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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. Thank ye, Lady Snow, and cheers to ye, lass!
  2. Nay, Jamus, and Congrats on yer promotion as well!
  3. Why thank ye, mate, suprised someone noticed! Cheers and Huzzah to that!
  4. Thank ye..no apologies necessary..you did nuthin' wrong...*Takes the offer'd Guiness* to yer first day oon th' boards! Slainte!
  5. If tis all the same, I wish not to speak o' 'im.. M' need a drink, yet again..
  6. M' a little better, more calm, thinkin' o' m' punching bag I exploded with a single kick! Captain Ciaran is right, I should slow down a bit..workin' too hard.. need to relax..
  7. Only kidding, Thank ye Captain Ciaran, and William and the rest of ye... Ye've all been so kiind...
  8. *Back much later from the medics station, and having my bloodwork taken into ledger,I sit down gingerly, exhausted* Thank ye, William..don' know wot m' would hev done, had ye not come along in time... Have ye still, some o' thet fine lobster? It smells delicious still... And some water, this time...M' be plum exhausted...
  9. *crouches outside, by a tree, and allows, nay fights the oncoming seizure, pouring like gasoline through my veins.Shaking uncontrollably, having not eaten, I must find my medication, and some food and qu..quickly!*
  10. *Sets the plate on the counter, by the scullery station and promptly leaves, without a word*
  11. *Quietly and without a sound, I sneak over and help Mad Jack, put a pillow under her head, and a warm and dry blanket tucked around her, then leave quietly as I came..*G'nite sweet lass..*I whisper* Good to have ye back, ye've been missed.
  12. *Wide eyed and famished, looks at the scrumptious dish William has laid before all*Ah, William, ye know well how to tempt a starving woman's palette! M' would love to have some o' that!
  13. *Drops bin, after a busy day, and time away, alas* ...Jack Sparrow, Lady Snow, Captain Badger, Slainte! M' knows tis always a good time and fine drink when ye three are around. M' see we hev a new scoundrel board! Welcome, Jonathan Hawks! Ifin ye don't mind, might M' please hev some stout usquebaugh..M' been a drunken lass as o' late...delvin' in th' whiskey...too much on th' brain, wit' all these fine lads 'bout and a failed tourney! Welcome aboard!
  14. *gets up, with a sly smile and leads PPhil out, by the hand!*
  15. *Looks up, giggles, but grabs his hand instead, smiles.*I read yer response. I want to go back to the way things were yesterday, would ye be so obliged? I could use the company..
  16. *Hands him some dram* Sure..*goes back to pummeling forehead..*
  17. *Walks in- much later,without a word, pulls up a stool, looking slightly sweaty, from the morning jaunt. Orders Ray to serve some dram. Receives it gratefully, and wonders how the heck can I close a can of worms i just opened! Take the dram and downs it quickly, motioning for another, and another, and yet another! Lightly bounces forehead on the bar, not expecting any sympathy, comfort or empathy! "I am so stupid!" I keep repeating to myself, while banging my head!*
  18. (Sorry I took so long in responding, husband spoke to someone new in India, very interesting!!) Nice garb! and thanks fer the pitcher and fine company!:) I shall be glad to join thee! ..Just been defrauded myself..grrr...i understand.. As far asthe tourney, just wanted to bring people in, and give them something to look forward to...games and such, to entertain..
  19. *Stumbles in rather awkwardly, after spending several hours hours in most, skilled, masterful, capable hands, I find a stool on which to sit*William, I need something to clear the head. I have a tourney tomorrow, and need to prepare! *Let's out a breathless sigh of relief*
  20. *blushing from head to foot, and speechless, I allow PPhil to pick me up and carry me elsewhere, more private and of his choosing*
  21. Of course tis, silly! Hev ye another prize in mind?
  22. *Arms pinned to either side of m' frame, in prone position, faces close, I realize, i may have lost this battle, for the moment. I can't move very well, and i must take the torture he bestows upon me, ..in good sport* Very well, you win, name yer prize! Mind ye, it be something I can provide and not impossible.
  23. A 60's candy, that became repopularized in the 80's, no doubt, the stuff was addictive!!
  24. "Marzipan's Answering Machine," Homestarrunner.com/toons
  25. Aye! his baboon, might start to burn the olfactory senses! *Gets rougher, with her tickling and starts grappling him*
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