I can assure you, I've not read any fanfic or other's ideas, this character is 100% mine.
Well, that would not be the issue for them really. They need to be certain and that everyone ELSE is certain that whatever THEY write comes 100% from their own ideas.
Just wondering, why would they never consider reading any submissions?
I didn't say that. I said they would not read submissions as long as they were still working on Pirate things. That does not mean never.
I hope it's not a "our fans don't matter" thing.
That is a sad assumption because no one appreciates their fans more the Ted and Terry. No one could think that about them. They are very supportive.
I wouldn't be taking the place of a writer, just giving suggestions.
You would need an agent, formal submissions about a project not already in the works and sad to say ANYTHING from here on out about Pirates is considered *in the works*.
Becasue... they are still working on things *Pirate!*