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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Wow! That's really cool, lorien. Very fitting and quite interesting!
  2. Yay for me! I've been promoted to Ship's Master! Opened a new place in "The way to a pyrate's heart," just to celebrate! I call it: The Dragon & Tiger Den (cyber dojo & arm wrestling bar and ring.) I'll still help ye here, though, William! Fear not, my sister may come soon enough, if I can make her agreeable.
  3. Good morrow, Lady Snow, Mad Jack..is there room for one more?
  4. My red, must mean some sort of trouble, then, for I tend to push people away, rather than entice them..oh wait...that's my attitude..and talkative mouth! Sort of comes with the territory!
  5. I shall bring thee another plate, Captain Ciaran! Tis the least I can do, after messin' up the confessional, ye work so hard to maintain! As far as the pistols, I could loan ye one, mind ye, not my favorite, but 'ere, try this one instead*Hands him one, lightweight, yet effective, multiple shot, one for emergencies. Then wipes the drool, from around his mouth, erstwhile sitting perched in his lap.* More drink, Captain Ciaran? William, I shall contrive to get m' sister down 'ere tomorrow, if that suits.
  6. Fare thee Weel, Captain! * I wave and watch, as he rows away. *I then turn away, and start back toward the beach and stroll, the moon is high and full, and the night air, is filled with the promise of rife possibilities!* Content for now, I look around for others, that may have stumbled onto this lovely beachfront.*
  7. *Slightly nibbling Captain Morgan's ear, as I whisper,* I'll shall be awaiting then!
  8. I would have to agree! *I then plant a kiss on Captain Morgan's cheek, before giving his arse a proper grab* Hie off wit' thee now, as the sooner ye leave, the sooner we can celebrate yer return!
  9. Fare thee weel, Captain Morgan! May the winds be fair, and always at yer back! Worry not 'bout m', some sort of trouble will follow m' always,(I seem t' get that, no matter where I go.)
  10. *Hears indistinct voices after strolling a bit* Ahoy! blackjohn, good t' see someone 'ere. How be ye, this fine and lovely eve? Ye wouldn't happen to hev seen anyone else, 'round this lovely stretch of beach, would ye? Nods to Captain Morgan, and winks,"Good morrow, Captain Morgan! Mind ye behave yerself, on the sunny West coast, and come back t' us safely! Ye'll be missed.
  11. *startled, but considerably warmer, I say,* "What's this?" * I look around to see no one, but notice the familiar jacket, 'round my shoulders. I smile to myself, and get up, brush off dirt and debris, and pull the jacket tighter around me. I think to myself, of how sweet and gentlemanly a gesture that was. I hear the drums off in the distance, and assume there may be people around, and trek off in search of them. Someone has to know where the bloody heck myclothing is, and I must thank someone of course.*
  12. *Getting rather cold, and feeling gooseflesh creeping up my arms, I realize, I must find my tie top and pants. Now, where th' de'il could I have put them? I thought I had a cloak around 'ere at least. I sheathe my sword, after a grand finale, and start to search.* No, not in the escarpement! Could they have blown carelessly out to sea? I don't see anyone, whre could they be. At least I have my boots to put on. I pour out the sand in them, and start to put them back on, and lace them up, while my hair dries.*
  13. *I float back to shore, and climb the steep embankment, eager to be reunited with my sword, and of course, my clothing as well. When I arrive, I find my sword still, embedded within the rocks, yet, my tie top and tie pants, seem to be missing. Even so, as I look around for them, I pull out my sword and continue, much in the same manner as before, this time staying more alert for movement, other than my own. Wet red curls, like wet noodles, plastered to my head, from the dip into the lagoon, wearing nothing but my black thong bikini, I start where I left off, and continue, sparring with myself, carefree, as though nothing happened.* *Obviously someone, had been here, so I may as well give a good show of stamina and skill, to eshew any thought of attack on my person. Gilded in moonlight, I pay homage to Freyja, in my own way, showing her, just how brave and skilled, her warrior-priestess is, and worthy to serve her in battle. *
  14. *Poised and ready, with catlike grace, I await a few moments, then strip myself of my sweaty garments, (take for my black thong bikini,)leave them on the escarpement, and run to dive into the lagoon below. I do a perfect half pike, and land in the water, freezing, but refreshed, and swim to the surface.*
  15. * I continue, unaware, that I may have drawn a speculative audience. Although, it would be nice, to have a sparring partner, as the workout intensity, has pumped me up considerably. I don't expect one, tho, and am content, with the invisible enemies, remembered, from real ones in my past. I jump an invisible sword, swiping at m' legs, and continue, letting out a cry at intervals, sword moving quickly, aerobatically, my eyes open, for possibly more enemies, that may come m' way* *I turn an aerial cartwheel, and land smoothely, planting my swordpoint, between some rocks, point down, knelt before it, as though in deep contemplation, hands, firmly palming the sword's bloodrunner, allowing the vibration of the blade to fill me with it's spirit. All in one swift movement. A skialdmaer, I truly be, and this sword, when next removed, shall be my challenger.* *As Freyja, be my witness, I call forth, any man or woman who dare challenge me.* I stand up and take some deep breaths. I've conquered myself. Very well, if no one challenges, I will challenge myself again, after a short break.*
