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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. I love thet album! Do turn it up!!!!
  2. Now it's "Airplane Scraped it's Belly on"-Soul Coughing and Roni Size-Spawn soundtrack
  3. Sleepy Hollow...
  4. I hev very far-fetched tastes in music..I like all kinds...
  5. Paradise- In the CD player.. (listening to "Supernaut"-1000 Homo DJ's tonight is me techno-industrial dance music night of th' week... tomorrow it's all rock'n' roll an' heavy metal... Sunday, it's whatever strikes me mood.. rest o' th' week, pretty much th' same...
  6. "Speed Freak"-Orbital (Moby Remix)
  7. Kinda wonderin' thet meself...3 willin', beautiful wenches 'ere, an' ye'd think they would come runnin'.... (Feel more humanlike after a bath..whew) Paradise right here....
  8. rollin' in th' full kegs...
  9. salt-rimmed, chilled margarita glass..
  10. one..tequila two..tequila three..tequila Floor!
  11. Hey Morgan, William, looks like our deception an' subversion worked... Mua-ha-ha!
  12. Here's t' William, an' t' th' official Redheads Of Pyracy Fleet: (This be fer ye, William) (We don't tow!)
  13. Here's a better, more beautiful version...cleaned up an' ready t' invade, pillage an' plunder! Hehehe.....
  14. The official Redheads of Pyracy Fleet: How's thet fer enough Red, William? I could fix it some more, but this be sort o' "on th' fly". Need more time... Got fleet? This has cannon power! (Okay so we borrowed, but who hasn't?) We arrrr... pirates, after all!
  15. Congrats, William..err..I mean..Dread Pyrate Red Wake! Cheers an' Huzzah!
  16. Like yer new sig, Fancy, that's very creative, an' very ye!
  17. Aye! It needs more red methinks...hmmm..likes otherwise, an' th' stripes really set it off....
  18. Congrats, Charity!
  19. split into thirds
  20. * I pick up the receiver on me phone, when it rings*Hello? *person*Can I speak to Mr. Bennett? "I say* I'm sorry, he's at work, can I take a message an' hev him call ye? *person*Is this Mrs. Bennett? *I say* Yes this is..Is this a solicitor? *person hangs up immediately* Boy, I sniffed thet one a mile away! Hehehehe... I registered my phone #, wit' th' FTC IDNC List..an' still they persist..ifin they persist beyond th' 30th o' this month...then I can sue thet company fer @$700k fer violations....I hope fer there sake, they update each o'their do-not-call lists quite son..or I'm going t' be rakin' in some serious $$$!
  21. "Their coming to take me away haha..."
  22. fruit roll-ups..hehehe(edible undie kind)
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