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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. 'elo Phil! I trust ye had a good day? Sorry if I seem a bit of a freezing wet mess...by any chance, would anyone have seeen my robe? I had an extra one, other than the one I handed to Badger... The laundry lightener has struck again!
  2. *I nod, showing visible sign of chill sweepin over me* Aye, I could use something warm...
  3. (I make my way ashore, under the light of moon, soakiing wet...) Good t' see ye! Oh goodness, M' getting cold...
  4. *I wave at him*Captain Morgan!
  5. (After surfacing and floating around in backstroke, I playfully laugh like a giddy child, hoping someone will join me soon in the fun of it...I dive again, then surface, throwing my hair back, starting to swim forward this time...) There on the beach, at least I think i see, but can't tell for sure, I'm fairly soaked, Goodness, could that be???? Captain Morgan??
  6. Alright! Rock on...I'm listening to Filter right now...for the moment.. Where be the website?
  7. Cool..at least I'm not the only metalhead!!
  8. ( A white robed and hooded figure walks silently along the beach by moonlight, not seeming to be in any hurry. The hooded figure stops, and very slowly, removes the hood and cowl, before seemingly stepping out of the robe. It falls gently to the sand. Wearing nothing but a solid silver thong bikini, I step forward, greeting the waves playfully, then dive into them.)
  9. I hope you both have a fun filled and merry season. I hope, that I might at least once, get to go this season as well..but as I said, in due time..I'm not sure when I'll be able to manage it, between work schedule, and other issues concerned, but if and when I do go, I will bring my digicam, and post ahead of time to let you know the details... I know scarborough will be there when I do return, so I'm not in a huge hurry to spend free my financial savings, but it is easy to do out there, what with all the shops and addictive things we cannot seem as frequenters to do without. I usually carry as light as humanly possible, given the heat, and bring my own drinking horn for refills on water, and other drinks and such...bodices can be a sweaty pain! Quick question: Which areas do you two like to frequent the most? (ie. Crown Meadow,The Grove, Holyfield, any pubs in particular?)
  10. Aye, I drink to that..
  11. * I take a swig, and wit' an open ear.. M' listen t' him* Anythin' ye want to divulge or tell m' about? * i hand back the mad dog*
  12. (I brighten up) Of course! Tis that Mad Dog ye be havin'? ( I hide away the whiskey) Please come, sit wit' m'!
  13. (I nod in passing, to everyone present..rather somberly i walk over to th' bar..on my left I see someone, deeply in studying his texts at a nearby table, I am bewildered and puzzled, by something preoccupying my thoughts.) *I sit and pour myself some usquebaugh* (Aye, M' did say usquebaugh!!) "Bed@mned m' foolish Irish eyes! Slainte mu'ath! Slainte m' croi!,"(I then mutter to mysel' in consternation,) "Wise up, ye foolish lass, there b' no privacy 'ere, an' ye made yersel' a fine muk'o' a mess indeed! Drink up!"(I slam down not one, not two, but three whole triple shots of the finest whiskey in Co. Waterford) (I hide m' face in embarrassment) Should hev listen'd t' m Grandmammy Boann's advice! (Ugh! Rough week, needs a bit o' good news! Perhaps some friends not embarrassed to respond or talk to me)
  14. "Someday"-Nickelback
  15. *Clean, fresh, recovered from a bout of illness, and smelling strangely of catnip , I stumble in to say hello, finally, to everyone* Good eve, everyone...I'm back from the deathly clutches of that nasty spell of illness I was under...I'm starving! Except the thought of 'five-cheese bread' doesn't bode too well for me right now... What's on the menu?
  16. Aye, of course! Follow me..tell William i shall drop back by later..Good eve, Captain Ciaran!
  17. Glad t' hear ye had at least some small merriment, but I don't know when I would hev another match..thought about letting the others help m' decide, whenever they're ready..Just what types of games should draw people in anyways?? Any ideas??
  18. *Busily gnawing the lamb chops, very hungry, part of medical problem., but I pause snd wipe my hands, and swallow my food,*So, seems M' hev been remiss in m' manners..I would like to give ye the official tour of m' dojo, ifin yer willing? *I drink some offered rum*
  19. Aye! Pull up a chair! Rum?*Pours him some rum*
  20. I love it! Seems to be place to get away from things..I enjoy the company, and the friends I am making...
  21. *Pours him some, over an icy filled mug*Slainte!
  22. Then, would ye join us in merriment and drinks? Tab's on me!
  23. Aye, Captain Ciaran, and thank ye fer the inquiry..M' trust yer are doin as well?
  24. Jack Sparrow! Good t' see ya..come join me for some succulent lamb chops instead..and some rum..if you like.?
  25. Hello again William, Captain Ciaran..everyone...! *I sit down, at a table, and wait this time..
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