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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oh, happy to do it.... Whatever does not lock me up and is not covered by the confidentiality agreement I will ALWAYS share.
  2. The point is... they don't WANT to do better. Fact is that this interview is on a Disney Channel kids show and they will see little more then what is on this teaser. (Gotta love that dreadful Monkey) Thought you all might be interested and it is for those that do not have the Disney channel.
  3. Here's a little peek.... yeah it's on YouTube but it's also all over the Disney Channel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKQAfD8n_jc...related&search= Have fun.
  4. Here be my little spot for making the magick.... computer be off to the right on the barely seen desktop. Does..... this count??
  5. Well now.... I should think that THAT would be obvious!
  6. Come to join the crew lad? Welcome aboard.
  7. ahore? Please tell me that was a mistype and not a freudian slip. (Chuckle) I knew you'd be one to notice,,, I know what inspires the lads!! WE WANTS THE RED HEAD!!!
  8. (chuckle) Yes, yes... 'tis nice to see you back Pirate.
  9. Oh yes that counts. Okay.. cool. Oh, and I also recieved a stellar Business Card case with a pave' skull and crossbones on it. Very chic'
  10. All the good wishes and love that these good folks are sending to you will be of little help at this moment.... but given time you'll know where to come for a shoulder to lean on. Right here. I can speak as a Widow... it's never what we expect yet the strength of others is what we can rely on to help bouy us through the shock and initial sorrows. You are in m'thoughts, Prayers and I'll add you're name to a prayer circle this week wih you're consent. Post anything you need to here.... we are here for you. The lot of us.
  11. (chuckle) I got 4 assorted pairs of Tennies with skull and cross bones adorning them. Does that count??
  12. Aww... thanks mate. It is a bit of fun, isn't it? It's rumored I owe them a case of Captain Morgans... best get ahore and hit all the after Holiday sales! Here's to us all mates!!
  13. Excuse me??? Lets be correct here.... No where did I tell you to give it up. You seemed to be asking about *where do I go with this idea* in regards to having it involved with the POTC films. All I gave you was the facts. The writers will not read it. No where did I say it was a bad idea nor did I infer that it was a lost cause on some other level. It is only a lost cause as in you're involving it with any POTC film in the future. Only for legal reasons mentioned and the fact that the movies already have creators who value their work no less then you value you're own.
  14. hmmm... I can assure you, I've not read any fanfic or other's ideas, this character is 100% mine. Well, that would not be the issue for them really. They need to be certain and that everyone ELSE is certain that whatever THEY write comes 100% from their own ideas. Just wondering, why would they never consider reading any submissions? I didn't say that. I said they would not read submissions as long as they were still working on Pirate things. That does not mean never. I hope it's not a "our fans don't matter" thing. That is a sad assumption because no one appreciates their fans more the Ted and Terry. No one could think that about them. They are very supportive. I wouldn't be taking the place of a writer, just giving suggestions. You would need an agent, formal submissions about a project not already in the works and sad to say ANYTHING from here on out about Pirates is considered *in the works*. Becasue... they are still working on things *Pirate!*
  15. And you have to remember that Ted and Terry will not even look at, let alone read ANY submissions they may recieve and that even includes newly published books as long as they are working on anything that still has to do with Pirates. And they are still woking on things Pirate. If any of their ideas were similar to something sent or submitted...(And lets face it there is very little that is new under the sun...) they would perhaps have to defend their originality one day in court and they are busy enough without that. It's just a precautions that working writers have to take. It's never a slight against anyone else or their works.
  16. Pirates Payoff: Sequel sells 10.5 million in 1 week. According to *The Hollywood Reporter* "Dead Mans Chest is on it's way to becoming the#1 live action DVD ever. The honor currently belongs to... The original Pirates of the Carabbean movie, Curse of the Black Pearl" Talk about booty!
  17. Johnny Depp has been nominated by the Golden Globe Assoc for a Best Actor in a film, Musical or comedy. Well done lad.
  18. You seem to have forgotten my office m'lad.... THAT is an island unto itself!! (And you've obviously not seen all m'Tiki's!)
  19. ...A game piece! Okay, now I can share it.... Some of you may remember when the Original POTC came out; Ted and Terry honored me by naming the island that Jack was marooned on as *Black Sam's Spit*. I have been informed officially that next year, when the final, updated POTC Monopoly game comes out.... *Black Sam's Spit* will be where New York Avenue would be. : ) I get a whole 15 seconds fame! Yo Ho Ho! (Sorry guys, had to share) Iron Bess True Island Wench
  20. Oh I have a mate, Iron Bess, and he's a mighty fine man to have for nearly 25 years. Wouldn't trade him, even for a jar of dirt! :) Then here's to the lad that even Circut City couldn't ruin for you. (We won't ask about the stopper)
  21. Aye, true enough... But you'res were originals and NOT mass produced. Worth the price.
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