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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. *feeds him a strawberry of his own, very gently* Do ye like yer cakes tall? Cuz I like strawberry blonde men..err..Cake, thet is..oops!
  2. *suckin' on a delectable strawberry, an' lookin' at Capt. Morgan, meaningfully* Ye'll hev t' ask the strawberry blonde, I jes be th' strawberry tallcake...
  3. *blushing* Yers be quite delicious as well, ye know!
  4. *Salivating* Here's some gold an' silver William, I be hevin thet Beef Wellington an' a slice o' Chocolate Espresso truffle cake, glass of Chianti, ifin I may...please good sir? An' how be thet lovely bundle o' joy here lately? Growing well I imagine... :)
  5. Ye've been sorely missed Fancy! (((Fancy)))) *Big Hugs!* We were afraid Jack would drink himself t' beyond death! *I wander off on me own, t' leave th' two o' them in peace, and' find a place fer me long unpracticed katas* My, I be getting rusty, but not too badly, fortunately! *I warm up, by stretching, before going into me routine...*
  6. Bit overcast here...but that means nothin' in Texas..it could still turn out t' be a really unbearably hot day..got chores an' errands t' run....not looking forward t' being out in th' heat! Thankee fer whomever invented air conditioning! Best invention on earth imho! Now ifin we could jes find a way t' air condition th' Texas outdoor summer, thet last nine months out o' th year, there would be some truly happy residents...hehe! We get two seasons a year: Rain an' storms, an some winter chill, an' Summer! Sometimes our seasons blur all into one big season! (We've been known t' hev t' go from heat to AC in one hour!)
  7. Loved thet movie...Drew Barrymore
  8. *takes glass o' la vin rouge* Thankee, I think I will... :)
  9. I'd like t' forget me dreams, an' focus on makin' th' good reality! Me dreams are taunting me wit' false hopes most o' th' time.. I'll keep th' good dreams tho, they be nice t' me...
  10. I'm a bad, bad woman!
  11. *breathes deeply th' fine smellin' air...* MMMmmm.... it does smell good in 'ere, think I would like t' join in th' fine company an' food as well... I'd love t' share some o' thet fine red wine, ye hev Ciaran...
  12. OMG! Siren! OW! Glad t' know thet yer at home, an' doin' better! Me prayers fer a speedy recovery!
  13. green an' squishy
  14. "Right Here, Right Now"-Fatboy Slim ( A leftover of last weekend's jaunt, t' th' club)
  15. Hey badger, I added you to my contacts list, hopefully it should function now...try opening a chat window wit' me again, I'm showing thet you be offline...
  16. cut an'peeled grape in microwave=plasma explosion..(not kiddin, it really does happen)
  17. Me could say much on th' subject o' dreams..but me already belong to several dream interpretation message boards an' forums as it tis...(me head spins thnkin' on it...) Too much overload! Here lately I've not remembered me dreams, because o' th' overload o' info....
  18. Aye, hev faith, Mad Jack, we are all missing her.. She'll come around... .. .
  19. Good choice Diego..listening to "The Wind Cries Mary"-Hendrix
  20. My hip cracking under th' strain o' th' weekend away...All thet dancin' an' partyin' is catchin' up t' me....but me had a blast, so it be worth it! Haven't done such things in years....
  21. Aye, lots of hugs Charity..fer ye an' yer father! Yer both in me prayers... Me...spent the weekend away from th' computer altogether...had a great time with a friend o' mine. Went t' a club, danced me freakin' arse off! Had a blast, did many things I haven't done in a way long time, years in fact. Someone else I know quite well, may be getting promoted, cause his old boss is leaving fer a couple o' weeks to get married, have honeymoon, then move to a different store. Don' know about th' promotion, he may remain in th' same position, but he is getting a recommendation from his boss... I find out later how th' meeting today went and find out ifin he is indeed promoted t' his boss' post.... I finally at long last had a great weekend...
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