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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Right glad to have another lass aboard.... Welcome indeed mate.
  2. "Iron Bess, I believe Captjacksparrowsavvvy is a girl! She just really wanted her dirt! Seems she knows Marty and Terry, too!" Why just sharing the quote mate.... The idea stands on its own, regardless! As for Marty and Terry..... darling men to be sure right down to their socks! Most especially in party situations! Yo ho!
  3. Ahhh… a true entrepreneur! But if you were a REAL Pirate…. You’d be after selling them mate!
  4. Laugh now, my friends, but when CJSS is offered $350 for it six months from now, ye won't be laughing. One man's joke is another man's treasure. (I scored with a tickle-me-elmo in 1996 for $17.99 and then....) My guess is it will matter not, our Precious Pearl! The true collector.... will never part with his treasures no matter the profit. And after all the strain and grieving to obtain it, I would imagine this bit of promotional fluff will have a right prominent spot worthy of the efforts! Then again, most every Pirate has his.... Price. (Pop!)
  5. I kinda feel bad laughing at those poor kids but.. (shrug) what the He**.... it's the Holidays! Thanks for sharing, too funny! (especially that little middle kid in #26 that looks like a small Mel Torme!)
  6. Uhmmm.... "You need to git yerself a girl mate".
  7. No, I believe there aer 5 Easter Eggs on this one...
  8. Hmmmmm..... let's see....... I got up at 4am (typical) went to work, gated assorted member of this Pub with gate passes to come on board. Wrangled two writers and two actors (not as easy as it sounds) to be on time for signing DVD's. Spent several hours wrapping gifts for the Disney adopt a Family event, went BACK to the store to make sure everyone who was signing was there, saw a few Pubbers in line outside and hugged same, went inside hugged Pirate actors and warned them about Pubbers in line Went back to office and worked until my off lot meeting, went off lot and got back 2 hours later at which time I went BACK to the store to see if anyone had killed anybody. They hadn't. (Good Pirates!) Ran into Pubber Jacky Tar, took him back to the store and introduced him to Pintel and Marty, went back to my office to finish up a few things, left at 4pm to take Pirate dog to dog park.... Went home, had a Mai Tai and fell asleep in the sofa! And now.... it's another day in Yo Ho Paradise.
  9. yeah.... I caught up with Jacky-Tar on the way back from a meeting and took him back over to the store and introduced him to Lee and Marty. Warms me cockles to see how happy everyone is. Oh wait.... I haven't got any cockels..... (shrug) Okay, warms me heart then.
  10. And.... It seems a wonderful time was had by all. I got down to the store a little before the event, hugged and kissed on the appropriate Pirates, said hello to the few Pub and POnP faces that I knew and had to get back to work. Just got back to my office now after talking again to Lee and Marty (Who out did themselves as usual... what troopers) and all our Pub Pirates seemed to have made some fine hauls! Here's to all of you plunderer's and I'm so glad you all had a happy day! Take what you can, give nothing back!!
  11. Here's me own sweet, 105 lb (and only 15 months old) Sea Dog, Phoebe the Pirate puppy....
  12. PRICE UPDATE FROM TARGET. Okay, I just talked to market ing about TARGET. Here are the proces for those of you coming tomorrow.. Single disk: $14.99 2 Disk set $19.99 Shop til you drop!
  13. HELL NO!!!! DO NOT come in garb!!! You'll never make it in the gate. You've been here before RM, you will have a pass waiting at the Buena Vista Gate. Have you're photo ID with you. Then just go to the Disney Store and have a good time. I doubt I'll see any of you unless I can get away and walk over there during the signing. I'll sure try but it all depends on how the day is going.... and since I'm going to Disneyland tonight for the cast Party I will most likely be tired anyway and be getting a late start. Have a good time! :)
  14. Sorry.... I've seen them touted at Target for $16.00 Bucks Rhumba. (shrug) Since I most likely will not be around to help anyone buy with my discount they have to decided for themseleves. Being that the signing does not start until late morning, they have a bit time to shop around . The 2 disk set will alomst certainly be more expensive then the single disk. Good luck to one and all.
  15. THOSE OF YOU COMNIG.... If you've signed on to come on the Studio lot ont he 5th and meet Ted, Terry, Mr. Pintel (Lee Areberg) ,Marty and have DVD's signed I might suggest you get here early. It's bound to be busy and crowded and they will be more amiable before they are overwhelmed! I would suggest you get here around 10:30 or so. If you buy a DVD someplace else for them to sign UNWRAP IT BEFORE YOU COME ON THE LOT. They are more expensive here then at Target (Yeah, like no one would suspect that!) Everyone have fun!!!
  16. The word from the studio is (at this particular minute) is that they are thinking less is more. They do not plan on putting any trailer on any upcoming DVD's and perhaps only then put out a trailer in theatres just a few weeks prior to the movies release. Now, if post's follow this one with some kind of retort and with differnt information on trailers you're welcome to it. Don't shoot the messenger. I talk to the production company AND the writers on an almost daily basis. You all can believe whatever you need to. But that is what they are saying at the moment. (Shrug) Like everything else, it could change. Those of you coming here tomorrw for the DVD signing can ask Ted and Terry for yourselves.
  17. Not to fret lad, no floggen necessary.... It was brought to my attention by another Pyracy Pirate that something in the picture must have reminded you of snow globes. No problem.
  18. (chuckle) Gotta say I adore the name.... Welcome lad, I'll supply the rum for this one round but.... I expect YOU to bring the coconut pies!
  19. Ah well now... for YOU love, I'll bring a hard copy to the next Pirate Faire!
  20. (chuckle) You lads... Thank you for all the kind exagerations. But you ought to see the one he did with m'self and Davy jones.... Not very *Disney Rated* so I think I'll be after keeping THAT one to m'self!
  21. Rumba.... Feel free to delete this as I meant to post it in Pirate Pop where it belongs.... Many thanks lass.
  22. Yeah yeah.... It should have been posted here any how and was my intention.... Since it annoys you so lad, I've requested it be removed from the RR thread.
  23. Alright, I know it's copyright infringement.... but someone from the production Company just sent me this and please take a note of the title change. (snicker) And again, I apologize if any of you go blind....
  24. okay.... so it's a hint of garb. One of my friends just sent me this and please take note of the title change.
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