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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. Maybe I'll request it for you! God knows, we're paying enough for the DJ, we better have some request times. There shall be yo-ho's and arrghs all night I imagine (more aimed at me then coming from me I do believe ) But think of me tonight . . . By the way, William, how's that litle lad of your's doing?
  2. Well, I don't think he'd try anything even if I wanted him too, he is a pirate so I'm more worried about my family trying to kill him (but so touched you'd kill someone for me!! ) And my dress - well . . . no skull and cross bones, but fairly pirate-esque if you ask me. I'll be sure to post pictures once i have some! I'm getting kind of exicted. school lets out for us in a little less then half an hour. The down side is that I have to go drive for 2 hours to pick my date up! Oh well - I can't wait to see him!!
  3. I have died and gone to heaven!!! May this tea and crepe feast give me strenght . . . Wish me luck boys, prom tonight!! It should to prove one interesting night!!!!!
  4. Slightly off topic but . . . where did you get them (they gorgeous!) and how much did they put you out!!!?? I'm in the market, as it were . ..
  5. I've been thinking of getting a coat made up for myself before the cool fall fair days, but don't trust my sewing skills. Would this pattern be beyond the skill of an amature seamstress?
  6. I intend to be there. Might have some mates with me too. I think there are a few of us from the pub that had be making plans to go, but I can only speak for me self.
  7. Crepes filled with chocolate - mmmmmmm . . . and do you have any tea around here? I could murder a cup of Irish Breakfast . . .
  8. oh - did you say crepes! Oh la la - J'adore les crepes. Tu es mon homme favourite mounsier wake!!!!!!!!
  9. Kinda worried - what the hell's going on around here. It's all so tense!
  10. ahhh - yum. I feel my atrteries clogging already! Pile the plate high William!!
  11. worked late last night. Don't know what his excuse is! *sips her drink* MMMM . . . smokey, ashy, Liffey water goodness . . . Cheers mate!
  12. mmm . . . Guinness for brekki! I'm all for it! How about you CC?
  13. *slides Ciaran a bottle while still cuddling her blanket* Here ye go, it's on me. Why don't ye sit down, relax and tell us all your ails. If ye want, ye can cuddle with me blanket. Might make you feel better.*offers the blanket to Ciaran* It's nice and warm and fleecy. :) *snuggles with it once again.*
  14. *stirs slighty and starts to mummble* no . . . nooo . . DON'T TAKE MY BLANKET!! *sits up suddenly to see Diego tip-toeing about* Did I say something? *rubs eyes* 'Morning Deigo!! keep your silver, this one's on me! In fact, who's up for some lunch?!
  15. I'll take any food ye've got lying around leftover, mayber a warm pint of cider and a pillow and quilt to curl up with. Sooooo sleeeeeppppy . . .
  16. Dropkick Murphys - Blackout, track ten "Bastards on Parade" (all me favs! )
  17. you might be a pirate if you refer to your one-eyed cat as "The Cap'n" and said cat has a tendency to try and broadside the dog, who you refer to as "The First mate". Consequently, you are contemplating writing a pirate children's story called "Cap'n Wonky the Pirate kitty; Scourge of the Bounding Mange."
  18. I envy you your patience, sewing talent, and good luck to find all sorts of old material goodies! I would kill to have the time, energy and talent to make myself some really nice gear, but alas, am forced the e-bay route at times. Enjoy your lovely jacket! Share pictures when it's finished!
  19. *curtsies politely* Gladly sir! Do you prefer a jig or the like or perhaps a more porper, courtly dance? take your pick.
  20. I feel happy , and excited, and thrilled . . . and like something has got to go wrong any second
  21. I second the calling in sick . . . only I'd have to call out sick. . . oh well! Is that lute player lingering about? I think I'd fancy a tune to dance to . .
  22. I once knew a ships designer in Portugal . . . lemme see what I can sketch up for ye Diego
  23. put me up for one of those . . extra lemons in mine, if ye can! *fingers lei distractedly* ooooohh . . . shiney!! I like shineys!!! Thankee! *winks at CaptainCiaran*
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