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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well... I'll WILL tell you that Will Turner was in the commissary today. Does that help a little?
  2. Now.... you KNOW I canna tell you anything about it. Take a deep breath now and just hang on and you'll not be too long to wait.
  3. Oh, I hope someone told you why I wasnt' there La Rue... Sure, you and the good Capt'n get your times together and I'll see if any of the days work for me. I'm a little overwhlemed right now but we'll see what we can do.
  4. Awwww..... Thems that have been here and those who know me know I work here and have since 1970. It's not that I'm unwilling to share me title, it's just common sense not to right now. No one can find me at Disney as *Bess* (Well, okay, a few of you scabbarous dogs can) but if I give out my title, anyone could call Disney, give them my title, find me and my real name and contact me and THAT I don't need! Savvy? Nothing personal love!
  5. Craft services is the food and drink suppliers. They take care of all the meals and snacks. While the more uppity of the crew eat in their trailers (as well they should so they can catch a moments peace) most others have another area to dine and rest in. Hence, craft services. Vanilla Coke all around!!
  6. Capt'n Jack is hard at work... (He looks terific by the way) And the Gods Bless us, every one.
  7. Curious?? Why?? As far as *table reads people* and PRP... Members, no. Friends of, Yes.
  8. Not yet... But they went through a goodly amount of Vanilla Coke.
  9. If anyone is interested.... The table read was a happy success and they all had a wonderful time. :) Sounds like a grand start to me!
  10. Yep, todays the day.... Spite of all the cursed RAIN and such, the first table read is today. Yo Ho, Yo Ho a ... well, you know the song.
  11. Didn't know ye buttered yer biscuit on that side, mate...but hey, whatever floats yer boat... *passes Royaliste the catsup* das Believe me... the Royaliste does not butter his biscuit on that side.
  12. Eat is just an expression dear. Sort of like blow. :)
  13. Well no, that shoots down that theory. He never met the sculpter if his figure. None of them did as far as I know because we had a hard time getting head shots they could use. A dreadful time!
  14. Is *Hubba! Hubba!* a bad thing?? Naw, the guy really gets to work and act this time and show off his.... stuff.
  15. I've seen the sculpted models that the masters are being made from of these figures... and I have to say that the *Pintel *figuere is a jaw dropping, dead on piece. Looks JUST like him! Scary really. (Thinking back to Karen black and the little guy with the knife (Trilogy of Terror) The rest are nice but Pintel is amazing. :)
  16. The very first table reads for "Pirtaes of the Caribbean 2" are scheduled for next week. Yo Ho Ho!! :angry:
  17. Believe me you guys.... it's not a problem. The movie is going ahead as planned.
  18. You all don't give Norrington enough credit. (chuckle) Me thinks you'll all see the lad a mite differntly after the next film. (Hubba, Hubba!!)
  19. Mmmmmmmmmm.... "The Ghost and Mrs.Muir" Blast!
  20. Did you get lucky enough to meet any of the actors? Sorry if this has been asked before *blush*, i may have missed it. Yes, as a part of my job actually. Being in Talent Administration and Production Coordination we have close working relationships with our actors, producers, directors , casting people and so on. And it's not as wonderful as you might think. The danger of this job is in admiring an actor for years, loving what they do, then they come here, you meet them and work with them and find out thst at their core they are scum. Yeah, it has it's good and bad points.
  21. Ooooooooo... sorry lass, I canna say one way or the other.
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