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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Four sacred herbs..
  2. tomatoes, cilantro, onions...
  3. Aye! Being sick or injured is truly no fun at all..I wish ye both a speedy recovery, Phil an' Christine. :) Christine, congrats on yer promotion hon, but Phil's right, yer already legendary t' some o' us... ! When yer feelin' better, mayhaps we can throw a legendary celebration in honor o' it?
  4. Good Lord, Christine! Wot hev ye been doin' lass, t' cause so much aweful pain? Is it all th' packing an' movin' o' stuff? I would help ye fix th' pain, but I be in another state.. Sorry t' hear o yer pain..I truly hope ye get t' feelin' better, an' ye see a doctor bout it...(((pain-free hugs t' Christine)))
  5. *Walks in t' find Captain Jack Sparrow asleep, wit' a jolly rogers over him. Tucks th' jolly roger in closer t' him, puts a pillow under his head, a rum bottle next to' his hand and turns around t' greet everyone* Avast, mates! How was everyone's Memorial Day Weekend? Mornin' William, Diego, Christine an' everyone!
  6. LOL! OMG, thet be a funny pic! Fancy, how ye be, sweetie? Sure missed ye 'round 'ere! (((Fancy))) ....Amazing Grace
  7. I'll never tell..hehe..(shhh..)
  8. BTW, Mad Jack, I must thank ye openly, fer th' fine work ye did on me signature! Ye outdone yerself..yet again Thankee!
  9. Hev a friend who is a complete nut about thet series, an' loves it... I was mildly amused, but I didn't get too sucked into it...watched a few episodes, then grew bored...but I dont' begrudge someone else's enjoyment of it...I generally don't get much into tv or primetime, even American Idol or Friends reruns, seems to dull my senses... I usually rent a movie, or go out t' find otha forms o' entertainment, in me free time...when at home, it's mostly internet or mp3's...read sometimes, write...thet sort o' thing...
  10. It be partial sun, partial overcast, muggy, nasty, and' yucky hot 'ere! I do not envy anyone who wishes t' come live in Texas...a visit mayhap, but not t' live! Weather 'ere sucks!
  11. Good one Badger! Also like GnR's "Welcome to th' Jungle" :)
  12. Pain-free hugs t' both ye, an' yer mate, then, aye! (((Siren)))Glad t' see ye both okay afta such a tragic accident. Ye both be in me prayers lass! Me heart truly goes out t' ye, fer a speedy recovery.... sounds like ye both were quite lucky indeed, I know about accidents an' back problems t' be sure..jes stay rested, ye'll need yer energy t' fight th' rehab nurses an docs in th'process....they made sure me own recovery from me accident were a painful lot, when I messed up me back!
  13. I loved those...those were th' bomb! We had fearful accidents on them tho..
  14. Yikes! I've actually had similar ones, where my rifle locks up on me or backfires!(Used t' go shooting wit' me stepdad at the local gun club, most o' th' time it was only a semi-automatic pistol, or something like thet, but I've handled a rifle too..so has me brother..) We are taught t' shoot before we are taught t' read, write or 'rithmitic...southern gal I am...
  15. Lucky! I got about 85-87 degrees an' overcast, but sweltering..big pile o' laundry to do..ugh! Needs t' be done before three o' clock...
  16. *Grabs his hand, an runs out wit' him...* :)
  17. Aye, it sure does... :) Very pretty, imho, an' a bit cooler too...
  18. Know what ye mean..*whew* I heard they get pretty bad up there, an' occasionally visit northern indiana too...(my parents once lived in Valparaiso) Wot's up wit' th' fog at sunrise n' sunset? Is thet Lake Michigan's doin?
  19. Mayhaps we get it at about the same time..tis the same frontline, thet passes over the Rockies into the Midwest..same bleeding miserable weather..two different states... :) Except of cousre we get the fronts thet come in from the Gulf, an' instant weather havoc wreaked...*snaps fingers* tornadoes, yearround..*
  20. I hev a strawberrry tallcake in me Den, ifin ye would like it?
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