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Everything posted by tishsparrow

  1. i've actually heard that one before... just cant remember where...
  2. i twas wondering how long before someone nominated themselves...
  3. ah, see, i was watching it and wondering why there was no sound, the computer wasnt mute, then realized the media player's volume was off. now i get it............... ok, not really.
  4. nicknames (my friend calls me squishy tishy... )
  5. a member of me crew jest dropped in! aye, black jim is the captain of the maverick! i dont really know what my position on board is, but... im captain of me own ship so it dont really matter.
  6. WOW. it didnt say which two actors though? i hope it doesnt hold it up too long, and whoever it is gets caught.
  7. i know someone with an eight footer... had to give it it's own room eventually...
  8. that was COOOOOOOOL! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....... i already have my calendar marked. yes, my potc calendar... why does his hand turn black though? OH! WAIT! the part with his face all painted, remember, "and then they made me their chief"!
  9. oh, that was great... i dunno what would qualify as 'weird', so... ah, wait a minute. the buncha lubbers in my school. because i came dresssed for talk like a pirate day, they have taken to calling me 'captain jack sparrow'. which makes no sense, as 1: i am female, and 2: one of them dressed as jack sparrow for halloween. but everytime i hear them say that, i just keep going through the spiel i came up with: "no, i am Annelise Striped-Socks, Captain of the Constipated Sailor (its a loooooooooong story, involving a vote and captain slappys ship namer). this tends to get odd looks, however...
  10. my mom has a vintage deep purple pin, wonder how much its worth... its in the same part of her jewelry box as her complete set of journey buttons...
  11. i have a woodstove in between the kitchen and livingroom, and everytime my mom puts logs in it, these three inch long black beetles crawl out. kinda freaky looking things, really. we just pick them up and toss them back in, they make cool popping noises as they burn about your chimney, does the wind blow over it right, like is it in the middle of the house or the side, or maybe blocked by a bit of the roof or something? cuz maybe you're not getting the wind blowing over it and causing a suction.
  12. funny... i dont recall hearing about pirates or ninjas in english class
  13. rolling stones
  14. it wont let me watch it
  15. ashley. there are too many ashleys, so apparently one day while i wasnt at school they decided to call me morticia. i dunno. dont seem much like a morticia, but... well, at least if i hear someone yell 'tish' i know theyre talking about me. of course, the girl with the locker next to mine is called trish and has the same last name (odd twist of fate, isnt it?)
  16. i dunno when i started. sometime last year, i was listening to my friends talking about this larp game. it sounded fun, and i looked it up online. the webpage explained it in more detail, and it didnt sound as interesting. too typical, all elves and stuff. then i heard my friend talking about this pirate club she was in (online) and i typed 'pirate larp' into google, and found out about renfairs. i kinda just got hooked after that. and pirates were better, because girls just get to do more stuff. all the women who dressed in mens clothes and snuck aboard, the stories and romance of pirates, and the fact that i pretty much could make a costume from the clothes i had already (i dress like a rennie every day)
  17. those are cool! they even have the redhead!
  18. do you know of any good larps near here? either with pirates or just the generic elves and dwarfs and goblin thing, i dont care, long as its in south jersey and doesnt cost too much. preferably with cabins. that lets all ages play. theres nothing by way of events around here (not just parties, i mean actual events) for several months.
  19. they left cedric and cho out of the third one completely. wasnt each movie done by a completely different director?
  20. actually, by 1492 most people already believed the earth was round. columbus just proved it somehow. but you can see the curve of the earth on the horizon over the sea, and you can see a sail on a ship come over the horizon way before the ship itself. its not hard to figure out the globe is round.
  21. hey billy bones, got a bit of a silly question... WHAT is that thing in jacks hair? the little stick bone thing? usually on the left... sorry, but it bugs me, and me and my friends were talking about pirate costumes and it got turned to that somehow, and we were all taking guesses... and then i thought maybe i could just ask you, if you knew. it looks like a really long needle... or maybe its a feather minus the fuzzy, or maybe its a back scratcher, i dunno...
  22. if i may throw in my nomination... kermit is sexy...
  23. hey, i was just looking around the net and i was wondering... if anyone on here is in the SCA, particularly in the barony of the iron bog... how is it? I mean, is it kinda fun, or hard? i was just looking into it and it sounded somewhat interesting, but i dunno if i should try it...
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