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Captain Sage

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Everything posted by Captain Sage

  1. I concur, the message is valid. Since I could not imagine someone chatting for 60 seconds and leaving, I interpreted the "Join Us at 10" thing to mean, "We'll go from 10 until some long time later," and thought I could find lotsa folks still being gabby at 11. Will try harder to '10' it next time. Don't get me wrong, it was a rousing good chat w/ Stynky and Iron Bess(she seems quite the live round ), and I mean that most respectful-like. Maybe Stynky is on to somethin' with this disappearing name thing. We in chat even wondered if we were there once. Anywho, you never know until you show. Captain Sage
  2. Thanks for the clarify! - I might've had me patch over the good eye! "There's nothin' like a good cruise to clear the sand outta' yer wicket!" Captain Sage
  3. I celebrated with some kinda' "contraband" fireworks. Lotsa fire, smoke, and boom. My girl is growing to be as much a pyromanic and Pirate manic as the one she lovingly calls her "Pirate Daddy." There are lots of good times to celebrate with fire, smoke, and great booming ruckus... like any day that ends in "Y". Pyrotechnically yours! Captain Sage
  4. Welcome aboard! Your name speaks of a great place for pirate lore and seafood. I was beheaded near there in 1718.... no wait, that was some other unfortunate soul. Anyway, some tidbits for a newb: 1) Never swab the decks with rum. It tends to distract the crew. 2) Never learn the ropes with the wind in yer face. You could get blown away. 3) Never stand behind a cannon. It could become lodged in your ear. 4) If it comes to it, shoot first, slash if you must, forget about asking questions later. 5) Some pirate somewhere will ALWAYS have a bigger or faster or more successful vessel than you. Happily join or stay far away, 'cause there ain't nothin' worse than Pirate Envy. Captain Sage
  5. Cheers, mate! You're in the best of company. Captain Sage
  6. So, is there an invasion on one wknd and Pirate wknd before it? I love the festival. It would be great to go and be piratey, too. Captain Sage
  7. Avast there! In the fall of 2002 I found a website advertising a Smokey Mountain Renaissance Festival to be held in the NC Smokies. The theme this year was supposed to be Pirates, but I heard the event was cancelled or postponed. Any of ye' know a bit more of this rumor? -obliged for any feedback! Captain Sage 7/8 OK- I see no one knows anything or yer not talkin'. At least make up something!
  8. Thanks for the advice! It's a good shot in the arm to prevent POTC fever and surrenderin' a lot of loot for these trinkets. The way some o' these sharks act is enough to make a pirate blush. If your gonna' plunder, at least do it honestly! Captain Sage
  9. In the shameless self-promotion department, you are all more than welcome to visit my new site, where I have sprinkled a few choice nautical tunes to tickle your ear. You will also find links to more music as well as info on the 'Salmagundi' page about the finest shanty/ pirate festivals around. Enjoy! Captain Sage
  10. I just loined the brotherhood a few days ago, meself. This is the most miserable band of rogues and brigands I've ever had the pleasure of meetin' (except for me high school chums in days of yore). I sold the grass plantation when the bottom fell out of the market (curse you, Chem-Lawn!) Then I put my hand at bein' a cardboard merchant on the open seas, but at 4 cents a ton, there's no ship big enough to give me a real profit. So I thought: why not just sail around scarin' good folks with cannons and cutlasses, take things what don't belong to me and make a general nusiance of myself, all the while lookin' like I've got crabs in me breeches and sayin' Arrr! and Ahoy, there! Yep, it's a pirate's life for me, and I'm sure glad I found such a fine bunch of upstandin' role models among ye' Cheers and Welcome to all the other new Deck Swabbers (we know we are all really Pirate Captains, anyway). PS- visit my site and let me know what you think (be nice )
  11. How about, "If you can raid this, thank a pirate." or "Muskets don't kill people, musket balls do." or "Practice gun control- use your cutlass!" or "Lead, follow, or get hung from the jib." or "Back off, or I'll flick a cannonball through your windshield." or "You smell. Is your bilge pump broken?" or "Didn't Sal Magundi pitch for the Dodgers back in the 40's?" Happy 4th! Captain Sage
  12. In the last few years, it looks like there's been an increase in the popular interest over anything to do with pirates and such: books, computer games, movies, toys, WEBSITES, festivals, etc... What do you think? Captain Sage
  13. I went to the Morehead City Blackbeard festival this year. Excellent:militia and pirate (re) enactors, QAR artifacts and info, Ben Cherry & co. So-so: food, weather (cool, rainy), crowd Poor: only about 3 vendors of pirate wares, not much food variety, not enough activities (especially for the little ones) I heard a local shop owner tell some disappointed visitors that she didn't know why the quality of the event had gone "downhill" recently. I had never been to one before, but it did not look like what it claimed to be in the advertisements. I still managed to have a good time, though. Captin Sage
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