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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. No finer shopping in the south. And, yeah, cold (for Florida.) The day opened in the high Fifties and ended in the low Forties, with forecast of Twenty-five overnight.
  2. Planning to be there tomorrow when the gates open...I mean later today.
  3. Heh, heh, heh...'Nother pyrated topic...that happens a lot around here. But then we always return to the regularly scheduled topic. So, without further ado: WE NOW WE RETURN YOU TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED TOPIC! See how civilized we are?
  4. I'm not the one who's :::UUURRPPP:::(pardon me!) repeatin' hisself.
  5. Senile, too, postin' twice like that. Said ye were buyin' this round, too, didn't ye?
  6. So sayeth the King's lap dog. Good thing this 'ere Pub be neutral ground, lest ye find a ball twixt yer eyes. Beware this'un, Jenna, beware! "Welcome to the Pub", says he, while 'is lackeys lay traps in the alley. Meanwhile, since we are in the Pub: Stand you to an Ale, Captain? I can forego dropping yer corpse to the deck until we're actually on a deck.
  7. Suggestion? Get a scrap piece of marble countertop from a shop (often given away free) and attach a thin piece of leather to the top with 3M spray cement: decent weight and protects your edges.
  8. That's right, "Captain" Sterling is the long arm of the King, out to oppress and imprison honest men of the sea who overthrew the bonds of slavish servitude to rapacious, money-grubbing ship owners and their cruel, vile and sadistic ship captains. And he calls himself a "good guy." Not likely. Our paths shall cross, "Captain"...
  9. Happy natal day to right mate and pyrate.
  10. Y'know, I took a leave of absence from the Pub for a while back a bit, and I missed this... Oh for the love of mercy, why could it not stay that way! My eeeeyyyyeeeessss!!!!!!!
  11. Yes, I saw that and thought of you, wondering if you and this person had ever met. Even the caption...
  12. Q'master James is beginning to frighten me... Oh, and:
  13. Welcome aboard, lass. Ne'er you mind the gruffness o' some o' these here scalawags; hearts o' gold they have. That having been said, there are very few corners of the pyrate world that we here haven't shone our lights into. Knowledge there is here and plenty. Enjoy.
  14. I remember Bennett Cerf from the old "What's My Line" show. Now, as that show went off air CBS in 1967...However the show was picked up by Viacom in syndication and he was an occasional guest on the syndicated show. I remember that he had a really fast wit and was funny, even to a kid. I really should investigate his writings.
  15. A friend o' Jamaica Rose will indeed be welcome here. So pull up a keg and 'ave a dram.
  16. Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer, founders of Random House. How much are you paying them? Or are they getting a cut of revenues?
  17. Aye, they should name the "sunkboat" the Wolf, as the Coasties would hear about it over and over and over...until a real call came in.
  18. As you finish each chapter, mate, for all the reasons stated. Now while I don't know Cross well enough to disagree with him, I have noticed it's all the rage.
  19. Mission, old man, I thank you from the bottom of my black, Pyratical heart for the surgeon's Journal. I would also likt to thank your editor for keeping you in line.
  20. How could we all forget Harvey? (That's him on the left.) Of course Mr. Elwood P. Dowd did have a portrait done, shows him alittle better:
  21. Happy birthday, mate.
  22. The third on from the bottom is Alexander Selkirk's chest. It is the only extant sailor's chest reliably dated before 1720. Selkirk was also the model upon which Robinson Crusoe was based. If you want a chest with a story, you can't go wrong recreating that one.
  23. So, ya gonna build us a Puckle Gun for FTPI next year?
  24. Many returns, Mate. Ransom, keep an eye on 'im. Looks like 'e settin' t' have a good time.
  25. Thanks, Ransom. I've been to the site and read extensively. What I really need now is some live, real person feedback. Basically, "Did it work?" ("I don't know; I don't feel any different" ) There are several Pyrates here that have shops that are currently inactive, with nothing listed. Is it because they have no time for a "sideline" shop, the response overwhelmed their ability to produce or did it not work out for them? What say you, oh Etsy Pyrates?
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