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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Here's another clue,same song... Forces of evil on a bozo nightmare ban all the music with a phony gas chamber 'cuz one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag one's on the pole, shove the other in a bag with the rerun shows and the cocaine nose-job the daytime crap of the folksinger slob he hung himself with a guitar string a slab of turkey-neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing you can't write if you can't relate trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate and my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite that's chokin' on the splinters
  2. "Children Of The Sun"-Billy Thorpe Did I get it right? How bout this, should be easy: In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey butane in my veins and I'm out to cut the junkie with the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose kill the headlights and put it in neutral stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control baby's in Reno with the vitamin D got a couple of couches, sleep on the love-seat someone came in sayin' I'm insane to complain about a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt don't believe everything that you breathe you get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve so shave your face with some mace in the dark savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park Yo. Cut it.
  3. thankee, Fancy, need t'numb th'pain.. drink wit' me...
  4. mebbe..lack o' available rogues...might jes cut th' bleedin thing, afore it cuts me t' pieces...arg
  5. 'tuxedo colored' American Shorthair
  6. "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"
  7. Dagnabbit! *pouts* Me fun tryin t' get a Horny..err..Horned One, jes left th' buildin! Before he could see me reply t' his posts...*snaps fingers in disappointment* Everyone else will seemingly ignore an'move on..he prolly won't be on fer a while..(frustrated)
  8. Road Warrior Gotta love that one..still have it..
  9. Here's quote: "Treacle! Mawkish treacle! Rip it out of your books. Rip out the entire page! I want this sentimental rubbish in the trash where it belongs!" "Make a clean tear. I want nothing left of it! Eugene Field! Disgraceful."
  10. Theodore"Teddy" Roosevelt
  11. Lead th' way... :) And t' Christine, "Nothing But Mammals"-Bloodhound Gang (they were a goofy bunch ) hehe..good pick...
  12. "Circles"-Joe Satriani
  13. "I Remember You"-Skid Row Now wot do I win?? (Hoping fer a "sleepless night" wit' Capt. Morgan)
  14. oops... Back to Christine's word: Christine Daee
  15. No prob! Anytime! Cheers t' ye, tis a new day! ( I continue working on her neck and shoulders, and scalp, using techniques they teach in school, an' new ones I learned out o'school from me mom, a certified instructor, an' professional)
  16. Love that song! Me Dad, used to play that fer me on his acoustic guitar, an' put me t' sleep with it. Now thet I think of th' lyrics, it may not hev been age appropriate, but it was popular and cool of him t' do. I hev him to thank fer alot of my "corruption" (th' good kind)
  17. ( I proceed t' give Charity some neck and shoulder massage, while telling her a funny joke, my sister sent me, via e-mail. I'll hev to pm ye Charity, as some of the jokes might be offensive t' th' men on this forum.) :) No offense, some of them might be okay, but others are in poor taste. Ladies, pm me if you want a copy.
  18. big city streets
  19. Terribly sorry t' hear thet Charity (((Charity))) *hugs Charity* I understand....hope yer day gets better... (goin' througha bit o' a rough patch meself..feelin' all rejected like) Would ye like a professional massage? Might perk ye up a bit! I even offer some lovely treatments t' make someone feel pampered like... It's a very healing and loving way t' let go of yer grievin' n' sour mood...
  20. Now I'm listening to Ozzy... "Snowblind"-Black Sabbath (I hev very seemingly random tastes...)
  21. Great timing Fancy..thet was when I learned the lyrics th' best!
  22. "Masochism Tango" -Dr. Demento
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