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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Almost missed it this late in the evening... didn't see it until a moment ago!! Hope the day was grand lass.
  2. These 18 inch *Jacks* (Yes, I posted that with a straight face) will be available in late November for $39.95 each and will come with talking chips with voice soundtracks from the film. Now go and plunder!
  3. To quote the late, great Cap'tn Quint: "Here's to swim'n with bow legged women" And here's to the BLW with a dagger hidden in her hair while she swims, to teach the first dandy that try's a little lesson in manners. Unless of course... he was invited.
  4. (Roll'n m'eyes heavenwards...) Well now, think you that I sup with the first sassy lad that put the come-hiter upon me? (chuckle) As you are Pirate... I will make an exception. We must talk of the old world when time permits lad. I have people there still. Sligo and Tourmakedy on the West coast near Lough Mask. Ahhh, the sounds of home.
  5. I think I dated him once.
  6. Happy Birthday lass!! And many, many happy returns of the day!!
  7. Oh, I adore a man that can be honest!! Good for you lad!! And is IS cute!!!! Did you make it lass??
  8. Bess' story, much as her life, is relatively short. She was whelped as Pa'draigin Elizabeth O'Malley sometime in the middle of the 1600's. It never occured to her to care exactly when that might have been. She grew up in a happy household off the windswept coast of Ireland and then Scotland's Orkney Isles when her clan relocated for better fishing and more fertile lands. She was the only daughter among eight sons. Eight strong, handsome, protective and troublesome brothers. She was a happy child indeed. She loved them, each and every one and they loved her in return. She was never an annoyance and what they knew they taught to her. What they knew best was a love of roaming the coast and the sea and the small islands within reach. More then one was to take to Privateering and more then one would hang for their misadventures. Bess was rightly proud of each brother to her own dying day. And what these scallywags also knew was the use of a sword. To respect your weapons and to know you are never it's total master. Bess, from an early age took to the handling of swords with a skill that was alarming and that convinced her family that the gift had come back with her from a previous life. With her level of ability, it was most likely from several lives. And too great a gift it was her father feared for often he was heard to mutter under his breath... *Aye, They will be after hang'n that girl!* In the silence of his thoughts however, he was proud that she took no nonsense from anyone and was growing into an honest, kind and caring woman. She became their *Iron Bess*. She was a peacemaker and a warmonger in the family and everyone knew that to cross swords with her meant, although she might lose the battle, that they would carry the bruises of her exuberence for weeks to come. As she grew into her adulthood she was tall, tall enough to be intimidating to many of the local men that she'd known from childhood. While she had always been known to be adventurous and non conforming, for this waif to become an appealing and fine figure of a woman was something they had not expected. Not at all. With heavy, wavy dark hair and large grey-green eyes, she was fancied by many of the men for the sheer adventure of her size and her unpridictability. Her complexion was pale, soft and creamy ivory and it was still common enough for a blush to rise easily from the base of her throat to color her gently oval face. She saw her world through enormous but delicate brown eyes which communicated openly with sincere tenderness or fire of temper from within, allowing her to dissolve even the most blustery pirates hardened heart or set them to running with only so much as a tell-tale smile. Her small mouth with full, pleasing lips in the softest shade of rose would smile and pout and confound the men that knew her. Bess was well equipped for any chosen profession be it wife or wayfarer. Strong, muscled, lean and smooth, full round breasts and amply cushioned hips. Aye... she would be a comfortable and sturdy vessel for a night’s sail into carnal seas. For those that did not die in trying. Bess' story is like the tides of the sea she loves... high times of adventure and love and low moments of grief and boredom. Her life was short... but OH! the adventures!!
  9. Yeah.... Pintel is sorta the cool old sea dog, huh?? Nice pick mate. :)
  10. BAWAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! <cleaning up coffee spurted out> Hey do you think if I stand in the Disney Studios lot with that outfit on, people will want my autograph, even though they haven't got a clue as to who I am? Hahahaaaaa! Rumba Rue **I can imagine quite a bit!** Gotcha.
  11. Iron Bess, scurvy dog of the caribbean. Aye lass... And I raise me leg to all the Kings men!!!
  12. And you calls yerself a pyrate!! Shucks.
  13. Well then, you were always safe with me. I never talk about story line. I only kept those interested up to date on when filming was underway. See, I'm no tattletale.
  14. Might'n we just flog them about the Buena Vista parking lot??? Thanks mate!!
  15. (chuckle) Well Rumba, that's you all over. Quiet, shy and retiring. Blending in with the crowd. Awesome lass, just AWESOME!!!
  16. No no.... Iron Bess said there was other things at Save Disney. Paisley found this on eBay! How much did it go for lass?? Do you have the item number?? I'd LOVE to send it to Roy!!
  17. We do what we can. Therer are more items available at save Disney.com Shirts, frames, caps all sorts of things that go for no profit. Sail on you guys... go plunder!!
  18. Well.... that explains all the seafood in the commisary today.
  19. Whoa!! You all might be over look'n something.... Might be the flag of Willy Wonka or Sleepy Hollow that he be hoisting over his isle. Thar be more the this lad then just pyrate mates! May be he aquired this isle for something other then plunder. Maybe privacy... which will be gone soon enough with maps and such like pointing the way. Still.... a neighborly sail by is harmless. If'n you drop rum off as you go by.
  20. As I suggested, email the NQG and ask Jamaica abou the author you are interested in. You'll find her informative, a mite protective and a delightful person to speak with.
  21. Way cool lass!! Nice finds. :)
  22. (Hefting m'tankerd aloft...) I defer to Jamaica Rose. (chuckle) She be your voice of reason and a damn fine Pyrate into the bargan as well!!
  23. Aye, well... those are right nice but I was after meaning pictures of the Land Shark. Not seen her in awhile.... PQ??? Pictures???
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