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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Aye. After I changed costume garb @ Screams,(Halloween themed park in Waxahachie, TX; same site as Scarborough Renn Faire), I managed to get such a reaction from small children, (Red Riding Hood, grown up and werewolfed out) < No awards to speak of,(or worth mentioning) V I'll pass th' question on.
  2. no more(Mr. nice guy)
  3. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Other than work..run errands, an' generally, play catch up on neccessary things that need to be done? Rest. Relax, when I can, an' play some games,(spending some romantic time with my significant other wouldn't kill me either,) move new dressers into new home, and clean up my pigsty! (did wash an' vaccuum car after work..I feel productive.. ) < 24 hours is not enough in a day V Willing to divulge a secret?
  4. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ depends on context, or wot I'm trying to convey. < bipedal, ambidextrous, left-eye dominant, integrated (both left/right) minded. V Are you more logical or creative, or both?
  5. After installing my new battery on my Dodge, I went to work, thinking it was my 'short' day of 6 hours, only to find a note from my manager, asking me to stay an extra three to fill in for a sick girl going home early. Seeing as she worked fer my hours on Tuesday, when I called in, I saw no harm in making it up to her, until she left. then that's when my day went straight t' hell! I'm..plum..exhausted! Now I have t turn around an' go back in, in just a few hours...(ugh) But at least I get off early tomorrow... Wait! it already is early tomorrow....
  6. Well, I am certainly no angel That looks scrumptious, an' after a hard day at work, fillin' in fer sick folks, Ill definitely find some sinful enjoyment in it;)!
  7. Good day to ye, William;)! Tis certainly so
  8. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^small..overgrown from rain, but nice an' cozy wit me potted plants.. < has a strange, inexplicable affinity for elephant collectibles. V Do you plant, or do gardening in th' Autumn season?(other than raking leaves)
  9. *drroooolll* Wants t' tear into All o' those meals,(minus th' eggs, due t' allergies, sorry..although they are fine lookin' t be sure;) Good morrow everyone*fills mug wit' a steamy black mug o' Turkish coffee...an' has th' grin o' someone, who's been thoroughly satisfied th' evenin' before *
  10. Wow! That's awesome, William! somethin' to reflect upon, most surely
  11. Well, ere's a bit o' a rundown on me day so far... Found out the phone message from work was 'bout me paycheck getting an extra $45.00 taken out, accidentally, apparently, happened to everyone, thankee very much payroll department! grr... But in order to make up fer it, they won't be taking same said fee outta me next paycheck. Got bills and house payment made, groceries at commissary, gas, top-up card fer cell phone, lunch, and all to th' tune o' high winds, heavy rain, and torrential flooding..I'm plum exhausted! And mad! Oh! And did I mention..I'll now hev t' replace my battery on my Dodge! (I'll wait til the weather clears up some..
  12. Really?? Do tell...as I happen t' be fond o' them meself
  13. <--M.A.d' Dogge and Matusalem:lol: As fer me, haven't ventured out yet, but I got to.. i'll tell everyone about it, when I get back.. *i be extra careful, bad weather just blew in wit'a vengeance last night, an' there's no tellin' wot awaits me*
  14. guilty as charged...(an' shame on me, I must go pick up my paycheck!)
  15. mmmmmmm...that looks delicious...i like the crescent moon on it!
  16. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^Buy me own piratey secluded island, wit' a fleet to sail of course! < Off t' bed wit' me now..fallin' asleep on keyboard. V Famous impressions, can ye mimic wit' the best, and convincingly??
  17. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ sometimes..not with lottery... < That is lucky, Chole! The lil' swab is adorable, BTW;) V If ye won th' big jackpot, wot would ye do with it?
  18. How bout this one... Bonnie Blue Butler
  19. Hetha

    ^, <, V

    ^ Depends. Fiscally, no! < liking th' company I am in at th' pub this eve,(nods t' all) V Do stockings need match t' count fer something?
  20. Ye simply must climb outta me head Mr. Tar
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