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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. When the time comes and he be back on the lot I'll see what I can do. I CAN get you a picture from the film however getting it signed will mean waiting until they are in full swing again. A long wait lass.
  2. I sees what all the yappins about then. Ye be havin me envious congrats on yer most interesting employment! Interesting??? Mayhaps. Don't be envious lad.... it's a job like everything else! And I have the battle scars to prove it! (Sean Connery comes to mind ...the kur) I be wantin to get in all me life...Oh well. What part of it? The baby-sitting part?? Or... the wrangling part? Not meant to be I guess. Hmmmm.... most Pirates I know do not give up so easily. Hold onto your hope, no one ever knows what may happen.
  3. (Ahem...) Herself, Iron Bess, be years and years in the employ of the Walt Disney Studios. Therein, she be known as an *Actor Wrangler* which is a fancy term for baby sitter. She tends to the day to day needs of writers, Producers and Directors. If Disney makes it she is somehow in the mix. (Not altogether a pretty picture is it lad?) She has had more then a few of the Pub fellows over to visit (why... two of your number this very afternoon!) to see where such lowly films as Pirates of the Caribbean were filmed. :) Add to that that she is also a professional swordswoman... and she be right busy!! (Soft smile) Anything else lad??
  4. Would it stand up to stage combat lad???
  5. Still... there is only ONE original!!! Huzzah the Land Shark! May she forever float yer boat.
  6. A just question lass.... We seem to have more then a few here. Which be the Birthday boy?????
  7. Me! Mee! MEE!!! Your not coming now?? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. Johnny Depp has already signed for both films lass.
  9. That is a right handsome coat. I'm not sure I understand ye though... be ye sekk'n that very coat or taking orders fer a new one? Yes, yes... right lovely indeed. I may have a fancy for it.
  10. If'n your as close an Anahiem you could come to the studio lass... And I am ALWAYS at Faire the foirst week's end!
  11. Well Well... you look right handsome lad! A fine coat indeed. Methinks it'll make yer plunder'n all the more fun! (and make you much easier to spot!) Great coat EP!
  12. Will do as best as I can, luv...because it's all about havin' people to find once you're on the other side of the gate. Or,,,, about know'n just WHERE those people might be a laying in wait!! Yo Ho!!!! Bring yer tankard luv!!
  13. Weigh Hey!!! Let me know lass when you decided which week's end your come'n out!
  14. I'll be aboard at Faire... Not working this year though. Yay!! I get to PLAY!!! (for a change.) I'll be adress in me sowrds though lass... keep a weather eye out for the lass that has a deeply carved *rose* sword frog and belt to rest her pretty weapons in! Looking forward to meeting you!
  15. Uuhhh... a little off the beaten path for me lass.... Should bear watching though!
  16. As charming an idea as that sounds.... I fear it out of the realms of possibility at the moment. The HUGE mock up of the Pearl is, as we speak, sitting in Jerry Bruckheimer's back yard. (Selfish dolt!)
  17. There be truth in that.... It's the same with runes. You can buy a set that are mass produced for a reasonable price or spend a far greater amount for hand crafted stones, shed antler, Oak or Willow woods and have a set that lasts a lifetime and speaks to your Soul as well. Hand crafting is worth the extra coinage I think. Not.... that anyone here cares what I think.
  18. Aye Rumba... and Roy had his list inplace before he quit the board. He does have a very short laundry list of people he knows could do better. Time will tell.
  19. This morning we were told that Eisner is out but only of the Chairmanship. He is being replaced by George Mitchell who is deep into Eisner's pockets. He's been on the board since the 90's so really... that is near to the same as doing nothing. However, I talked to Roy's Sect't yesterday. He LOVED the video guys!! Well done!! Yo Ho indeed.
  20. Wow! We just got word that the vote was 43% against Michael Eisner at the share holders meeting. Eisner was hoping for only 20% Roy was hoping for 30% I guess.... a Pirate slipped in there somewhere, huh? Looks like the battle lines are drawn! Avast!!!!
  21. Well... it was *Finding Nemo* actually. But while POTC was second in monies, it was FIRST in the hearts of everyione here!
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