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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. introspective...discarding old useless thoughts that do not serve me..to leave me open for new thoughts and ideas. Spent the weekend in debauchery..Now I am spent, I am still..draining away and getting rid of the toxins(aye..hungover I am..ugh) The only thing I've found permanent and everlasting is Change. Some weekend!
  2. "Take a Picture"-Filter
  3. "Take a Walk On The Wild Side"-Lou Reed Lettin' loose an' finding some lively entertainment this weekend! Letting M' hair down..... M' think M' hev well earned night or two o' partyin!!
  4. Yer very welcome.( I give William a quick hug and head out the door..alas it tis a new day)
  5. Good morrow William! M' bring you a gift, for the lil one...M' must make haste.. (I place on the table before him, a gorgeous knitted baby blanket of the softest chenille,) M' mom makes these, M' chose the most "boyish" colored one. Looks better than the ones ye'll find in stores, and they don't look "handmade" at all. She has won numerous ribbons at county faires, for their quality, details and even her choice of color. She makes them tho, among other things she knits, and her crocheting is lovely too. It's large enough for Liam to grow into. (Wish M' had a picture o' it, but alas, M' do not) M' must go...
  6. Arrrg...now he was a good ol' bard!
  7. "Falling to pieces"-Faith No More
  8. Aye! Our famed habaneros do hev quite a bite..Our state grows quite a variety o' the lil devils! If ye want somethin' a bit less bitin' ye should try our rellenos stuff'd wit' queso or sweet banana peppers...they are tasty..and don't forget..at least in San Antonio, they hev an extra eatin' utensil...care to guess? Ye hev, th' knife, th' fork, th'servin' spoon of course..but never forget... (looks both ways, before whisperin') :::THE TORTILLA!!:::
  9. (Serves William some rum, and lights his first cigar) Aye, William a fine bonny lad he is! To you an' yer wife an' new family member! (My glass raises in toast)
  10. I signal the dancers and live music, to come in quickly!!!
  11. Congratulations!!!!!! This calls fer a HUGE party!!!! : : (the mom in me says) AAAAAAAaaaaaoooooWWW!!!!! He's precious! Here's the cigars!! Here's to Liam and here's to YOU!!!
  12. Perhaps M' should at some point....it's a bit o' a touchy subject at th' moment...thank ye fer understanding.. but no, merrydeath and I hev yet to speak, we are diff'rent people...
  13. Married by proclamation only, been with a man fer seven years..seems 'common law" doesn't count in th' state o' TX anymore...things are a bit rocky right now..
  14. M' take it, they didn't serve the 'canned' jalepenos, rther the fresh grden grown variety we enjoy so many types o' 'ere...Glad ye enjoy'd the catfish tho..catfish is plentiful 'ere..(M should know..M' love to fish..channelcat is quite tricky tho...but not tricky 'nuff fer me) BTW helpful hint, when they ofa water afta partakin' o' jalepenos...ask fer milk..cools the palette a bit better..water makes it worse...
  15. Then M' shall pray that ye hear from them very soon... Ahh...sounds like ye've visited the ol' Trail Dust steakhouse..I pray ye didn't walk in with a long necktie then.. (They cut them off short t the door) Part o' th' dress code..
  16. Ye may be, M' don't work at Target...glad ye've been to see our huge capital city, did ye like it?
  17. Ever been to "Cowtown" Ft. Worth;DFW area? That's where I'm currently at..they have some museums ye might be interested in..and the Stockyards of course...*Continues to examine pistol, then hands it back to Morgan..cautiously*
  18. M' may hev missed it, pray tell, where was the house he was trying to win?
  19. Really? My brother is in Abilene... He attended school there(ACU), but is working right now and payin' off his debts so to speak, until he can pursue his BA..
  20. Nay, I hail from the many miles of the landlocked Lone Star State(TX)
  21. M' shall be very careful with it...(holds it comfortably, but doesn't get carried away with the flintlock and barrel features just yet) Ye've been away a long while, how has yer week been?
  22. Ooh, a 12 inch barrel!*giggles* Veery nice... Would love to ..err..um..hold it
  23. M' should be quite interested in anything you have to show me..
  24. Thet were generous..Captain Morgan..lead the way!
  25. (I nod in acceptance) Phil..( I smile coyly, before Morgan leads the way) Sees ye tomorrow then? Captain, would ye hev a cloak handy mayhaps?
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