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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Not bad, not bad... got pinched in the arse more then usual but then... it IS the only night time event Faire around! (Sigh) There is something about wandering the site with a lantern held aloft.... I have to say I saw a few more Pirates then is usual. I think we are catching on mates!! da da da da da da really bad eggs.....
  2. Ohhhhhhhhhh... like, Disney couldn't even get around that!! You're talk'n about a company that sues Child Day Care facilities because they had the NERVE to paint a Mickey or a Donald or a Bambi on their walls. What a bunch.
  3. Uhh... ought that not to be *Capt'n JACK??* Just asking.
  4. Hay!!! I know him!!! (You saw him in m'office, right??) Happy, Happy Birthday lass!! Oh... and it's a right fine name you be have'n!! Many returns lass, many happy returns!
  5. What?? Who had sex with an aged sail???................
  6. Simply put... ANYTHING to make a dime. They know now they blew it, having nothing for the kids to buy so this is a way for them to get back a little of what they missed. They won't make the same mistake again, trust me.
  7. Naw, we got it floatin' in the rum barrel!! Jus' kiddin'!!...We'll figure a way around the seasickness one 'o these days!... From yer lips to neptunes ear! Besides, ye've been 'onboard' longer 'n most!.. Well.... THAT'S true!! Yo Ho!!!!! Have a great day, and enjoy the faire, give a toast to the 'Royaliste', and we'll do the same on the waves tomorrow! More then a toast to you and the crew... a special Blessing on the Ostara tomorrow! ----just 'cuz it be spring, don' go stickin' anybody for a warm up! RPTDLMBAO!!!!!!! Lad... 'tis THEM that tails after M'SELF!!! Sail safe now!
  8. Shoot. And here I be.... still naught more then the Ships figurehead at a distance! (sigh) Well, one day there will be more can be done for sea sickness. You've me heart aboard anyways. (Hope it's not in a pint jar!!) Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!
  9. Ahhhh... the ever popular black and red!! A wonderous coat mate! (Looks like the same backyard fence that Quill's dress was displayed in front of! Sam seamstress?) A fine haul mate, a fine haul!
  10. Shoot.... I'd already sent ye an email asking about the blue one but never got a response.. Have ya any close up photos lass? Fine work, fine work.
  11. Tha adventures of Sinbad with Douglas Fairbanks Jr. A fun romp.
  12. Nay lass.... *Herself*is a term of endearment that is hung on most every Irish woman in one form or another. When my Robert was alive (Bless his memory) he was *Himself* and I, *Herself* to one another as well as to others. (chuckle) You'd be hard pressed to find an Irish soul I'll wager that has not laid claim to one or the other of that title at one time or another!. :) Here's to the True Piraste Queen.... (Mayhaps I'll be slipp'n a note under the door of the writers with a suggestion....)
  13. Is it just too early for me or... have I missed something? (chuckle) This makes NOooooooooo sense to me whatsoever!!
  14. Oooooooooo...!! I LOVE their stuff! I have a few of their hats!! :)
  15. Aye!! Well done and a slap to yer back for the efforts. I have a good many friends that are Gay (out here in CA) and most attend faires trying to be what they really are not.... well, except the fellow that DOES dress up as Queen Elizabeth every year but that's another story.... Some don't even participate because they feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. I think a Guild of their own is a fine idea.
  16. Back at ye lass.... I be working the Palm Springs Renaissance Faire this Week's end starting tomorrow! Fri, Sat and Sun and it is indeed a nice little Faire. Smooth sailing all!
  17. All I can get is a blank page that say's *Image hosted by...*
  18. True enough, it's a devilsh hard business to crack if your looking to work in it. I did just have a fellow though (a swordsman I've worked with) that I had working as reception in one of our buildings. He's been there two years, passed out his cards to the casting people, worked out some in the parking lots and he was just *grand fathered* by the show *Alias* because they want to use him in a show. Meaning, they lied, gave him a paper saying the used him as a non union person, paid the fine and the costs and now he's SAG and not only that.... Disney is going to give him the gig of fight master for a new movie (No, not Pirates) So it CAN happen. My advice to try extra work first. Easier to crack. Good luck :)
  19. Indeed!! Indeed TG..... missed you are! Many 'appy returns of the day lad. See you soon at the Pub I pray.
  20. This is what we refer to as *Pilot season* The producers that are trying to sell new TV shows are making ready the test shows to see if they can sell them to a network. THey have casting calls for actors and every man-jack and man-jack-ess is roaming the studio trying to find out there they belong, sitting in the stairwell bellowing lines for their test at the tops of their lungs, wandering into offices asking to use phones, get water, where's the bathroom? (which by the way, after some wench has been in you can;t use from the overpowering smell of purfume thay have been spraying. NOTE TO FUTURE STARS... DO NOT drench yourself in purfume before an audition, IT's a sure way to lose the part. Trust me!) It's a hard time of year for us because, as we all know, some actors will do anything to better their lot. They sneak all over the place, steal trades (like Variety and Hollywood Reporter ) from out the mail slots of the people they belong to. Use the Xerox machines to copy hundreds of their resumes.... it's just a hard time of year. The worst of it is maybe.... 2 out of 30-40 pilots will ever see air time.
  21. (Shrug) All in a days work for Talent wranglers. I've not asked him before but he's very, very soft spoken and kind hearted. I think there'll be little problem. Except the wait. And the wait. And... the wait. and.......the waiting and......................................................
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