  16. *Completely lost in the moment, I stumble upon this lovely stretch of beachfront. It is moonlit, and beautiful. The warmed sand, feels comfy, as my feet sink comfortably and slightly, making footprints where I tread. Palm fronds sway in the breeze, as I find an outcropping, high above the escarpement, a place to meditate, but not to relax. Feeling the call of sea and sky, I tread my way there, away from possible intrusion, and begin to belly dance, wearing a ingeniously wrapped and fringed tie top and matching tie pants. After giving my dear Luna, my greetings and salutations, I change smoothely into a stance for fighting, pulling out an ingeniously hidden sword. Going through my personal kata of impressive prowess, and skialdmaer's style martial movement. Invisible enemies everywhere, I practice and continue to do so. I blend Eastern and Western styles together, into a acrobatic, and fierce whirlwind of movement.I hear drums in the distance, and the drum beats echo and follow my movements, almost intentionally. The drumbeats move closer and seem louder and more tribal than before. I know at least for the moment, I am alone, and at One with myself, the sky, Luna, and the sea. My blood hums strongly and swiftly through my veins, and I let out a warcry! I continue, blood pounding and pumping through my physique. I can hear the sound of my metallic sword passing close around my body, and it thrums at one, with me, a mere extension of my arms. I flip hands, and practice with my other hand, as I am ambidextrous, and use this to my advantage. *
  17. Thank ye! Yer not a bad shot either!*I pull out the pistol again and fire at some pheasant, cornish game hen, and a few chickens* There! That should add some fine dining as well! Now, about dessert, I should bring over m' own sister to bake! She's a lusty wench, fro' back home, who can whip up the most scrumptious chocolate cherry, or raspberry cheesecake, that could possibly tempt the most discriminate palette! And if chocolate, not be yer preference, she has a library of recipes to tempt any palette! Shall I hire her on, William?
  18. *Opens cloak to reveal a sheer arsenal of pistols. Pulls out a pepper-box pistol, and aims for the next quarry, closest to William, and fires a shot* BLAM!! Right in the gizzard! The turkey falls to the floor! *Puts the pepper box pistols and arsenal away, picks up the turkey, by the neck and says* "Anyone wish to prep this bird proper? Or should I throw it into the 'Bankers and Loan Officer's' stew?"
  19. Twas M' pleasure William! I can understand. Need any help killin' the lot of worthless bankers an's such? M' quite handy with a broadsword! And congrats to certain Mercenary's promotion! Cheers and Huzzah!
  20. Glad t' see yer feeling better today, William;)! Ye will find a few extra coins in yer till.
  21. Weel..it doesn'a look like anybod' should notice anyways..*so I hied myself off my duff, go into the kitchen, cook up a fine halibut, and a bit of red snapper, slathering it in lemon juice and spices, grab a bit of port, not the expensive kind, and go back to the table and enjoy it!* I feel much better! I sneak back into the kitchen, and drop a few worthy coins of gold for dear William, in his till, and leave empty-handed. "Givin' feels better!" After all, I am an honest lass, and I do what feels best t' m'!
  22. *whispers back* "Thank ye, Lady Snow, and well met! I'm pretty sure, I could sneak into the kitchen right now, and serve the hungry and thirsty folks, without much notice. Only to help poor William Red Wake of course. I must lighten his load! Right nasty business, that refused loan bit! Hope things improve fer 'im. Nice of ye t' to compare m' with a rita hayworth*blushes* Think I'll sneak in there, and poke around for some halibut and a nice port. Do ye think it would be safe, or will I be sorry? I'm too new 'ere to be serviced in any fashion, an' m' jis wanna 'elp. :) I'd gladly pay the cost of such a small bit of food and port, but i don't know. Mayhap I should come back later and seek elsewhere..What would ye suggest?
  23. *Upon seein' Lady Snow and others whom might recognize M', I hide m' red flurry of hair, up under a large wide-brimmed hat, with a red feather, and hide one eye with a patch* A halibut and port please!
  24. *Sits down, taking note of the patrons, ponders a nice halibut, a nice port* Hmmm..I wonder, must I serve myself, or will I be waited upon..I would do this myself, but..tonight, inlight of misfortune, I don't know..drums fingers, and puts fingers to forehead in deep consideration.... * What to do, what to do??? Hmmm..who to do, who to do??
  25. I could help cook, William, if that's what ye be needin'! Sorry, canna help with the loan and bankers and such. I need te find some work 'round 'ere anyways.
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