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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Sorry you're so frustrated. If it helps any, there ARE no scripts for the trailer becasue a trailer does not USE a script. All that is bunkum. Pure bilge... Bruckheimer, Verbinski and Disney have the POTC 3 promo plans which were made ages ago in place and I don’t see them differing from what was set up so long ago. Frustrating as it may be, I doubt any of them are out to dis anyone personally. They are not the ones creating the false images and my take on it is that they do not feel they have to ruin their plans just to de bunk an image or theory that some fan has started up to fill a void. Hang in there mate... something will be coming soon.
  2. Unless.... it's that Orlando Bloom can really act. GASP!! Now who said that???
  3. Naw... That's just his little sister. Most likely will tic him off though! (Best stay ashore!)
  4. Well said.... I really don't think most of you have anything to fear. (Shrug) Those who will hate AWE hate it already. You'll have plenty of action and some great character development. Really FUN charater development. You'll get questions answered and have a good time doing it. (Chuckle) I like it and believe it or not I am NOT an idol flatterer. I am hard to please when it come to these movies. And in answer to Walt's having a trailer out already... well, Walt was a business man true enough but he was also a showman. He knew how to entice people.... naw; I don't think he would have. Hang in there Lady Alyx... it's coming.
  5. We were working out lagistics with Skip Henderson for a joint concent when we were hit with a death in PRP... knocked the wind from our sails to say the least. We are are re grouping and have worked out having a fund raiser at *Deva's* Pirate store in North Hollywood however I may offer to send the Royaliste Model up to Skip so they may auction it off at Their concert up North as no douibt it will be sooner. Soon as we know more I will post it.
  6. Well..... so ye been haunting other ports is it now? Welcome back mate, and leave the bottle!!
  7. VERY nicely done! Looks lovely. Themed but sedate. Sucker them in..... give them their ease when they arrive, then.... (chuckle) I like it!!
  8. Yep... This photo (which is floating around for awhile now) is photo shopped and as phoney as the day is long. Sorry mates.
  9. No, no... I can assure you CJSS that nothing gets posted here that escapes Disney's attention. Nothing. And they don't need me telling them either before anyone leaps atop a barrel and starts calling me scoundrel.... It's one of the reasons I get so concerned when people get mentioned as picture sources in conjunction with pix that are not suppose to be out of Disney hands, let alone posted on the Web. Disney does not hesitate to go after these people. They can lose their jobs, face prosecution, any number of unpleasent Disney legal things. I work with the Mods of this Forum. If something can cause the site problem I let them know right away. As much as you all want photos, is it worth losing this site altogether just to see something that you'll have full access too in a few weeks? Okay, so it's 14 weeks... how bad it that really? As soon as I have leave to share something… you KNOW I will. I always do.
  10. Ahhh... those were the days. Pictures from start to finish. We need more boats at Ojai.
  11. (Ahem...) Happy Birthday, HUH! Happy Birthday, HUH! There is something you must learn, First you pillage, THEN YOU BURN!! Happy Birthday, HUH! Happy Birthday HUH!!!
  12. A fresh and delightful Tea Cake! (swoon) with hot Apricot tea
  13. Happy Birthday, HUH! Happy Birthday, HUH! May the candles on your cake, burn like cities in your wake.... Happy Birthday, HUH! Happy Birthday, HUH! May the day be grand lad!!!
  14. Whoo Hoo!! That is SO cool! Can you see that up at Ojai Pearl????
  15. The Professor! (Yeah, I always kinda thought he'd make a great *Little Buddy!*
  16. Yeah.... Too bad Disney does not know how to market anything.
  17. I found Nemo. Really... needs no explination. No. Really, it doesn't!
  18. Yeah... parents can surprise you. Only thing is I always knew him only as "Bad Chuck". (I thought his parents had called him that and it stuck....) A giant of a teddy bear -man that came to see us while I was growing up who drink with my Da, flirted with my mom and always smelled a little like horses which I loved. I had no idea he was anyone that really did anything. If we saw movies he worked on no one ever said OOoo.... look, there's chuck! (shrug) I had no clue. I had to put it all together m'self when I got older. To busy dreaming of the Sea and not Cowboys I suppose.
  19. Awww.... caught me! I'm re reading a book written by a friend of my dad's, "The Fall Guy" Chuck Roberson was a stunt double for John Wayne. He's been gone now almost 18 years and he'd crossed my mind so much lately I thought maybe he wanted me to do a little more remembering so I broke out the old book (1980) It was the book that the TV series *The Fall Guy* was based on. Fun, FUN guy! Sorry it has nothing to do with Pirates...
  20. Okay, I fess up to h having a Gremlin named "Ebenezer" for YEARS! And now my transpo is a snappy Cranberry PT Cruiser named "Phineas Taylor" who is also adorned with a Pirate Mikey antenna ball. (Red head scarf, gold ear ring) HOWEVER... up until a few months ago my license plate was "SWORD WM" which I surrendered and gave as a gift to a fellow fighter who is actually making a living on film with her talents. Ahhh.... those were the days.
  21. Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:10 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the latest update from Captain Gary, he's in the bay area for a couple of days and we met up for dinner aboard Orca last night. They are going to wait for about a month before attempting to haul out. There is a great deal of clean up to do and it will give them a chance to recoup a bit physically before trying to do a haul out with only two people. If there is anyone that could assist in the North Carolina area, I would be happy to help put them in touch. I think help would be most welcome. They are still trying to clean clothing, this means taking everything to the car wash first before it can go to the laundrymat. They've worked from the stern (back of the boat) forward, so the aft captain's cabin and galley are done. There is still the engine room, head, forward cabin and foc'sle to go. The engine room and head have a large amount of silt and muck in them and he pretty much just shook his head sadly and laughed at the horrific state of the forward cabin. As expected, the wiring is all starting to corrode from exposure to the water and they are fixing things as fast as they can to keep her bilge pumps and other essentials working. Also expected is that she is taking on a lot of water, with the bilge pumps coming on about every 3 to 5 minutes. Again, not unexpected for having taken such a beating as she did. There is a huge amount of work to be done and a lot of things were destroyed that have to be replaced. The devastation below decks was just huge.
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