, having forgotten his own real name, very long ago. " So, whoever wrote and asked me that.... there it is. OFFICIALLY he has no first name.
  5. Well.... if you *read* that then you already had the information. 30 *specific type* people have been contacted. Extras..... no. People still have a chance. Call your hot line and you'll find out what you need to know.
  6. Well, this is not telling any tales out of school so... Filming begins here on the lot on February 14th. Happy Valentines Day m'dears!
  7. (snickers from behind her cupped hand....)
  8. (chuckle) "I know something you don't know!"
  9. Well you know what they say: A success breeds a thousand parents. A Failure is an orphan.
  10. Well... could be worse. You could be trying to get them both a date!
  11. Oh jeeze.... with the rig I have to carry topside... I could never get away with that!
  12. Aye, blinded by his own tears no doubt....
  13. Hmmmm... seems this lad has Pirate in his blood. And someone is going to make him bleed. I think I have to stand by Ted and Terry. I never saw two guys work as hard as they do.
  14. AHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! 'I wanna GO!!!
  15. That was the fist place I called. What they need is a full figure shot of the entire costume. And... out delightful wardrobe (odd as it sounds) can;t seem to come up with one for Ragetti. (shrug) Charity sent some good ones they say they can use but they really need the full shot. :)
  16. ROTDLMBAO!! I don't need a corn field to loose my crew in... All I need is the Tam O'Shanter on a Thursday night whent he PlowBoys are playing!!! Terrific picture though.
  17. Nah, I like you fine, Bess so I wouldn't dare. So you have an undead grave? I suppose it's more like an apartment than a final resting place if you're undead... As a matter of fact, as anyone that has been in it will tell you,... It's my office.
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