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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. And now we know why Pete is mad. What is your approximate geographic location so that we who are local can be on high alert?
  2. Excellent start, mate.
  3. As usual our esteemed Quartermaster has captured the essence of the thing quite handily. Several days of Pyrate foolishness with foolish Pyrates in a town where such foolishness is referred to as "Normal". Oh, and by the by Mr. Brand, add my name to the list. The Oar House will be there, as I have been granted leave by She Who Must Be Obeyed (AKA SWiMBO). Preparations are already under way. I may add a powder monkey at a later date, it depends on how he does in school. Edit: You have no idea how happy I was to post this little note.
  4. Aye, happy birthday Mamma Ratsey!
  5. I like it. Now we have to fix tthe Pyracy Pub banner, or make a new one.
  6. Happy Birthday, Mistress Alexander, until we meet again.
  7. Patrick! Happy birthday, mate!
  8. Welcome aboard, Lass. Hey! I wanna go to Hampton!
  9. It's a kit. The one leaning on the powder can is a finished one. Those are Ed Rayl barrels, by the way, the best, most graceful made. And they can be had in brass for this kit. I WANT ONE!
  10. Aye it is a beautiful boat, but my, what a challenge, even without the city hounding the man.
  11. Color! I like color!
  12. Welcome on, mate.
  13. Excellent impression! I wish I had thought of it.
  14. My (namesake's) gravestone.
  15. As it happens, I was Captain Jim way back in high school, having grown up sailing and such on Tampa Bay. When I moved to Kentucky (a sad tale in itself) the name resurfaced as a derogatory term the the guy that didn't fit in all that well with the tobacco farmers and religeous zealots I found myself with. Then James Taylor did me the favor of writing the song "Captain Jim's Drunken Dream" and redeemed my name. So when I turned to Pyracy I already had a name, my first and middle names, Captain James Warren. How historic is Captain James Warren as a reenactor name? An actual Captain James Warren, son of Nathaniel Warren and Sarah Walker, was born in Plymouth, MA November 7, 1665 and died May 30, 1715. Great grandson of Richard Warren, a Mayflower passenger, he had three children: James, Sarah and Hope. I'm good with that. As a side note to William: Sarah Doty, his wife, outlived him by 30-some years and remarried to a John Bacon. Strange, this world we live in.
  16. I think you just did, in an old-fashioned sort of way. Thank you. Still, we have the best Quartermaster; who needs a captain?
  17. I feel sad for your loss.
  18. First, my sympathies to the victims. Damn shame. Second, they seem to be using "cannonball", "cannon" and the implicit "shrapnel" interchangeably. So what hit the victim? And why the hell to people seem intent on making "home-built" cannon and blowing themselves up? Don't they have the internet to see how often this happens?
  19. Which, on the surface, would support the idea that pyrates drank triangle-trade rum, that white, over-proofed paint thinner described earlier.
  20. Now that sounds like a period triangle-trade rum. Mind you that there were distillers that knew how to make aged-in-oak alcohol. We just need to find out who they were, if they plied their trade on rum and how they did it.
  21. William, let me know whom you use for damain name and hosting. I'm setting up my own, soon.
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