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Everything posted by tishsparrow

  1. those are WOW!!! and big. wait... is that ragetti? did he change sides or something?
  2. a sword, some cds, cd player... thats all i asked for. the rest is all stuff people picked out for me.
  3. fork in the road
  4. i only used her cuz she has hair like mine.
  5. whatcha gonna do?
  6. thats really good my stuff is super cartoony. not anywhere near as detailed.
  7. bert (from the beginning of mary poppins when he has the one-man-band thing on)
  8. i just had a weird one last night. i was walking through woods. but it was snowy ( probably cuz it really was snowing outside) and all sparkly and white, and i was wearing a cloak. i went into a building (probably a pub) and everyone thought i was weird cuz when i took off the cloak i had pointy cat ears. i always have cat ears, unless im dreaming that im someone else. if im just me, i have cat ears and sometimes a tail and cat eyes too. its just weird. and its got to where now when i draw a cartoon of myself, i have cat ears.
  9. strange thing is, i was just wearing an elf hat. its best not to ask.
  10. do di do do do di do do do di do do thats the best impersonation of the song i can do. i used to have millions of nightmares when i was little, then i got a dreamcatcher. i havent had more than maybe two nightmares in the last ten years. i used to have these dreams when i was in kindergarten where it would combine my house with my grandma's house. i guess because i spent so much time at my grandmas.
  11. oh, wait. i get it now.
  12. taxi (where did that come from?)
  13. that would be awesome if it were real. i need a good ship. i tried to make a ship, and took it in the pool ( ) and it sunk like a stone. and i doubt pirate ships were pink and black and crewed by an assortment of lego people including two indians, one pirate, two adventurers (at least one of them had a hook!) and hermione granger.
  14. arrrrr.... im confused... and i cant wait until july. thats, uh... (not very good at math) seven months! NOOOOOOO!!!
  15. i cant eat anything that involves something else's digestive tract. just makes me feel iffy. i cant even really look at raw meat. i can eat cooked meat, just cant look at it beforehand.
  16. i have had some of the strangest dreams... once i had this one where i was outside of my back door, and my friend britt walked past with a dog. I dunno why she was in my backyard with a dog, but she was. i mentioned it the next day, and she looked at me screwey, and asked what kind of dog. i said labrador retriever. she said she had that kind of dog, and asked if my house was red and white. it is. i asked her how she knew (she had never seen my house) and she said she had a dream that she was walking her dog and walked right past this house where i was standing. kinda creepy... then theres the one about the pirates and the aliens and the captain who was a were-leopard...
  17. boo-boos (did anyone else ever have a boo boo bunny when they were little? a little cloth bunny with an ice cube in it?)
  18. nah, not really any historical pirates in jersey... bit of a pity, really. not even really all that much pirate-themed stuff either, with the exception of this years pa renfair.
  19. he's in the movie though, right? i mean, what about those pictures from august or whenever that was, of barbossa and jack infront of a bluescreen?
  20. i did. long story.
  21. they scared me! i have this one picture of me, about a year or two old, sitting on santa. and they had this giant garfield head that popped up and down everytime a picture was taken. i was too busy watching this giant orange thing just rising up from behind me, and i look so confused...
  22. TELL ME!!! pwease?
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