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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Okay... so it was dark and I'm old and my eyes are not what they used to be. It's not the Pearl, it's Lord Becketts ship. So sue me.
  2. (pat, pat, pat...) I'm sorry love.... 'tis my duty to report what I can. (ducking and running like hell)
  3. Update from Poison Quill... Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:55 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob and Gary are spending the night outside tonight, within sight of Royaliste. Last night she was boarded and they can't tell what was taken because there is such a mess below with all the water and muck. Tonight they'll stand watch over her through the night. They are out of the wind at least, under the shelter of a cabin cruiser, but the temp is expected to be 14 degrees there tonight and they have a long, cold night ahead. Bob said that the problem now is not so much how to get her out as how to pay for it. They were quoted $7500 and don't have it. The fees for the boat that is digging them out were $1200 for today alone. So HUGE thanks to everyone contributing to her recovery!! _________________
  4. Ooooo... The Black Pearl is sitting on top of the Zorro Parking structure here on the lot. Looks REALLY wierd! Seems they are doing some re shoots this week. (Nothing like waiting until the last moment...) And no, Jack is not involved. Sorry.
  5. Here is the only photo we have so far.... Please keep in mind this is at LOW tide.
  6. (chuckle) OMG, check this out... http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirate-DAVEY-JONES-Shr...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Here ye!! For those of you in the SoCal area.... the Pirate folk band, Port of New Providence, is going to put together a FUND RAISING CONCERT to be held in the near future. We are looking at Venues and dates and when we get more information I will post it here as well as send out emails. We're looking for a space convienent for as many Royalist lovers as we can possibly make it.... In the mean time, send donations to PayPal and then come out and have some fun with us for the best cause I can think of!! More to come
  8. Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:15 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just got off the phone with Bob. As he describes the situation to me, Royaliste is in an area with only about 20' on each side. Getting a crane in there apparently isn't possible. The good news is that she is not a navigational hazard to other boats. She was very close to the dock when she grounded. The plan is to get a local tug boat of some sort to try to pull her free and upright her. At this time, she is fully over on her starboard side. The bottom she's sitting on is at least 2' of sediment, which although it's soft, she's also settling deeper into it. They are not sure what is under the sediment. They are hoping it's reasonably soft. All clothes and personal items were ruined. They picked up a few things so that they could brush their teeth and change clothes today. But quite literally, the crew got off with just the clothes on their backs. Hotel bills will also be adding up very quickly. Even the smallest of donations in a situation like this will be helpful and very deeply appreciated. Tomorrow, Bob will take Kathy and Samantha (the other crewman) to go pick up Gary's truck so that they can get tools to shore in the hope of working on her. So I may not have a lot to report tomorrow, but I will post any news. I made one error in the previous posts/emailings, the depth went from 14' to 4', not 40' to 4'. I misunderstood him over the cell phone. They've had their hands full of course and haven't been able to check on the PayPal link, but that will come soon. So please check back for that Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:18 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some news for everyone at last: Gary has located a local person with a tug or some type of boat that is helping him. What he's done is to back up to Royaliste's starboard side and let his prop wash (the turbulent water that is churned up by his boat's propellers) stir up the sediment under Royaliste. It is essentially digging her submerged side out of the muck. Tomorrow they are going to try to tug her out and up right her. If all goes well, they will try to pump her out and get her to a very near-by boat yard where she can be hauled out and begin repairs. So send your good karma, prayers, wishes, hopes, good vibes to Royaliste and her crew! _________________
  9. ALL ARE SAFE.... This is a message as posted by Poison Qill from Tales of the Seven seas... Everyone, Bob just called me. ALL ABOARD ARE SAFE, but the Royaliste, with Gary, Kathy, Bob and one other crew member were going down one of the narrow channels and their depth changed from 14' to 4' very suddenly. Even with the depth finder, they were not able to avoid hitting the bottom and ran aground despite everyone's best efforts. Royaliste is underwater at this moment. Vessel assist rescued everyone including both parrots and the dog, but the ship is submerged to her scuppers at this time. (that means submerged to the openings in the deck rails that allow water to flow off the deck) The tide will not come in until 5am EST tomorrow morning, so she all all the equipment aboard will have to remain submerged until at least that time. Please do not call Bob's cell phone at this time. It is being used for emergency contact only. As I understand it, the other phones are submerged. I will post updates here as soon as I have any word. _________________
  10. Oh come on now don't tease me like that. I am hornier than a goat most times (other times I am worse). I was being serious. Jeans and tennis shoes would just not make that outfit shine. Ooooo... have no intention of wearing it with Jeans!!
  11. How much fun is this?? This is my new *Just going ashore* coat. Got no intention of using it for Faires or as a costume piece. Might look pertty good for walking aorund Disneyland though on a chilly day!
  12. Has just ordered an entire new custom Pirate rig.... (Pics when it all arrives including a killer baldric RHJ! )
  13. (chuckle) Nope... These you can all keep!
  14. Did you send this to *Stuff on my Cat* .com??? If not, you SHOULD!! Bless it's little heart!
  15. Welcome aboard lass... the first round indeed be on you!
  16. Welcome to Port lass... (great name by the way)
  17. I'm sure Marty will tell you in pleanty of time when they let him know the date.
  18. Thanks so much... Well then tell you what...you go ahead and handle all this info for them then. I'm going off lot.
  19. I have a call in... Let you know something when I hear back from Bruckheimer.
  20. What would they call the category? Best Actor in a Special Technical Effect Regional Distribution [bASTERD OSCAR]? Oh I'm being bad, but then I love to mess with "powers that be". I like it.... :) Think I'll pass it along!!
  21. Well.... I suppose my own avatar takes care of THAT question.....
  22. Not in the make up catagory which is where Joel belongs.... Next year they may have an Actor catagory for CG though.... For performances like Golum and Davey Jones. Seems to be the up and coming thing so I suppose it's a natural progression.
  23. He sure has been.... Out done himself says I..... wait til you see it! :)
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