This is what we refer to as *Pilot season*
The producers that are trying to sell new TV shows are making ready the test shows to see if they can sell them to a network.
THey have casting calls for actors and every man-jack and man-jack-ess
is roaming the studio trying to find out there they belong, sitting in the stairwell bellowing lines for their test at the tops of their lungs, wandering into offices asking to use phones, get water, where's the bathroom? (which by the way, after some wench has been in you can;t use from the overpowering smell of purfume thay have been spraying. NOTE TO FUTURE STARS... DO NOT drench yourself in purfume before an audition, IT's a sure way to lose the part. Trust me!)
It's a hard time of year for us because, as we all know, some actors will do anything to better their lot. They sneak all over the place, steal trades (like Variety and Hollywood Reporter ) from out the mail slots of the people they belong to. Use the Xerox machines to copy hundreds of their resumes.... it's just a hard time of year.
The worst of it is maybe.... 2 out of 30-40 pilots will ever see air time.