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Everything posted by tishsparrow

  1. i have no clue what my avatar is... i went on to google, typed in 'evil penguins' into an image search (i was trying to find something for another site) and this popped up. i thought it was cute, so... and it was muppet treasure island. i have discovered movie quotes .com
  2. i can help with the song-stuck-in-head problem... everytime i get it stuck, i just remember the one that was on mad tv a while ago... its a world of terror, its a world of pain, its a world of dolls who will eat your brains dont try to scream or yell its the barbie dolls from hell here with satan's undead dolls! who was it that played jack? i missed it...
  3. right... here ya go: How DOES she bloody do that?
  4. zoolander! i need a minute... cant remember any...
  5. thats what i said... not the last bit about it getting old, the other bit...
  6. one thing i know now about renfairs, specially when my mom and grandmom are involved... if it has irish, scottish, celtic, or highlander in the title, i will stear clear. i have seen enough kilts to last me a lifetime. my mom and grandmom, on the other hand... suffice to say there are a LOT of pics they took that day...
  7. oh, i really want to... but no one around here has them. i heard you had to have read the books to understand anything about the movie, is that true?
  8. is that latin? (and about the cirrus thing, this other site i go to has a silly questions topic (long story) and i asked what is the meaning of life and he said 42. then he explained it was from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (i think)
  9. thats REALLY good. really.
  10. YEA! and the new tiki room IS really annoying. it has iago and zazu hosting it. and half the parrots are gone!
  11. aw, come on, i'll never see the original version again? i missed it last time i went... and now they're changing it? sure, it sounds cool if you ignore the fact that it was the BEST ride at disney to begin with... great. now im mad because of jack sparrow. what has happened?
  12. convention! (need to go to one eventually...)
  13. oh, my crew... i'm sorta-kinda captain of the Skeletal Sparrow (oh wait, it blew up... nevermind then) and i must belong to a dozen sites or groups or forums but i havent actually gone to an event in a group.
  14. uh, blackjohn, by any chance, do you frequent the tpc under the name cirrus?
  15. it had to come out 99 or 2000, cuz i remember talking about it in fifth grade... t'was quite an insult when someone called you squidward...
  16. that would be great!!! i always wanted to go to gettysburg. almost did for a school trip once, but they opted for six flags instead. I always watch those ghost shows on tv... ever see Most Haunted on Travel channel?
  17. the philadelphia miniaturia is tomorrow... cant wait to see the new exhibits... need to get more pirate things for my cave. still dont have any actual pirate figurines in it.
  18. phantom of the opera (my friend plays the soundtrack during art class, very inspirational)
  19. is THAT why my school doesnt get to use the driver's ed cars too much?
  20. hey... i know where that is... its in my haunted pa dutch book! wait, GHOSTS? AND PIRATES? I'm coming!!!!!
  21. the weirdest thing... the middle aged (not dressed in ren clothes) woman with the dragon on her shoulder being carried away by a very large and hairy viking paid to steal her by her niece. that woman was my great aunt... and the niece was my mom... and the hysterically laughing pirate was me...
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