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Everything posted by tishsparrow

  1. is that groucho marks?
  2. i'd rather have a ships cat. practical for catching rats, and much more my style than either a loudmouth bird who poos on my shoulder, or a loudmouth monkey who poos and flings it at other people. and my cat perches on my shoulder anyway...
  3. ooo, can i go? man#1: Is there someone else up there we could talk to? man#2: No, now go away before I taunt you a second time. just ignore this if it isnt my turn.
  4. you guys are probably going to laugh, but for some reason i always picture the avatar talking. with people who have their picture up, its not so weird, but for people like Black John and Mission, its kinda silly... especially since when i first came on here, Mission still had yosemite sam as an avatar. still imagine little pirate sam yelling everytime he posts.... yea, this happens on other sites too. one site is penguin based (dont ask) and i imagine gnomes talking for the one guy and penguins for the other.
  5. wow... just like the soap lady at the mutter museum... that place is disturbing... back on topic: do you think that they will still be filming in the caribbean in march? and if so, will filming be visible from the disney cruise line?
  6. i swear it wasnt me...
  7. i think its broken. and heres to teen pirates!
  8. ivory tea? what on earth is that? oddly enough, it sounds familiar to me too...
  9. i take german in school, but still wouldnt be able to find my way about if i were lost. i cant say 'bathroom' to save my life. we had a few exchange students here last week, they all spoke perfect english. what is the point, i ask you? ich bin schnappi, das kleine krokodil! sorry, we had to watch that in class. frickin' little cute singing german-egyptian crocodiles...
  10. youve all been pretty helpful, and no, deadeye, it wasnt for halloween, just for costume. i ended up with one of those cheap kid swords for halloween, just for a temporary so i would look like a pirate, but that just isnt a good one, particularly the white blade with the little round knob on the end. and its not really that i think my brothers will steal it and stab each other. the youngest is ten, and knows better. i just dont want to hurt myself if i do stage combat, and it'll make my parents happier if it isnt sharp. someone pointed out to me yesterday that i could just buy any sword i wanted and take it to the knife store near me and get it dulled. cant believe i didnt think of that, i pass that place every day.
  11. me dad wanted to make a remix of the opening... complete with a picture of my uncle in a dr. seuss hat instead of ol' painty the pirate.
  12. im working on getting pics of me... theyre trapped in my moms camera, which wont hook to the printer or some such technical difficulty... got a good one though, me standing in front of a fog machine, full blown pirate (well, the sword was a kiddie one i got at eckerds as a last minute fix). wow... theres some good pics on here... glad theres more teen pirates, i am.
  13. wonder how long it would take to turn that into a stop animation... what?
  14. Where am I supposed to find one of these? it has to be blunt, because theres a pretty good chance my brothers will want to play with it, and my parents would prefer the little buggers keep all their limbs. and it is preferred that it is cheap. i am a pathetic pirate...
  15. the atocha ones gave me sticker shock... i love the one with the octopus though. lots of shiny...
  16. when i figure out the bloody scanner... half my sketchbook would be on here! just finished a good one based on the billy bones song.
  17. oh, i love that one! that would be me, screaming orders to no one on a ship thats only two feet long...
  18. they should make that! thats a major marketing opportunity missed... spongebob is great, but i never saw the movie! my mom is a bit opposed to spongebob...
  19. looks like something i would do... what did they DO to those poor dolls? funny as anything though... gives me ideas, it does...
  20. i heard that one before, but i dont know what it is... i really dont listen to music all that much, pretty much just listen to what my brother has on his radio or what my mom has in her cd player. of course, through this, i listen to an odd mix of punk rock and country.
  21. its slightly worse to see one in the parking lot of a suburban middle school or high school. has happened more times than necessary. and one of those drug sniffing dogs tore open someones locker because there was a POP TART in it. seriously ripped this kids stuff to bits. they gave him stickers to make up for it.
  22. remind me NEVER to let my brothers read this website. we already had the rocket phase. not really over, especially since my dad encourages it... they like to make things go BOOM!!! which is usually followed by: "dude, that was cool..." "DO IT AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN!"
  23. gators are football, right? i dont watch sports. at all. my little branch of the family is unique for that.
  24. know what i always wanted? a mister bigglesworth doll. for some odd reason, i need one. back to snoopy. i found an old one (was my dads, i think) while cleaning my great-grandpa and great-grandmas house. just the doghouse, snoopy is somewhere, just havent found him yet.
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