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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Do I have to put you two on seperate ships???
  2. Be careful that it is you wish for Pirate... Be careful what you wish for!!
  3. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!! Diego!! I must have been a red head in past lives. I adore me dark locks this time around however... Me mom tells a tale that when I was a wee one, maybe 4 or 5 year old, that she found me one day digging at the scalp part in my hair. I'd dragged some chair all the way into the bathroom and was standing on it fingering through my hair in utter panic. She asked what was I doing? My response was to decry that I was looking for my hair! She explained (as only a mother might) that that WAS my hair to which I responded in tears "No! MY hair! My REAL hair! My RED Hair!" Fortunate for m'self that I'd been blessed with parents that understood that it must be past life memory (or some such other) and handled the whole thing kindly instead of treating me like I was some sort of idiot child they'd been cursed with. (chuckle) My poor mom... years later in a show I was wearing a red wig and without missing a beat looked me up and down and declared. "Well, and after all these years! I see you found it!" Some memories can be so sweet!
  4. Aye say's I! If you have the dream and the where with all.... GO FOR IT LASS!!!
  5. And... one of our very own PRP's has the high bid at the moment!
  6. Aye, I'll be in that port this Saturday along with *Sweet Oleander* in tow. M'self, I'll be adress in green and frilly whites with the carved leather rapier carrier that is adroned with roses and a twisted rose bronze rapier with rose quillions. Aye, I'll be there lass.
  7. Avast mate... I be abroad in the PRP encampment as well tomorrow! Ha! Send out a hollor for Iron Bess!!! (and if the fails we be having a shanty sing at 2pm at the camp!)
  8. Hadn't noticed that before, interesting phrase I don't know about flash in the pan fan worship, but on POTC the extra's where he was on, it was himself telling about the Errlol Flynn etc and how long he was in Hollywood already and more. I thought thát was a good way of showing the man's expertise as well as night to know about him, before i'd never heard of him :) That end on my sig has been my catch phrase for years. (chuckle) Them's that know me know bloody-hell why too! ROTFLMAO! It's not important to Bob who knows him as long as the people in his industry respect him and believe me, they do. He's earned every once of it.
  9. David Prowse, Alec Guiness... folks more interesting to us mid-aged people. As for getting credit...well, being recognized as an expert by other experts is about the best praise I think one can receive. The flash-in-the-pan fan worship...that's just so much noise. Bob was in fact the coach and also the fighting double for David Prowse. When Darth is at his sabor fighting best it's Bob in the outfit.
  10. That's him, he dóes get the credit as it's him you see in the extra's on the dvd training Geoffrey for one and they even have an interview with him. He's quite an impressive man :) Nice too. And THAT in this industry is a rarity. :)
  11. Bob Anderson, isn't he the guy who tought Geoff and the others on POTC? WOW lucky you! Pity i live overhere or i'd come and have some lessons myself That is up for debate. Mark Ivey, his assistant likes to claim the heavy credit and who cares anyhow? Bob puts his mark on everything he touches. POTC 1 is just a blip on Andersons vast radar. He worked with Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, folks no doubt more familier to us older types. He was elderly when *I* took from him and is a darling crumudgeon now. My coins would still be him to best any takers, even in his mid-eighties.
  12. I am not officialy linked to this group, no... but I do know Hank Reinhardt of Museum Replica's and Don Kagay if that counts. Naw, I'm not about to give up my day job to make sword play my lifes work. The community is relativley small for profitable work in the business. While everyone knows everyone else, it's stil *back stabbing* time when it comes to getting onto high profile projects. I teach, I train fighters and I love just holding a fine weapon in my hand. Must have brought that back from SEVERAL past lives. Yo Ho.
  13. You've done swords? I love'm and i regret it was so big on the fair i missed the sword fight work shops.. I started learning at age 8. By 14 I was so bored with fencing... and I was lucky to have had a teacher that knew I would have the touch for stage combat. Of course it was not called that back in those dark ages. I was blessed in my youth to study with Bob Anderson who is a remarkable man and skilled swordsman. I think one of the best. I had other instructor of course and have now m'self, been teaching for several years. Yes, I'm slowing down a bit now, some of my usual fight partners are filled with fear that I'll have a hot flash in the midst of battle and kill them, They even had a shirt made for me: *Caution! She's out of estrogen and she has a sword!* I'm not worried about slowing down either. Some of my kids may be faster... but I am older, wiser and know more dirty tricks!
  14. Thanks again. (chuckle) I credit that to 47 years of swordplay! Advance! Advance! Lunge!!!
  15. HUH You're kidding Sorry, not laughing at ya but you look a bit young for retirement! Ooooooooh Blessings on you my girl. THe truth is I am 55 years old (never cared who knew it either as those pictures were taken not long ago... keeping in mind that ANYONE can look good in a studio picture) and I am indeed close to retiring and spending the rest of m'time up in Carmel by the Sea California. Yeah, the life of a Pirate for me!
  16. I said I saw it, not that it was offered for sale. I still wouldn't have wanted it. I was working at the Park back when they were dumping the old animation cells for 50cents a pop on main street at the shops. Back when they were considered valueless? I have original Peter Pans, Alice, Dumbo, Dalmations, Mickey, Wind in the Willows and Pooh to name but a few. Yeah, I'm looking out for my retirement which is not that far away.
  17. Yep, I've seen this piece and now they figure to add color to the skull before being made for sale. However it could still be dropped from the schedule so it may be worth something someday to someone. Not me though.
  18. We found a fellow selling the *one and only hat worn by Geoffrey Rush in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean!* True it was a pretty good knock off and he'd done his homework. The only people that might buy into that line are people who know nothing about the industry and that there is NEVER only one of something. There were 12 Barbossa hats the last time I counted in wardrobe. The bidding was up to almost $600 when we took it to legal and Disney called him on it. He canceled the auction. Life is good. :angry:
  19. Well thank the Gods that that wouldn't be MY forum!! :angry:
  20. That was how it started out remember? My suggesting that information for adult content be added to the headers? Hetha agreed. We are not talking about ANY other topic but hers. No, it didn't go the *small announcement* way that you wanted because posters, moderators that had no business interjecting and others chimed in with remarks that were not needed. Hetha and I were doing fine until people got a grip on the knickers of the person next to them and started tugging. (much head shaking) I've been on the side of you posters from the start and taken shots from nearly all of you for my efforts that needed their own lables. Sorry it all does not live up to your expectations but it's the best I can do without any input from Bloody. You have your topic to post in as you will. I'm not sure what else you want.
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